Monday, September 29
While we get the new site in shape for the public, we've moved into the homeless blog shelter over at TypePad. Please change your bookmarks and blogrolls and ...
brooke |
9/29/2003 10:04:00 AM
Creating a Monster
Two more T-shirts you don't need, but that I want you to buy anyway. I get 10% of all sales, and you get to be fashion-forward.
brooke |
9/29/2003 09:13:00 AM
Sunday, September 28
Don't Put Ideas in My Head
I thought of this, and suddenly, it's a T-shirt. Buy it.

brooke |
9/28/2003 09:35:00 PM
Friday, September 19
Different Frequencies
My Nation article on radio stations that don't suck in the Clear Channel era is now available online via Alternet.
brooke |
9/19/2003 06:20:00 PM
Thursday, September 18
The Well-Protected Iraq Oil Ministry In an Endless Sea of Total Destruction

brooke |
9/18/2003 09:15:00 PM
Tuesday, September 16
Federal Lawsuit Filed Today in Death of Transgender Entertainer
A press release forwarded to me by Lee Carpenter, lawyer in this case and guest blogger here at the 'Shack:
(Philadelphia, PA) - The Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights and the law firm of Kairys, Rudovsky, Epstein & Messing filed a lawsuit today in United States District Court in connection with the December 2002 death of Nizah Morris, a popular Philadelphia entertainer and member of the transgender and African-American communities.
On the evening of December 21, Nizah Morris attended a Christmas party at the Key West Bar and Grille at Juniper and Chancellor Streets in Center City. After Ms. Morris became too intoxicated to make her own way home, concerned citizens called 911 to obtain medical assistance for her. An ambulance was on route when Philadelphia police officer Elizabeth Skala arrived on the scene. Officer Skala called off the ambulance and drove Ms. Morris to the vicinity of the 1500 block of Walnut Streets where, minutes later, Ms. Morris was fatally wounded by a blow to the head. Ms. Morris was eventually transported to Jefferson Hospital, where she died on Christmas Eve.
Today's lawsuit was filed on behalf of Roslyn Wilkins, Nizah Morris' mother and the administrator of the estate. The suit alleges that Ms. Morris' death was caused by:
• The actions of police officer(s) which placed her in danger of death or serious injury by cancelling needed medical attention and leaving her alone in an area when she was incapable of caring for herself;
• The failure of paramedics to provide needed medical care and attention and the conduct of paramedics which delayed the administration of medical care and attention;
• The City's failure to properly train, supervise and discipline its employees;
• The practice and custom of Philadelphia police officers to transport intoxicated persons to locations other than medical facilities;
• The disparate and unequal treatment of transgender citizens by City employees; and
• The agents and employees of Key West Bar and Grille who, knowing that Ms. Morris was visibly intoxicated, continued to serve her alcoholic beverages.
Paul Messing, lead counsel in the case and a partner at the law firm of Kairys, Rudovsky, Epstein and Messing, said: "This lawsuit raises compelling issues about procedures used by City police and paramedics that may violate citizens' constitutional rights. The Complaint alleges conduct by City employees that increased the danger to Ms. Morris and ultimately led to her death. Separately, the bar placed Ms. Morris in danger by continuing to serve her once she was intoxicated. As a result of the conduct of all defendants, and their willful disregard of Ms. Morris' safety, the Complaint alleges that all of the defendants are responsible for her death."
Lee Carpenter, staff attorney at the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights and co-counsel in this litigation, said, "Although the damages suffered by Ms. Morris' family are staggering, this case is not about money. It is about using every means at our disposal to finally obtain answers to questions about how and why Nizah died." Added Stacey Sobel, the Center's Executive Director, "We hope that this suit results in accountability for those who are responsible for Nizah's death, and a small measure of justice for the transgender community. Our community is tired of seeing transgender people treated as second-class citizens."
Persons having information regarding the death of Nizah Morris are encouraged to contact The Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights, at (215) 731-1447, ext. 15, or Kairys, Rudovsky, Epstein & Messing, at (215) 925-4400.
brooke |
9/16/2003 11:21:00 AM
The Gospel According to Johnny Cash

brooke |
9/16/2003 10:51:00 AM
Friday, September 12
Somebody should have told me!
brooke |
9/12/2003 09:21:00 PM
R.I.P. Johnny Cash
brooke |
9/12/2003 12:36:00 PM
Thursday, September 11
There is a God
Dave Barry printed the American Teleservices Associaton's toll-free number, and all the unwanted calls made them cranky. Divine.
brooke |
9/11/2003 05:52:00 PM
Globalizing Antipathy
[T]he age-old tradeoff between security and liberty increasingly involves a third variable: antipathy. The less hatred there is in the world, the more security we can have without sacrificing personal freedom. Assuming we like our liberty, we have little choice but to take an earnest interest in the situation of distant and seemingly strange people, working to elevate their welfare, exploring their discontent as a step toward expanding their moral horizons — and in the process expanding ours. Global governance without global moral progress could be very unpleasant.
Tell it.
brooke |
9/11/2003 12:48:00 PM