Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ellis Dancing

This is just a video that i posted of ellis dancing.  she will use her feet sometimes now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pratt's Hat

Our aunt Debi and her family sent us the cutiest hat for Ellis. If any one else loves it click here to see the website. they have hats for boys and girls.

March 7 2010

Ellis was blessed on sunday, so many people came to be a part of it. this really meant a lot to Kole and I. Here is a picture of her in her dress for those who couldn't make it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


So today was the last day of classes, and as it being the  last chance to send in our petition to go to school in the fall, Kole and i figured it would be a good time to do that.  an hour after we handed in our credit-limit petition form, i got an email that basically said that i don't "need" to take any of the classes that i listed to take in the fall.  Come to find out that i can graduate! or i would be graduating if they registration office hadn't messed up my graduation application.  so yes i am officially done with school, and now i just have to reapply to graduate in the summer so i can get my bachelors, and no more classes, for me.  

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kole: holding hands

So i really liked spending time with Brittany. This was after our second date, I tried to ask her out on a third. After class one day I asked what she was doing that night, and then I remembered that we had a test in one of the classes that week. So I made and excuse for her and told her that she probably would need to study for the test. She looked a little disappointed and said, "oh yeah, your probably right." Then she asked me if I wanted to go to devotional with her the next day. I was a little shocked because she actually wanted to do something with me. :) So I was just going to meet her by the statue of Thor. So when she found me she was all dressed in church clothes and she looked amazing. So we went down to sit next to her roommates. We took notes but I wanted to hold her hand pretty much since we sat down. So half way through I asked her if I could borrow something.... and she said yes and I took her hand. She looked a little suprised and so I asked if it was ok that I was holding her hand and she said yes. It made me really happy.

Britt: our engagment

My family and i went up to Connecticut to see Kole at the beginning of June. and while we were up there Kole pulled my dad aside and asked for permission to marry me. my dad gave it, and he started to respect and like Kole a lot. but he didn't propose to me that weekend. and the next time we were planning on seeing each other was in New York on July 19th. over a month away which felt like a really long time. so Kole told me that he had been asking some people about how to propose, and when i was at work i talked to Dylan and it seemed like he had a couple of ideas so i refueled him to Kole. and i new they were plotting something but they all refereed to it as something in New York. but something seemed funny dropped hints here and there and things not adding up, made me start believing that Kole was going to surpirse me and fly down here. and at the end of June i told my dad that, he kept saying don't get your hopes up, cause you will be really disappointed when he doesn't come. and i became very sad, cause i didn't want to wait another 3 weeks to see him. and had promised my co-worker, melissa that i would come to the park on Sunday to play with her 3 year old son Dalton. and when i got there dalton was just sitting on the bench with his mom. and as i was talking to him about playing, i noticed someone walking toward us, and then i realized it was Kole!! I was so shocked that all i could do was hug him. and then Melissa's husband jerry brought us a picnic basket and blanket and they all left. and then kole got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, i was still so shocked that he was actually here that i could barely say yes.