Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Selamat Tahun Baru 1430H!

Tahun 1430 H membuka tirainya dengan pelbagai peristiwa besar yang menuntut tahap keikhlasan dan semangat juang yang tinggi daripada muslimin muslimat sedunia demi menjulang syariat Allah di muka bumi ini.

1- Saudara-saudara seaqidah kita di Gaza, Palestin diserang lagi! (sila click aljazeera dan IHT di link yang disediakan di sebelah kanan blog untuk mengikuti berita lanjut di aljazeera & International Herald Tribune). Mari kita sama-sama berdoa, bermunajat dan menunaikan solat hajat memohon pertolongan daripada Allah supaya DIA memenangkan angkatan Islam ke atas kuffar laknatullah.

2- Hukum hudud yang disyariatkan oleh Allah diperlekehkan oleh orang-orang Islam sendiri! Ketentuan Allah dipermain-mainkan. Permainan jenis apakah ini? Adakah kita rela hukum hudud dijadikan polemic politik pihak kerajaan demi mendapatkan kemenangan dalam pilihanraya Parlimen Kuala Terengganu? Ayuh, kita bekerja ke arah mendaulatkan syariat Allah! Bekerja ikhlas keranaNYA.

Selamat berhijrah! Hijrahlah dengan ikhlas semata-mata kerana Allah, nescaya kau tidak akan rugi buat selama-lamanya.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just can't help myself

“Please, don’t write anything! Just listen to and concentrate on what I am saying. I’ve spent a lot of my time to prepare the notes and I’ll give them to you later, trust me”, said a renowned professor in our 4-5 pm-class yesterday.

My grip on the blue Pilot pen loosened suddenly and my eyes averted spontaneously towards him with a puzzled mind. I felt somewhat irritated and even more distracted from the previous focus on the lecture. What’s wrong with scribbling down? Did he think that I can write every single word that came out from his mouth? Arrggh! Never mind, I’ll keep on jotting down the main points of his lecture.

“Why you are still writing? You don’t trust me? I have 25 years of teaching experiences whereas you are only 25 years old. I know when you are writing, you can’t pay attention to what I’m saying and the message will not be communicated”, the professor said firmly when he saw there were still many students who simply ignored his recent order and one of them was me myself.

Sorry, Prof. I really, really trust you but I just can’t help myself. I know that I’m a visual and physical learner. That’s what I realized when I took a personality test in one program and I admit it. Listening is not enough for this kind of learner. The visual learner learns mostly by visualizing the information that he or she receives and relates one information to another information at the same time to get a clearer picture. In order to ensure that the picture does not easily fade away from my mind, I need pen and papers to draft it. The draft will be my reference point in the future especially during my revision period.

What about me as a physical learner? It means that I can’t stay still listening to the lecture for such a long time without doing something, at least not statically sitting on the chair. And writing is that something for me or else I’ll get bored and lose my focus easily. That would make me whiling away from one ‘fairyland’ to another ‘fairyland’ and that would be of no good!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Boleh diharap ke ni?

Alhamdulillah, pada tanggal 21 Disember 2008 yang lalu, Allah kurniakan lagi kesempatan untuk kaki ini melangkah ke bumi Kuantan setelah berminggu-minggu bersenang-lenang di rumah. Sebaik sahaja mata terlihat kelibat gerbang utama UIA, Allah sajalah yang tahu bagaimana bercampur-baurnya perasaan ini. Takut, gembira dan sedih..semuanya menjadi sebati. 4 bulan yang bakal menjelang nantilah yang akan menyaksikan setakat mana daya mujahadahku sebagai seorang undergraduate-student. Uhhuu..memikirkan keputusan peperiksaan yang lepas, hatiku menjadi luluh. Impian untuk menaikkan CGPA hancur berkecai. Namun, hati bertukar riang semula apabila mensyukuri nikmat Allah menghendaki diri ini tidak tergolong daripada kalangan mereka yang terpaksa reseat paper. Alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli haal!

Semester baru, azam baru. Itu yang selalu dipraktikkan. Untuk sem terakhir ini, aku berazam untuk menjadi orang yang boleh diharap sebab aku rasa aku masih kurang dalam hal tersebut. Dalam bahasa orang putih, boleh diharap is reliable or accountable. Kenapa, penting sangat ke jadi orang yang boleh diharap ni? Pentingla.. sebabnya aku sangat tak suka orang yang tak boleh diharap. Best ke kalau telinga sendiri tiba-tiba berdesing sewaktu terdengar orang kata kita ni tak boleh diharap? Tak best kan? Boleh diharap ini bagiku sinonim dengan amanah. Secara fitrahnya, kita memang akan suka kepada orang yang boleh diharap dan sebaliknya.

Kalau jadi student, jadilah student yang amanah. Apabila diberi assignment dan report untuk disiapkan, dia akan menyiapkannya dalam tempoh waktu yang ditetapkan oleh lecturer. Bukan setakat itu je. Disebabkan dia ni jenis yang boleh diharap, dia akan buat sehabis baik yang dia mampu tanpa perlu dipaksa atau dimonitor, bukan sekadar copy and paste sana sini atau presentationnya dibuat gitu-gitu je. Sikap boleh harap ini juga menyebabkan dia tidak mengabaikan tanggungjawab sosialnya.

Katakan, jika dia ditaklifkan untuk apa-apa jawatan, MPP ke, exco ke, class rep ke, ketua kumpulan ke, hatta tidak ada jawatan rasmi sekalipun, dia akan menyumbangkan kudratnya di mana sahaja diperlukan, dalam apa jua keadaan. Kalau dia sebagai ahli kumpulan, dia akan menjadi ahli kumpulan yang boleh memberi sumbangsaran, bukan sekadar beraksi sebagai pak angguk, mak turut atau yang paling menggerunkan, dia merupakan orang yang semua orang menyampah kat dia.

(Contoh: Dahla time discussion tak datang, pastu bila orang bagi tugas tak buat betul-betul. Orang lain punya part pulak yang dia komen lebih-lebih. Kalau markah dia sendiri sahaja yang affected takpe, ni markah semua orang pun jadi rendah disebabkan perangai dia seorang. Aduhai, malang sungguh kalau dapat ahli group yang macam ni.. Insaflah weih, tak ada siapa pun yang sukakan tabiat macam tu, tak untung satu sen pun! Hehe, apalah yang aku membebel ni? Bukan membebel, tapi ini ori punya case!)

Student yang boleh diharap ni, letakla kat mana-mana pun, still berjaya mendapatkan kepercayaan orang lain. Hanya orang yang dengki dengannya sahaja yang akan naik geram dan mengutuk-ngutuknya dari belakang. Biarlah..itu mulut dia, dialah yang jaga..jaga daripada disambar api neraka. Nauzubillahi min zalik! Macam bagus kan kalau dapat jadi student yang amanah? Iyalah, sebab dia ni memang boleh diharap!

Alangkah seronoknya jika kita mampu menjadi hamba Allah yang boleh diharap.

Setiap detik diri diabdikan kepada agama dengan rela

Lebih manis apabila setiap hela nafas berbaur redha

Ketika takut dengan ancamanNya, dia merindui janji manis Pencipta

Dipersiapkan diri untuk dijemputNya

Kerana dia cukup yakini

Hidup di dunia hanya sekali

Sedangkan mati itu pasti terjadi

Akhirat itu pasti ditempuhi

Hisab itu pasti dilalui

Syurga atau neraka itulah destinasinya nanti

Monday, December 15, 2008

Another New Phase of Life

15th December 1983:

With a help from a midwife, a 3.2kg baby girl was safely born in a traditional wooden house located at a countryside of Kota Bharu. The new born was a symbol of love of a couple who practiced love-after-marriage, yet lived happily ever after.

That lucky girl was brought-up with their own hands filled with love. Being the first child , she was by a little bit pampered as she got almost everything that she wanted. The things that she had were all new and she didn’t have to share them with others.

About two months before celebrating her 2nd birthday, she was gifted with a cute little friend. At first, she was happy as she now had someone to play with. However, day after day, she got envier with this new friend who in fact, her own sister. She was asked to share her stuffs with her younger sister. When they were quarreling, she was told to rise up the white flag first even though she was not the one who started everything and she really hated doing that.

She didn’t know that she was taught to have a good sense of responsibility at that moment. She didn’t realize that she was going to have more and more sisters and brothers in the next approaching years. She even didn’t have any idea on how to become a good leader in the future, just because she was still a toddler who didn’t understand how complicated the world actually is.

15th December 2008:

That girl in the story, named Nur Asiyah Mustapha Kamil, is now celebrating her 25th birthday, her 25th years of life, her silver jubilee. By the will of Allah, she is facing a new phase in her life with new persons around crafting new atmospheres. She feels very grateful and thankful to those who have helped and are helping her in becoming who she is. Please pray that every pace she takes and every move she makes are blessed by God. Thank you.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


It has been a while since I last posted an entry here. I can’t believe that, don’t know where to start. So many things deep inside my heart.. but what to do? The recent Eidul Adha was very exciting as all my uncles, aunties and cousins gathered at nanny’s house during this festive season. Three families from my dad’s side united with the total members of 27; 11 from my family, 11 from my uncle’s, 4 from my aunt’s and not forgetting our lovely nanny. So sad that dad was not here.. may his soul rest in peace. Ameen!

The first thing done in the morning of Eid was performing the Eid pray and listening to Eid sermon right after that. From the mosque, we headed to nanny’s house to perform another ‘ibadah (worship); to sacrifice a cow. The slaughtering was done by the gentlemen in the families, nearby nanny’s courtyard.

Back in the old kitchen of nanny’s, the ladies were preparing the ingredients to be cooked with the in-coming fresh meats. Everybody worked hand-in-hand. Little kids were jumping cheerfully and moving here and there, creating a mixed indescribable noise of multi-pitches.. or should I call it a music rather than a noise? It could be a music if it brought pleasure but I’d rather not to call it as such if it only cracked my ear-drums. Well, no need to waste your saliva just to scold them angrily because I’ve made the same things when I was a child, long time ago and I would feel very sad when I got scolded, that’s a kid’s nature.. and probably the grown-ups too.

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, for giving me another chance to live in this blissful mesmerizing mood with my beloved family members around. Will I have a chance to live in the same milieu in the future? I do hope so. I got one SMS that day from a friend of mine, Nurul ‘Izzah Zahari. The words were really meaningful that I want to share it here.


When a sacrifice is done to fulfill the order of Allah the Almighty, to give charity for the needy, to uphold the virtues and to blend the harmony within the society, then the causes are known and absolutely the effects are certain. Certainly there will be great rewards awaiting. In what form the rewards will be granted by God? They are all up to Him. May be a blessed society with a low crime rate, a serene heart with no more hatreds, a wealth and a health. We never know but we can predict. If all of us do the right things in the right ways, we know that by the will of Allah only the good things will be blooming.. a natural law that can’t be denied. We are confident that our good deeds done for the sake of Allah will help to peter out our small sins and Allah will prepare for us His magnificent paradise in the hereafter. Insya Allah.

Unluckily, the reality today is so disastrous.. too far from the sweet dream and seems so unreachable.
People sacrifice their own invaluable dignity only to get some money.
People sacrifice their priceless time doing the nonsense things only to feel the momentary pleasure.
What else? Let’s list them down..