Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a few things...

We are so excited for FALL!

We haven't been up to much, just trying to get everything ready for the baby. I thought I would post a few pictures of what we have been doing.

Church for us is at 1:30, so we have a long morning on Sundays where we try to figure out what to do with ourselves. One morning we went to the pond to feed bread to the ducks--unfortunately there weren't any ducks at the pond, so we ended up feeding the bread to the fish.

Billy started playing indoor soccer. It is so much fun going and watching him play. Kens loves to cheer for her daddy, she yells "Go Billy"! It is really cute. The kids got so excited because they got some candy out of one of the machines at the indoor soccer field so they kept trying them all hoping for a little more.
38 weeks!

Kenslee is so excited for Halloween, we have to look at all of the Halloween decorations whenever we go to a store.
Hope everyone is doing well and having a great beginning to the Fall season!
Yahoo for the Holidays!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kenslee can read!

Well, she can't really read. But, we've realized that she is very good at memorizing books! She loves to "read" and have books read to her, so we have been going to the library every week to get new books for her. After she's had some of the books read to her about 5 times, we've found that she's memorized the book and can read it to us!

Below are some videos of her reading some books to us. The first video shows her reading a "Teddy Bear" book and another one about "Poppy and Max." The second video is a bit more impressive with her reading a more complicated book. I'm not much of one to brag, but do have to say that Kenslee keeps impressing us with the things she does!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Early Indoctrination

Hey all, it's Billy here with my first official post on our blog. Jacee's been a great blogger so far, but I figured that we've hit a very important part in Kenslee's life that I needed to add a little something to share with everyone. While we wish that the important part of her life was that she was potty-trained, which she is resisting with amazing stubbornness, it is something ever more important: the beginning of her indoctrination of the truth of BYU football.

While there are some people in Kenslee's life that would deter her from the true path of BYU football (even some who claim to care for her well-being), my plan is to make her bullet-proof to any such deterences. As you can see in the video below, she has begun her training to become a true BYU fan. Of course, the training hasn't gone off without a hitch--there has been some early influence toward the dark side that still needs to be flushed out of her system. But, as you'll see near the end of the video, she is making exceptional progress at differentiating good vs. evil.

"It's Party Time"

This is what Kens says when there is a party, she gets very excited and says "It's Party Time"! We did have a fun little party. Billy came home from work early and we ate dinner, opened presents and then had birthday cake. After, we went and rented a movie and watched it as a family. It was a fun and relaxing birthday party!

Kenslee is so sweet, she called my cake a "beautiful cake". I am glad that she thought it was beautiful, Billy thought so too.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It is Billy's big Day! He turned 29...I can't believe it!

Happy birthday Babe!
We love you,
Jace, Kens and Baby boy!

You are the best hubby, dad and friend!

These pictures are a bit old, but I just love them!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Julianne and Bracken Visit

We had such a FUN week with Ju and Bracken. Kens loved having them here to play. We hope that they had fun in Texas, even though it is not the most exciting place (especially in August). We did love getting to spend time with them. Thanks for coming and visiting, We love you guys!

Kens is super excited for the Circus

Watching the Pre-show entertainment
Clown "Billy"Clown "Bracken"
They both look like naturals

Yeah for the CircusMy prego belly at 30 weeks
Fort Worth Stockyards

Throwing rocks in the lake

Sleepy girl, no nap and too much play

Playing at the park
"I will catch you"

Forth Worth Zoo

Excited for the Choo-choo train

Chuck E Cheese

Thanks again for coming to see us! You are invited ANYTIME!! Love ya!