Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just filling in the space I got here

So I think it is time that I write again, though I dont think it is going to be a very long post.  I would just like to say a few things.
1. Ginger has decided to get sick this month.  I think that is started a while back. She has not been as happy and rambunctious as usual.  So we finally had the chance to get two things done at the doctors so we took her in last week.  We found out that she has had an allergic reaction to something and snot has been flowing out of her nose.  She also has a urinary tract infection.  I think that this could have been more serious if we had just let it go but like I said, two for one trip.  So this past week we have been pumping Ginger full of pills, one for her allergy and the other are antibiotics for the infection.  She is getting a lot better now.  She wants to play more and do more things we are happy about that.
2.  So yesterday we had a ward easter party at a members house.  We decided to leave Ginger out in the back of our house to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine since she has been stuck inside from her sickness.  When we got back we noticed that there were some kibbles on the ground next to where se was playing.  We thought this is going to be trouble.  You see Ginger is on a balanced schedule with a high quality food.  The brand that was on the ground was not so good.  I dont mean to sound like a narrow minded person but the vet said that she should be on a steady diet and no changes.  Well it was time to feed Ginger and she would not eat.  She was whimpering and moaning like something was wrong.  So we took her out and she went diarrhea.  Well we thought that was the end so we took notes to our neighbors saying thank you for feeding our dog but she cant eat that type of food.  We didnt know who it was so we gave one to every household.  We then left to go shopping and Ginger had to stay home again, but in her kennel. When we got home she had thrown up in her kennel more of the food that she had eaten earlier, but you could see that she was feeling better.  We took her out on a walk and more stuff came out.  Now she was feeling really good.  So when we got back home one of the neighbor kids came and knocked on our door.  He said he was sorry for feeding Ginger.  I'll tell you that it was the cutest thing (sorry I said that MEN).  Still we felt a little bad for getting frustrated and a little mad.  It was just a boy feeling sorry for our dog and wanted to help it.  I mean Ginger will keep eating what is put in front of her, so who knows how much she ate.  No wonder she felt bad!  I just hope that the little boy didn't get into trouble for his "cute" deeds.
3. No news from the navy.  Still waiting for the decision.  No news on the baby for the gender.  We'll know on the 13th.  When we know you'll know ok!
Alright that is all that I can think of right now.  Hope you enjoyed.  Till next time...

Monday, March 15, 2010

It could be coming to an END

  So as you know we are still in San Diego because of a medical reason for Carolyn.  It is not the baby that I am talking about.  So Carolyn has been going to the doc.'s office once a month or so to see how she is doing.  Over these last few months there have been ups and downs, good news and bad news, and rumors of all sorts that have made us question if we were going to make it through this time of our lives.  We have kept a firm belief though that everything is going to be alright and it will all pan out soon.  Well we believe that time has come.  Carolyn has spoken to the doctors and one of the chaplains.  They agree that it is time that Carolyn gets out of the Navy.  So Carolyn is filling out the separation papers and handing them in this week.  We have heard that it could take up to six months to get the notification of whether she will be separated or not, but now are told that it is around a month.  So we are looking at by the end of April.  We could be coming home in the beginning of May!  We are so excited about this news as we miss Utah so much.  The Navy will help us move and with the baby in August.  Plans are being prepared, the word is spreading and things have been set in motion.  Soon the Kidds in the Navy may be the Landscaping Kidds or something to that effect.  If you have any questions, I hope you find someone with the answers!  :)  J/K  Call or write anytime.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Circus Vargas and Seaworld (again)

     Okay, so this weekend we had the pleasure of having Mother Loveridge and  sister Lanae come down to spend some time with us and see the sights.  It was a lot of fun and we did many things.  Though it went by super fast we still had a great time and it was so wonderful to have family down with us.    So they got here on Friday in the afternoon.  Carolyn got that day off so we could prepare the house for their arrival (cleaning and shopping and what not).  So that night we decided to go to this circus that is in town for a few months.  I have never been to one and they haven't been to one in years.  We thought it would be fun to go see what they have to offer.  Little did we know or realize what was about to happen.  The tickets said to arrive 45 mins. early to have everyone in their seats on time.  We did and boy it was a long wait.  First off the seats were not bad but sort of uncomfortable.  Second off the music was mostly the same for the entire 45 mins!  I think I was about to go crazy.  Now that I think about it I think it got me in the mood for what was about to happen.  So Finally it started and things were going great and we were having a good ol' time.  Suddenly one of the performers walks up to us and ask us if I was always this funny.  I didnt think I was acting too out of the ordinary to atract the attention of the performers.  He then asked me to follow him.  He picked up a few more people on the way back to the ring.  I looked back and all the girls were laughing.  I was getting nervous, just a little bit, but excited to see how I was going to make a fool out of myself.  So the head clown of the show greets all of us and takes us out to the middle of the ring while the performer was explaining to the audience that we were going to make a "movie".  The clown started to dress us up and give us some props as well.  As he dressed us up he explained what each of us were to do by actions and no words.  There was music as well to go along with our parts.  I was the last one to get dressed and shown my part.  This is how it goes:    The movie worker walks in front of the camera and has the take box and does his thing.  He then sits down on the side.  The "Pink" girls walks on stage dancing to a swing song.  Next come a "Grease" dude and walks on strutting his stuff and fixess his hair and take the girl in his arms.  Now I come in as a "Preppy Nerd" picking up my date.  I find the two together and I then shoot the "Greaser". That  is the "movie".
      So we had to practice a few time before the "film" started rolling.  Everyone got there parts down the first time except for me.  The clown almost kicked me off stage but I begged (litterally) to have him give me more one more try.  He agreed and thank heavens I got it down.  So the film rolls and this is how it went....

So that is what happened.  In the end the clown gets the girl and we all get a laugh.  It was way fun to make everyone laugh.  Later that night the performer that picked me came up and said that I was really funny and had lots of amination.  He even asked what I did for a living and if I even watched cartoons!  I of course said yes and he was amazed.  I didnt realize that I was that funny.  So you never know I could make a proffession in the clown business.

    So the next day we went to Seaworld because the Loveridges have never been.  It was way fun playing in the rain and hearing about a possible tsunami that could hit the coast and watching all of the animals perform.  It was cold and wet all day long.  During the Shamu show we were sitting in a downpour.  Still the show went on and we enjoyed it.  Here is a slide of most of the pictures we took over the weekend.