Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've resorted to stealing!

If you've seen the movie "Mad Money", you'll know what I mean. My life of crime has begun with stealing pictures from other blogs. I stole this picture off Mishawn's ward blog. This is her relief society enrichment activity stroller walking group. She's the middle mom with the white hoodie and I think it's cute. Who knows what I'm capable of doing next?

Thursday, June 5, 2008


#24 Mark Minarik


Spokane, WA


· Favorite Actor: Brad Pitt

· Favorite Actress: Jessica Alba

· Favorite Food: Cheesecake

· Favorite Sports Figure: Allen Iverson

Favorite Movie: A Walk To Remember

Favorite Motivational Quote: “Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow”.” - Mary Anne Radmacher

Favorite number: 24 (Every basketball jersey worn by a Minarik had the number 24 on it.)

24 years ago, you were a beautiful baby boy with an Elvis wave to your hair, dark brown eyes, and a serene spirit. We struggled a bit at first, each trying to figure out our new life together. You were such a joy! I thought I was the best mom in the whole world, this is easy! Really you just made me look good! I still see that little boy with the bowl cut hair. I knew you were growing up when you wouldn't let me cut it anymore. 24 years goes by so fast... What will the next 24 years be like? The balls in your court now and I'm your biggest fan.