Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, June 26, 2011

End of June....Already!!!???

Boy time keeps on going.  Wow that was a genius thing to say.  Of course time keeps on going.  It is like the energizer bunny, it never stops.  Just keeps on going and going and going and going and going and going and going.  It seems like I was at this same computer a week ago doing the same thing as what I am doing now, rambling.  Now there is something like the energizer bunny.  My rambling can keep on going and going and going and going and going and going and going.  Just lots of stuff keeps popping into my mind and I figure that I might as well put them down here so you guys can bask in my glorious geniusness of my writing skills and ways to talk to no one who is really there to hear what I have to say and can in no wise respond that instant to what stupid nonsense I have to say (now breathe so you dont faint after that long and rediculous sentence).  Better?  OK here we go.

What a week.  To start out I would like to say that I have been accepted to Salt Lake Community College and will start a class here in August.  I have to study for and take the placement test soon so I know how and where I stand.  Things will get interesting once both parents go to school.

Carolyn is coming up on the last half of this semester.  She will be taking Geology, Interpersonal Communication and CS14 (programming class).  The last two are online and the first one is at UVU on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the early morning.  Wish here luck.

Caleb is doing some amazing things now-a-days.  He can now climb up the stairs, fall down the stairs, walk while holding onto a walker, hold his own bottle when drinking and love to see daddy play Simon Says with a primary class.  He is doing well and also is kind of clingy to mommy.  Keep on growing buddy.

As of Thursday evening, my ward is the champion at the stake indoor soccer tournament.  It was a hard fought fight for all the teams that played.  We played at 8:00 and won so we had to play at 9:00 for the championship game.  It is a very good thing that I had a protein shake before each game.  I know that it gave me the energy needed to play at such high levels.  I scored around five goals a game and made some assists as well.  We have a pretty awesome team and we could not have done it without each one of us.

Speaking of shakes, our diet has come to its end.  Well if we want to continue with it, we will have to pay to get the products.  Here are the totals: Brandon- Started at 208 lbs., 39" waist and 21% body fat.  Ended at 197 lbs., 37" waist and 18% body fat.  Carolyn- Started at 135 lbs., 31.5" waist and 26% body fat.  Ended at 130 lbs., 29.5" waist and 24 % body fat.  The last month was the hardest of all.  I hope that we can keep the fat off and keep on working on loosing more fat and gaining more muscle.  We shall see.  I know it works, it just takes dedication and effort, like all things do.

Ginger is Ginger and still loves to play.  I cant believe that she is almost two years old.  We have had her for almost just as long.  Crazy!

Love you all and talk to you sooner than you think.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

It is official!!!  Today is the first day that I am celebrating Father's Day as a father.  It is so weird to think about it.  Sometimes I can't beleive all that has happened to me in the past two years.  A wife, a dog, a child and now, possibly a home to call our own.  It is all going by so fast.  I have heard it before from those who have already experienced it before, but now I know what they are talking about.  It is a great feeling to work towards something and accomplish it.  Though I have many more goals to work for and I am still working on a bunch at the moment, life never seems to get old and boring anymore.  If it does, then we are doing something wrong with it.

So like Mother's Day I would like to make a list of those "Fathers" that have influenced my life.

Pres. Gottfredson- He saw the real me and helped me get to that point.  He never gave up on me even when I pushed him away.  You are a great leader and a great friend.

Bishop Lott, Bishop Tintle, Bishop Egan-  Being a bishop is no easy task especially when working with teens.  I thank you all for you dedication to hear me out and counsel me the way that I needed to be counseled.  Thank you for everything that you have done for me.

Brent Boulter- Of all of my leaders you were one of them.  Not only that you were my friend and a great example for me.  Thanks for the laughs and the great camping trips I had peeling gummy worms off of the floor of my tent.  You have helped make a lot of wonderful memmories for me to share with others when the time calls for it.

Kent Loveridge-  Thank you for being you.  You have qualities that no one else has.  It can't be easy keeping your family afloat while raising eight kids.  I know that no one is perfect, but it looks like you are on the right track.  You have taught me that even though tough times may never end, never lose hope in the things that matter most: wife, kids and God.  Nothing else matter but them and their well being.

Last but definetly not least my father Robert-  What can I say that I haven't said already.............I don't know.  So I'll just say it all again.  I love you.  You are so great in many ways and I hope that I can take some of those qualities and put them into practice with my kids.  I love how so alike we are.  There is a song by Keith Urban called "A little more of my father in me" (have Jessica play it for you) that expresses a lot of my feelings.  Thank you for all that you have taught me and continue to teach me.  I try to incoporate most of those teachings in sports, work, home and church.  Yes we have our differences, we can't be exactly alike, but that is what makes it all the better.  Again thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Now as Josh has said in his blog I wish to evaluate myself.  I think that I am doing the best that I can.  I try to make Caleb a priority or a blessing rather than an obligation.  It is fun to see how much he is growing.  I mean this past week he is crawling more and more on his hands and knees, rather than and army crawl.  He makes me laugh and smile every day.  I love him to peices.  As for being a husband, I try my best to do the right things.  I know that I am not perfect and I do make mistakes that get her mad at me but I try to make up for that.  I am a work in progress.  I hope that she sees that.  I love my family with all of my heart.

Ok enough of this mushy stuff and lets get to the event of last week.  As I have said before Caleb is growing fast and getting around quicker by way of crawling on his hands and knees.  He has also went out on his first little hot dog roast in American Fork canyon.  It was a lot of fun playing with the silk worms, ants, and stink bugs.  The fire was not smokeless, actually it was mostly flameless.  Luckily there was enough flames to burn out dogs and mallows. 

Friday we took a stroll down memory lane, aka. Erda Way.  We wanted to do something different that night so we decided to head out there to see what it was like.  Carolyn has never been out there so I showed her around to the best of my memories.  I am amazed at how much more fancy it looked.  I mean Tooele looked fancy Erda looked the same.  I did not know that the Miller Motor Sports Park was so close to Erda.  Although the ride was long, the talks we had were good and the memories were fond.

On a small side note I started to donate plasma.  I was a little nervous at first and I think that is what made my arm hurt after it was all done, but it wasn't that bad at all.  I will go now twice a week and hopefully be more relaxed.

Have a great week and talk to you soon.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Hello again.  Good to be here again.  I am much more sane than last time so you dont have to worry.  There are only a few things that I would like to talk about today.  Lets get started.

Caleb has another tooth popping out of his gums.  There is a sad and funny story to how it all happened.  So I was on baby duty one evening.  Caleb and I were downstairs just hanging out on the floor.  Caleb likes to stand himself up using anything he can get up close to.  This time it was the kitchen table chair.  He has done this before and has done just fine.  everything was going great for him.  He was standing, one arm on the seat, the other free to wave in the air.  He looked back at me for a second, or at a noise he heard, and lost his balance.  He tried to catch himself with his free arm but missed the chair.  He went down and popped his head on the chair.  I thought he had popped his forehead so I picked him up and checked there.  Nothing was showing so I was confused on why he was crying so much.  Then he opened his mouth and that is when I saw the blood.  Poor guy hit his top gums and split them.  My shirt then got bloody when he tried to suck on my shoulder.  At the moment I did not get a good look but I thought I saw where the split had come from.  Later analysis proved me correct.  He popped out a tooth by popping himself a good one.

So our stake is already getting ready for the basketball season.  By doing so they have asked men from each ward to volunteer to go to this officials clinic at BYU or UVU.  If we did not fulfill the required amount of men to go to the clinic then our ward would not play next season.  So I figured I could help them out by going, even though I knew that I would be moving.  So Saturday morning I popped out of bed at 5:00 (way to early for a Saturday morning) and got to BYU at 7:00 to get some training.  After the initial class the got us on the courts and said ok ref these games.  It was a girls basketball camp, ages 11-18.  Ok I guess this won't be too bad, its just girls I guess.  Boy was I wrong.  Now dont get me wrong the girls held their tempers pretty well, it was the parents and the coaches who did the yelling.  I though they were going to met me outside and pop me a good one.  Did they not notice the trainers standing next to me, pointing things out and training me?  Did they not notice that I was not an official official?  Did they not notice how late we came to the games?  Did they not care about us?  Are we really just pigs out there who need to be popped?  Oh well,  I survived and am here to tell the tale.  It was just so overwhelming sometimes that makes it a tough job.  Would you believe that there are people who love doing that sort of thing?

So Tuesday we have an inspection on our new house.  After Tuesday we are hoping that the bank will pop the paperwork out and get this thing closed quickly so we can get started on the moving process.  It could take a month or two before that happens.  Until then we will just have to plan accordingly to get ready for the big day.  We dont want any problems popping out on us at the last minute.

I hope all is well with you guys.  Be like a spring bud and pop open with joy and happiness wherever you go. Peace and love

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Almost half way

Well hey there Kidds, Shoffs, Prusses, and all those who read this.  Are you ready to have some fun!!! (kidds, shoffs, prusses and all others yell yes in background).   Alright here we gooooo....

So some exciting news for you this week.  There could be a change in our address within the next month or two.  Yes we have found a house are really excited about it.  It is in American Fork near Center and State.  It is small and old but we are both way excited to fix it up and make it our own.  It is deffinitly time to move on to our own place.  Maybe when you guys come in July we'll be moving or moved in, so you will be able to see it.

Now we are going to sing our favorite song Kidds, Shoffs, Prusses, and all else ( everyone yells yay).

"Jerimiah was a bullfrog.  Was a good friend of mine. I never understood a word he said, but I helped him drink his water.  He always had some mighty fine water. Sing it, Joy to the world. All the boys and girls now. Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea. Joy to you and me!!!"

Boy that was fun!!! Now some more exciting news.  But first I have to apologise to all you Kidds, Shoffs, Prusses, and everyone else.  Last week I missed a documentation (kidds, shoffs, prusses and all else let out a loud gasp).  Yes, I know its shocking,  I was going on a record pace and I blew it so I'm sorry.  Let me tell you what we did last week. 

Two Saturdays ago Carolyn, Ginger, Caleb and I all went on a hike in American Fork canyon.  It was on the Pine Hollow trail, which is located just above Mutual Dell at the overlook parking lot.  We had a great time and Caleb enjoyed it as well.  He did not get fussy at all.  It was his first hiking trip, so he was entranced by the woods and all the water coming down the mountain.  We would have gone all the way to the top of the trail but deep snow slowed us down and got our feet all wet.  We carried Caleb in a new backpack we just got.  I will post pictures later.

On Monday Caleb and I went up to Grandma and Grandpa Kidd's house to do some yard work.  I planted a tree, cut down a tree, and placed some railroad ties along the back sidewalk.  Caleb got to do most of the playing around.  Jessica and Grandma helped him out on that.

Ok Kidds, Shoffs, Prusses, and all of those who haven't stopped reading this, that is all the fun that we get to have today.  Before we go we need to end with out second favorite song (kidds, shoffs, prusses, and anyone still listening to this rambling yell hurray)!

"I love you. You love me.  Were a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you! Won't you say you love me too?"

Ok have a great week and we'll be waiting and expecting you to return here next week and if you don't, we'll find you and make you suffer through another one of these random posts.  If you do return, it will be all normal and fun.  Love ya, peace out.