Thursday, August 27, 2009

we miss them already!!!

i really can't believe the boys are already gone!  we took them to meet their nana & pawpaw today around lunch time.  i guess kamdyn did not understand that they were not coming back after they got out of the car b/c she cried for them all the way home!  it was so sad.  we have had the BEST week and such great quality time with our cousins!!!  here are some pics from this morning.  they all had fun just playing around the house this morning and kyler even got a little morning nap for the first time all week!

kamdyn & preston goofin' around with their sunglasses

this is funny b/c of kyler.  i was trying to get all 4 of them in a pic - kamdyn & nathan sat right down, preston wanted nothing to do with is and kyler was clueless but happy to have the phone.

mmmhhhmmm.  that's right.  if he had access to a hair dryer or flat iron he would have been doing that too.

too cute of kamdyn & nathan.  

p is going in for that kiss!  they were doing this all morning and it was too sweet!

little buddies!

there were def some great quotes from nathan this week.  here are a couple of my faves:
"hey hay-a-wee.  did you know this?  i can't fly."
"hey hay-a-wee.  did you know this? rubber-bands can't bounce."
"hey hay-a-wee.  can we listen to the black eyed peas?"

i'm sure i'll think of some more.  if nathan was ever upset or screaming i would come to the room to find kamdyn either laying on top of him or trying to pull him off of whatever he was sitting on.  she was a little instigator, that is for sure.

oh - also, jason called to talk to nathan this morning and nathan told him he wants to move here.  when jason said they can't nathan was practically in tears.  he was sad the rest of the conversation.  it was great-ness.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

day four - afternoon activities

i really can't believe this is our last night with those boys!  we have had the best time - i am REALLY going to miss them!  here is some footage from this afternoon.

kyler & preston's "staple" toys.  as long as they've got these they will be happy (for a while, at least!)

okay - remember the sliding adventures of kyler?  of course you do - it was just yesterday that she ventured onto that baby slide for the first time.  well, we put her down there tonight and before we knew it she took off to the big green guy!  zack and i just looked at each other like, "uh-oh!"  and we were right - up she went!  she was at the top of that thing in no time!  she is just as fearless as her big sis, which is a good and bad thing.  zack quickly made his way to "supervise" the climbing and sliding.  she seemed to have it pretty much under control and she was not scared.  or careful.  :)

(this is about as far up as preston would go!)

love these next ones...they just looked better in black and white.  especially that last one!

day four - morning fun!

we got to go play with friends this morning!  thanks laura, for having a house full!  we went to luke & ben's house (or as kamdyn says, "wuke & baby ben).  they live by this awesome park in richardson so we took a walk down to the bridge to feed the turtles & fish.  (thanks, amy, for staying behind with the two little ones!)  anyway - the kids loved it and had a great time! 

kamdyn, brynn. luke & nathan

isn't he just presh?  i want to keep him!

i had to include these pics of brynn & luke - they are so "them!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

the days are getting longer!

the days have not been bad, by any means.  just felt longer today.  we had a great day though!  we went to the mall this morning and played for a while and then ate lunch and came home in time for naps!  i did not take my camera to the mall so all the pics from today are from just playing around the house.

as soon as kamdyn & nathan saw me taking pics of the babies they had to jump in.

these dolls have been the toys of choice for the big kids.  they like taking off and putting on all the clothes and also drying, curling and flat ironing their hair!

snack time!

the babes.  just occupying themselves.  they have really been so great.  this picture below is funny. this was right after nathan hunted me down to tell me that preston hit kyler.  i came to see what was going on and he was laying on top of her!  (like kamdyn often does).  as soon as i grabbed the camera he got up and kyler started taking off...and he was chasing her!  too cute!

these kids.  they have been so funny together this week.  i've heard a lot of "hey kamdyn.  hey nathan."  it's their preferred way of starting any sentence.  at some point this afternoon they dragged nathan's bed into the living room.  a few minutes later i hear kamdyn's sweet voice sayin, "wook mommy, wook!"  so of course they cheesed it up for the camera.  what a couple of cuties!

Monday, August 24, 2009

kyler's sliding adventure

every single time we got in the backyard to play we just plop kyler in the baby swing and get her out when we go in.  tonight she was so ancy after a few minutes and wanted to get out.  all the kids were so dirty and it was almost bath time so i just put her down and let her do her thing.  off to the slide she went!  we couldn't believe it and i'm so glad we had the camera outside already!  she climbed up, turned around and slid down!  it was adorable!  and she loved it and wanted to do it again and again!  what a big girl!

monday - part 2 (post-nap)

all the kids took such great naps - it was wonderful!  one reason these past few days have been pretty easy is b/c our kids are on the same schedule!  it is wonderful!  i've been putting the babies down at 1, letting the big kids watch one show (usually blue's clues is their choice) and then they go down about 1:30.  we do the same thing for bed time and it has been great!  

we had lots of activities after nap today.  snack time, of course.  then our neighbor, kayla, came over to play and help me out while i got dinner ready and all that fun stuff.  always good to have some back-up!  THANKS, KAYLA!  and the kids love her!  then we ate dinner and played outside til bath time!  we had another gReAt day!

nathan & kamdyn watching one show before nap time, per their request.

preston enjoyed the yogurt and the mess!  i never did get around to putting clothes on anyone after the pool today!  diapers and panties are enough.  of course, nathan did want some clothes on.  but he was the only one.

these little ones have been so great this week.  they are both so quiet and they just hang out and watch the big kids.  i love it!  again, they just ended up on the fireplace together on their own.  too cute!

nathan LOVED being tickled!  kayla is so great with them!

nathan was pretty excited to ride on the swing "with 2 people."  even cuter when he says it.  :)

i wish you could hear preston when you say anything about dogs or he sees them.  he starts barking but it's the CUTEST and BEST bark ever!  it actually sounds real and is adorable coming from that little man! i don't think he liked the kisses too much, though!

he did hang out around the slide some...

then along came kyler for some sliding of her own!  she has never done this before and it was absolutely adorable!  i'll do another post w/ her pics.  she just came over, climbed up and slid down.  she did it over and over.  it was great!  she is not scared and even though her legs are so long that her feet practically touch the ground from the top, she still enjoyed it!

monday - part 1 (pre-nap)

our good friends maren & ella invited us to their neighborhood splash park and pool today!  all the kids had SO much fun!  the whole way there nathan was asking, "are we going to get all wet?"  they loved it.  and then we went to the pool and they had a great time there as well...wore them all out for some good naps!  everyone slept from 1pm - 4pm, which is a win/win!