Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It has been a while!!!!

It has been a while since I have posted anything. I posted some of the fun things we have done in the month of October. I hope you enjoy. Just a side note, My brother- in- law Jeff started his treatments for his bone marrow transplant yesterday. Kathryn has set up a blog for him so that we could keep up on how he is doing. For those of you who have been wondering how he has been doing you can check it out from my blog.

My cute Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Thanks to my sister Monica we had two adorable kids on Halloween. The kids had a fun night. We went to trunk or treat and then to visit all the Grandparents. We didn't get allot of candy but that is OK because Madison doesn't eat it and I do ,so the least amount of candy we have the better.

Family Night With the Parks

We went up to Josh and Diana's for family night the Monday before Halloween and carved pumpkin's and ate dinner. Thanks to Diana We had a really fun night.


We have allot of trees in our yard so that means we have allot of leaves. We had about 7 piles of leaves in the back yard so the kids thought it would be fun to play in them. It actually took Andrew a while to start having fun. He wasn't sure about it at first. Madison on the other hand loved it. She was out there for a couple of hours.