Utah Kidd Kidds

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Overdue update

Well I have found some time to say a few words to update you guys.  So it has been a couple of months since the last time.  Things have been moving along with our little family.  Katelyn was born of course and is now two months old.  She is such a cute little girl.  Just recently she has been smiling and jabbering to us.  She has such a big smile and some of the cutest cooing sounds.  We think that she is going to be a daddy's girl.  She loves to be in my arms or next to me.  Don't get me wrong I am loving every moment.

Caleb is turning two in the 15th of August.  Which is in a couple of days.  Ahhhhhh!!!  Where has time gone.  He is such a busy body.  Which means that he can get into a lot of mischief or tries to help us out by copying our every move.  It can be cute at times.  His way of letting us know what he wants is very clear, he basically screams at us to get his point across.  Even if it is just to say hi.

Carolyn has finished her summer semester early.  She did pretty well in these classes.  Even though they were tedious she stuck through it all and got her work done.  Fall semester begins on the 25th for her and she is going to go 3/4 time.

I am starting school on the 22nd.  I'm taking math 1050.  I have also talked to an advisor from USU and have come up with a schedule to help me along with my degree.  So in the spring I might start going 1/2 time one class in SLCC and the other at USU at an off campus building.  That should do wonders on my life and am debating if I should or not.

So this year I have been stung by hornets or a bee three times.  The most recent one has made my arm swell up and itch like crazy.  I am getting nervous that I am becoming allergic to these stings.  They have become worse with every sting.  The places that I have been stung are on a finger, on the back of my neck and on my arm.  I don't like being stung and I might have a new fear that I am going to have to overcome.

In July we became the first siblings on both sides of the family to get a mini-van.  We bought a 2009 Chrysler Town and Country for $19,000.  It has all the hook ups and leather seats.  We were amazed at hollow the price was at.

As for our yard, the weeds are doing just great and the grass is sticking around abut not happy.  They are waiting for the cool air to come around and stay.  It doesn't look like much now but wait till we get on top of it all.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Little Girl

So last night Carolyn was having some contractions and they were not making her feel so good. She tried to go to go to sleep but they kept her awake. As she tried to walk it off her water partially broke. So she woke me up and I looked at the clock and it was around 11:30. So at that moment we had only an hour and a half of sleep. So we got all of our stuff out to the car and off to grandma's house to drop off Caleb. It was going to be a long trip to the hospital. Her contractions were about six minutes apart and getting stronger and stronger with each one. By the time we got to the hospital she could barely stand them. So the nurses got her in as quickly as possible and get the epidural in as well. She got all of that in by 2:00. So we waited around,tried to get some more sleep, till qbaby wanted to come. At 5:15 the doctors came in checked Carolyn and by 5:22 we were pushing. She gave three sets of ten second pushes and by 5:29 our little girl came into this world. She is so beautiful. She is already got the feeding part down and hasn't made too much of a fuss about being here. Carolyn is doing great and is such a trooper. We also can't wait till we get Caleb here to meet his little sister. Hope all is well with you guys and that you are happy. Talk to you guys later.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

One project semi-done for the year

Well I put the last piece of wood on the outside of our shed yesterday. All of the outside is doneexceptfor the paint job that will have to wait till later this year. Now it is time to get the inside organized and some shelves put in so we can get things out of our house. So we are shifting priorities from shed to yard. I need to trench the yard for the sprinkler pipes and then weed the entire backyard. Next we will put topsoil down and then we will seed it all for grass. That is where we stand. Projected finish date: mid June. Carolyn has started her summer classes. She is in Criminal Justice and an Introduction course to computer systems. She likes the later one and doesn't care for the other. There is just a lot of reading and they use a lot of words that don't make sense to her. She is trying to get ahead so she can have a buffer for when the baby comes. Which could be in the next three weeks! Crazy! She is feeling contraction but they are not consistent nor close together to be worried. She is also not dilated at all. I am just working away and getting ready for the spring changeout at work. My calling is going well. We area doing some great things and helping people along the way. Caleb just keeps growing and growing. He is acting more and more like a two year old. He is becoming quite a stud muffin and can be so hilarious at times. We love him and would not want him another way. He loves to go to the park, walk Ginger, push strollers and play all the time. Ginger is Ginger. I would like to thank all of the mothers in the world who have helped so many of us become better people. Truly you are Daughters of God sent here to take care of us poor helpless men. Praises to you all and may heaven smile down upon you all. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!