Friday, January 30, 2009

kyler is 6 months!!!

sigh.  isn't she dreamy?  i am in love with my baby girl!  she is so vocal these days, and so expressive!  she LOVES to be entertained by big sis and laughs at her often.  she is very content and very loved!  i am grateful for miss kyler belle!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

these cuties

it is so weird to see kyler in kamdyn's old clothes...kamdyn was learning to walk when she was wearing these pants! anyway, these are cute pics of kyler. the 2nd one is included so you can see her awesome hair from the side view.

one of kamdyn's new favorite things to do is "make a face." she normally uses her hands but i guess this day she was being lazy. and then i guess she found my bag and got my sunglasses out and decided she looked cute in them. at first i was like, "hey, how did she get my glasses out of my bag?" but who am i kidding? she can get to anything in about 2.5 seconds.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the faces of kyler

this PRECIOUS dress was give to kyler for christmas from annie.  it is so pretty and looked adorable on her for church today!  i plan on taking some six month pictures of kyler this week.  i can't wait to post them!!!

good weekend!

we had a good, pretty relaxing weekend.  i probably should not say this out loud (or type it) but i think we are actually all healthy!  last time i said that it only lasted a day.  anyway - here are a couple of pics (taken with my new camera which i am in puffy heart love with!!!!!)

isn't she cute?  i can't believe she is SIX MONTHS OLD!!!  the funny thing is that she is so long she is wearing clothes that kamdyn wore when she was walking and kyler can't even sit up yet!

kamdyn is just enjoying one of her many new toys from christmas.  uncle chris should be proud!

kyler is gettin' some love from annie!

look at this cute outfit that annie and lara gave kamdyn for christmas.  she wore it to church today and looked super cute!  i think they bought it with these boots in mind!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


things haven't been too exciting around here lately - kamdyn has been sick for over a week so there is nothing exciting to blog about.  however, i did realize that i never blogged these pictures of the simmonds girls coming over to play a few weeks ago.  kamdyn always has the best time with these girls and they take such good care of her.  we are thankful for good friends!

they all just climbed in this basket and i thought it was pretty cute!

while kyler was napping, savannah & lexi wanted to pretend to be babies.  so they layed on kyler's little play mat thingy.  when kamdyn decided to join them and went right on top of savannah, the two of them got a good giggle out of it!

i love this picture!  now that kamdyn is not the only one around, she does not get all the attention!  savannah & lexi are SO into helping with the baby (and should be since their baby sister will be here in a few weeks!) and kamdyn is SO over it.  at least in this pic.  i love it!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


lindsey & jason and the boys were in town for 10 whole days over the holidays! they came and stayed with us for two nights, including new years eve, and we had such a fun time! we love watching kamdyn & kyler enjoy their cousins!

preston kept on gettin' kyler!

kamdyn just havin' a little fun w/ preston!

this is what happens when everyone goes to get kyler up from her nap!

kamdyn & nathan always have fun together!

uncle jason is soooooo cool!

lindsey & the boys!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

more christmas

okay - i am horrible at blogging lately! it is halfway through january and i'm still doing christmas pics! sorry!!! these are from my side of the family - we had so much fun with all the cousins and it was so great to have EVERYONE together at my parent's house!

it has long been a tradition in our family to read the christmas story from the bible and talk about what it means to each of us before we open gifts. things have changed since we have thrown a few kids into the mix. so now my mom (nini) always tells the christmas story to the kids using the little people nativity scene. it is very sweet and all the kids participate. it can be chaotic, but i think it's a very special tradition. this last picture just melts my heart.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

way past due

i can't believe it is the MIDDLE of january!  what the heck?!  so in my last post i said i still had to blog some christmas pics....well, here are some of them.  i'll hopefully get to the rest tomorrow.  these are from the day after christmas.  we always go to east texas to my grandparents.  the weather was beautiful!

kamdyn enjoyed these flowers much of the day!

i think this picture is hilarious!  kamdyn had just plopped down as a door stop and i guess she's getting up.  and i love that i got granddaddy enjoying her!

poor little kyler had a fever so we stripped her down!  ever since the hospital visit we are so paranoid.  anyway - since she didn't feel good she looks really thrilled!

i think this will be a picture to cherish with kyler, grandmommy and mom.

i love this of zack & kamdyn.  for some reason it just worked better in b&w.  isn't it so sweet?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

this is for real

okay - i still have christmas pictures to post from my family and my grandparents but this is too funny not to share.  this is exactly what kamdyn looked like when she woke up from her 4 hour nap this afternoon.....