Utah Kidd Kidds

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Beginning the change

Well April is done with basically and we have quite a busy month in front of us.  Everything we have know as a married couple is going to change.  The scenery, weather, people, city, atmosphere, talk, work, who stays home and who goes to work.  All of it down to the last detail will change.  If anyone can think of something that will not change, tell me so we dont feel helpless (this excludes our faith).We beleive that it is for the better but for the moment small doubts are flying through the air.  We have a few leads on getting some jobs but for some reason all of the ones we have hoped on getting have fell through.  It is either the economy, too many workers already, or being pregnant (Carolyn's job outlook).  Still we have a few more jobs to look into and apply to when we are ready.  As for the moment we need some help though. 

Carolyn has heard from the Navy that around the 20th we should be heading home, as long as medical goes according to plan.  This gives us a good point to shoot for.  So we are planning everything around that date, but not the moving truck, not yet.  We hope that all goes well for us.

I think that I am going to miss this area.  There were still a few things that I wanted to do before I left for home: surfing, being out in open sea on a boat, more snorkling, and just staying here for a year.  Well  all of those can be done in the future so I guess I will put them pack on the wish list from the to do list. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

WE ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  So last Thursday Carolyn got a hint that they would agree to separate her from the Navy.  It was pretty much an accident I guess cause everyone thought she knew already.  I guess the CO was delaying the message for some unknown reason.  So Friday she got the final decision and YES WE ARE COMING HOME!!!!  Unfortunately we don't know the exact day yet.  Some say in a couple of weeks, some say more.  But that is not uncommon around here.  We have dealt with this sort of dilemma before.  At least we will know for sure 10 days before we are actually separated from the Navy and from coming home.  So we will plan for the middle of May to be home for sure.  Carolyn will need to go see the doctor for a few things of standard procedure.  Who knows how long that will take.  After that ten days till we come home. So prepare for our grand return from our great adventure from the hard life of serving in the military.

Oh by the way I forgot to mention that we found out Tuesday that we are going to have a baby boy in August.  I know most of you know by now but this is just for journaling sakes.  Till next time.

Monday, April 5, 2010


So Carolyn and I were reading this book on our bed together.  Ginger was playing with one of her balls near the bed on the floor.  We had just got through General Conference on the lovely Sunday afternoon.  We were in the middle of the paragraph when I felt the bed start to shake.  I did notice that the shaking wasn't the normal shake Ginger would give.  It would be more sporadic and irregular.  No this shaking was a smooth flow back and forth.  I then noticed that the door was moving and also the blinds, all at the same motion.  What is that we asked our selves.  Then it hit me,  Earthquake!  I grabbed Ginger and we headed for the doorway.  I noticed that it wasn't getting any stronger so I was not scarred but Carolyn was.  I thought that it was the coolest thing ever.  Our fish tank was swashing back and forth but no water was escaping the tank.  I could feel the vibrations run through my legs which made me have to balance a little bit.  It was all over in 30 seconds or so.  We went to the internet and found out that it came from the Baja California quake which was 120 miles away.  That quake started at 3:40 and we felt it at 3:43.  That is so amazing how fast those waves traveled.  We continued to look at the earthquake station on the internet and saw how many foreshocks and aftershocks there were.  More than 30 between the scale of 2.0 and 6.9, crazy.  The radio today said that it was the strongest they have felt in 100 years (that is the San Diego area).  I thin this morning around 4:30 our house was shook again but we were asleep and didn't notice.  I told Carolyn that I hope that another one a little bit stronger hits so we could really feel the power of the earth.  She was already packing up things and getting ready to head for home the minute we get the ok from HQ.  So now we can say that we have been through an earthquake.  Though now I would like to be in a stronger one or see a tornado pretty close up.  Which ever comes first.  So beware to all, any natural disaster can happen anywhere, anytime.  Be prepared as we say in Boy Scouts.  Listen to your church leaders and prepare for the worst.