Sunday, February 26, 2012

Girls Pictures 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Girls Christmas Pictures

Brooklynn's preschool had a lady come and take these cute Christmas pictures of the girls- They turned out pretty cute even if maid was refusing to smile :)

Jessilyn Mae Allfrey

Jessie was born on January 21. She was by far the worst pregnancy and the easiest birth out of the three. Just before Christmas my doctor thought I was going to go too early cause I was having contractions regularly and dilating way too early so I pretty much was on bed rest for a couple weeks to try and stop or slow things down. I was still contracting pretty bad and ended up getting the flu and had to go to the hospital on New Years Eve. After they stopped contractions and I was hydrated I was sent home. After that everything completely stopped and we waited and waited for this baby to come. She wasn't coming on her own so a week before my due date I was induced. It was so quick and easy this way :) They started pitocin and about and 1 1/2 hours later my doctor came and broke my water, about 20-30- min later I had my epidural and only waited about 2 hours and I was ready to push. It only took 2-3 pushes and she was out! I only had a few min of really bad contractions compared to hours and hours with that last 2. I guess I deserved an easy one after the horrible pregnancy haha:)
this picture was taken the night before- I was huge and miserable and I sure don't miss it!
Jessilyn Mae Allfrey
7 lbs 13 oz
19 inches
I was lucky to be able to have my mom there for it
Grandma and Jessie
Proud daddy and Jessie
mama and Jessie
Brooklynn was waiting all month long for jessie to come so when it was finally time she was SO excited!
She had to come see her both days I was there

Getting ready to come home

Friday, February 10, 2012


Christmas was a lot of fun this year! The girls always wake up and come and get us in the morning so we were waiting for them to come in when Brooklynn came running in saying "Santa came and he brought me a jewelry box and Madi got shoes!" She was so excited that she forgot to come get us and took Madi down and stated opening presents without us- luckily she only got two opened and we were able to watch them open the rest-

Madi wasn't too interested in presents- she just wanted her juice

My mom made then these cute bean bags that they hung out on all morning :)