Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The end of Febuary

  So as we come to the end of this month, there are a few changes that could happen in the next month that I need to address.  Nothing serious just a heads up that is all.  First I want to mention that I am looking for another job.  I have already applied to a job at Tahitian Noni and have an interview tomorrow morning.  Yes I will be mowing lawns again while getting tanner and tanner each day.  Wish me luck

  Next Caleb will be turning seven months next month.  It is crazy how time flies when you are so busy.  He has grown so big and cuter with every month.  We have taken some six month pictures and they will be sent out soon so you can see what we are talking about. 

Then from now on we are off of our sweets diet.  It has been a long month but we were able to do it.  Actually  it wasn't that bad.  We just hid the goodies and forgot about them.  Out of sight out of mind.  So to celebrate our achievment we are going to eat a wonderfully made icecream cake with rainbow chip frosting.  It is going to be ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious!!!!!  If you didn't know why today is Carolyn's birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Well that seems to be about it for this week.  We will keep you all informed and in touch.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This week in time

  Sorry for the delay but I had to catch up on some lost sleep and relaxation from the week.  It has been busy but still the same as any other week.  There are a quick things that I want to touch on today from what has happened last week.

First Caleb has past a milestone,  the milestone of eating vegetables.  He started on sweet carrots, went to squash the next day and then went to sweet potatoes today.  He has enjoyed them all so much.  It seems that he might be going through another growth spurt cause he is eating a whole bottle of food and still wants some more so we have to give him some rice cereal.  He downs all of that with ease.  So our plan is to start giving him some more food twice a day and maybe even three times a day if this keeps up.  He is growing so big.  He weighs 16 lbs. and is 25 1/2 inches long.  He is almost able to sit up by himself without a close supervision.  He is so cute most of the time and so wanting to move around (with the right incentive, you know, going after the expensive things) but can't quite figure it out yet.  One day soon he'll be crawling.

So Carolyn's Valentines Day present came yesterday and looks awesome in out room.  When we took out the old mattress we realized that it was the reason for our room was smelling bad and not because of Ginger.  Who knows how old it is because we got it from Carolyn's brother who got it from a friend.  So it has been helpful but we are thankful to get it out and move on to a new one.  Which I must say is so wonderful.  We both slept peacefully and did not want to get up this morning.  When we got home from church that is where I went to like I said in the beginning.  The dresser, night stand and tv just complete the room just nicely.  Here are some pics. at the bottom.

Finally, I have another owwie.  I was playing with Ginger and Caleb.  I was protecting Caleb from the evil monster dog.  As my sword I used a cardboard tube.  Well Ginger loved to bite the sword and Caleb was kind of interested.  Well on one swing of my sword Ginger decided to go for the only part of the sword that she could see which was in my hands.  So the force of my swing and her lunge at my hands caused on of her  tooth's to crack my thumbnail.  She hit it at the cuticle part of the nail.  Which I know realize how close she was to drawing a lot more blood than what she did.  I did not need a band-aid or any pain medicine.  It only throbbed for the night and then I went to sleep on my new bed and forgot about it and right now it is barely noticeable.  So none of you should worry because it is healing just dandy.

So that is it for this week and well fill you in for the next.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Also with these videos I remembered something else that happened this week.  We have had some earthquakes happening here in Lehi, UT.  In fact three in the last two days.  Now they were not that big, only 2.5, and two 2.8s, they were noticeable and out of the ordinary.  Who knows if these will lead up to something bigger or not but we are on edge waiting to see if this could be the start of something different for Utah.

Peace out!!!

End of the hunt

So last week was full of happenings.  Let me tell you about them.  Here we go....

So we were looking at a house that we really liked and wanted.  It was in American Fork and was bigger than the other houses that we have looked at for the same price, about.  We were about to put an offer down on the house when we decided not to.  Now let me tell you why.  We don't know why but we just had a feeling that it wasn't time to buy or move to a new house.  We were able to afford it, we liked it a lot, the people we were working with were really nice but just that feeling of doubt, fear, anxiety, nervousness just was telling us no don't do it.  Only time will tell if we made the correct decision.  As for now we are just going to save money for the correct house, at the correct time.  It still could be this year or maybe in two years.

As we are waiting for that to happen, Carolyn is going to school of course.  Now let me tell you the sweet deal she is getting.  The VA is paying for a new computer to give to her.  It is a Sony VAIO laptop.  Plus she is getting a printer, Norton Protection, Microsoft office, carrying case, basically the works.  All so she can go to school.  This VA thing is sweeeeet!!!

With this VA thing we have been able to get out of debt and save some money.  With that money I have been able to purchase Carolyn's Valentine's Day present.  Now she already knows about it cause we had to go and pick it out.  It was a full bedroom set at RC Willey.  That includes a new bed and bed frame, dresser with a mirror, night stand and a free 23" flat screen tv.  We decided that this would officially make up for Mother's Day last year, even though I already did.  We are excited because we got such a great deal on it, basically half off on all of it.

So that is all that I can think of for now.  It sure seemed like they filled our week up though.  Till next time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What up?

  So nothing new has happened this past week.  Just a few events that I would like to share.  We'll say one from each person.  We'll start with Ginger and work our way up:

So as we got back from the doctors office (getting her annual shots), she hopped out of the truck and went rummaging around.  I had to get Caleb out so I didn't know what she was doing exactly.  But all of the sudden 10 hen pheasants and one rooster start popping out of the bushes.  I looked to see what the commotion was all about and saw Ginger pointing at the bush where they came from.  I told her that she was too late and the the hunting season has passed.  Then again I guess it is always good to get some practice in.

Caleb has been doing a whole lot better on his stomach.  Yesterday  he was able to move a couple of inches on the bed all by himself.  We took a video of it but it is too long to notice that he is actually crawling.  :)  We are not sure if he new that he was crawling or not either!  It was cute though to see him start figuring it out though.  He looked like a little caterpillar in his movements.  Also here is a picture of what happened to him one night as I was trying to feed him some rice cereal.
He wasn't quite sure what happened.  I was  going in with a spoonful and he hit my hand upwards and that is where the rice landed.  It was pretty funny.  I was a quick thinker to get my phone out and take a picture before I cleaned him up.

Carolyn is just rolling through her classes.  Math seems to be the most challenging one for her.  Still she pushes herself on through it and is getting good grades.  It is so good to see succeed at what she is doing.

I don't know what it is, but i always seem to guess the presents Carolyn gives me before she actually gives them to me.  So for this Valentines gift she did not give me any easy hints, and i did not even ask for any.  It was all by the way she went about going to get the gift that gave it away.  So I figured it out last night and she gave me the gift as well.  Then it hit me that I don't have time to get Carolyn her gift.  I know what to get her but no time to get it.  Hopefully that time will come and things will open up so that I can.  We will see how that goes.

So that is what's up with us. You?