Here's another one that is just about finished. It's 194mm x 153mm, acrylic on board. No title yet.
Saturday, 27 August 2005
A work in progress...
Over the last week I've been experimenting with yet another new way of working. I'm still trying to find a style that best expresses how I want to convey things. I know I'll always be changing and evolving but just recently I've been going through a bit of a crisis and I feel as though I've lost my way a bit. I'm sure this is a good thing underneath the panic and that I'm working through it hopefully to come out at the other side with a stronger style. Fingers crossed.
Congratulations to my niece who has just passed all her GCSEs with flying colours.
Thursday, 18 August 2005
Jewel of Nature 1. 153mm x 114mm. Acrylic on textured gesso. This is going to hopefully be one of a set of three, to go in a dark brown frame that I already have.
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
Bubbling Volcano - This is the mess I made on Monday while cooking tea for my friends. I'd just finished cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom 10 minutes before. I was not a happy bunny.
Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Three Little Hearts, 153mm x 75mm, Acrylic and textured gesso on board.
Thursday, 11 August 2005
Close up for texture
Amaretto & Pistachio Cups - Haven't finished with the colours on this one yet... but I'm pleased with the texture.
Monday, 8 August 2005
Chocolates 3 (Must think of a better title). Acrylic & textured gesso on board, 228mm x 228mm.
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Chocolates - detail
Chocolates 228mm x 75mm, Acrylic on board. Can't wait to turn those sketches into a painting.
Over the weekend I visited a lovely chocolate shop in Keswick. The different colours and shapes were devine. I rushed back to the car to make these sketches before I forgot what they looked like. These are definitely going to be developed into a painting.
Sketchbook drawing of my wish jar. If you've never visited keri smith's website go there now... I bought her book ages ago and there's a fun idea for creating abundance by making a wish jar. I don't know how but it seems to work too!