Thursday, August 30, 2007


in addition to kamdyn's new morning ritual of rice cereal we have now introduced her to an afternoon snack with her first real food. avacado. mmmmm. i can't explain how funny it was the first two days - the faces she made were priceless and i am so bummed that i was by myself b/c we did not catch the best faces. she was pretty unsure about it at first and even gagged a couple of times, which was hilarious. but today and yesterday she took it like a champ! c'mon, who doesn't like a mashed up avacado?

if you can avert your eyes from the crazy hair for a quick second, you will notice that she is much cleaner in this picture, taken on the third day of the avacado adventure.

Monday, August 27, 2007

lake fork

we got to go to the greeson's lake house this weekend at lake fork and we had a fabulous time! it is always great to catch up with everyone, hang out, play games, ski, fish and just relax. as you can see, kamdyn had plenty of people loving on her this weekend!


jenni & brian

aunt lara

jan & annie

uncle grayson


it may not be obvious, but there were other things going on besides staring at kamdyn this weekend:

the guys fishin'

the biggest catch chris has ever had

round one of the domino tournament



Tuesday, August 21, 2007

so much to report!!!

i can't believe i have not posted an update in so long! there is so much going on with our sweet girl. first of all, i can't believe she is already 5 months old! actually, now she's more like 5 1/2 months. but i still can't believe it.

here are the highlights of the new things kamdyn has been doing this month:

1. saying "mamamamamabababababa" it is SO cute and i don't care what anyone says...she is saying "mama!"

2. playing in the exersaucer - so fun to watch. it took her a second to figure out she could play with the toys on it when we put her in it the first time, but we think she really likes it. something new is always good. and it's cute to see those skinny legs dangling down and standing up!

3. eating solid food! we started her on the rice cereal when we got back from ruidoso. we first tried it in the bumbo but too much leaning forward. so we switched to the bouncy seat (which has not come in handy before now) and it is great! she is doing really good with it. sometimes she tries to help...

4. playing with and trying to eat her feet!

5. pushing up and being so happy when we get her up from a nap.

she is such a big girl and just growing every day. every time i pick her up from the nursery at church or at the gym they tell me how great and easy she is. we are so thankful for such a wonderful little bundle of joy!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


we got to go to ruidoso for a little get-a-way this past week. the weather was the 70s during the day and in the 50s or 60s at night. it was so hard to come back to dallas in over 100 degree weather. kamdyn did so great on the plane both ways and really good on the trip. it is always fun to get away for a few days and relax!

Thursday, August 2, 2007


zack's mom brought this dress back from france for kamdyn and it is so cute on her! i wanted to take some pictures in it and she is just so relaxed. doesn't she look so old?!

we love that kamdyn is such a cuddler! we used to do this all the time when she was really little, but i have not had her fall asleep like this on me in a while. it is just so sweet. and i love when she gets her arms on both sides - it's like a giant hug!