Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pirate Birthday Party

Kenslee's friend Mason turned 3 years old. He had a pirate party, the kids got to dress up like pirates and go on a treasure hunt. Kens couldn't wait to be a pirate and she kept practicing her arrrrrrrrrr... (she sounded just like a pirate). Thanks for the fun time Mason!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Testosterone increases...

Billy is proud to say that he will not be the only man in our home come October. We are all so excited to be having a little boy. I am so happy but also nervous because I feel like I have the girl thing down, and a boy will be a little different. We will have to get a few more trucks and cars around the house. Kenslee can't wait to have a little brother.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sunday Naps

We have church at the worst time for Kenslee--1:30, right around nap time. She does really well during church and she loves nursery, but by the time we get home she is worn out. We usually eat dinner around 5 and this is what has been happening for the past few weeks...She takes a couple of bites and then she is gone. We put her to bed and we don't see her again until morning. Oh, SO tired!!

There is a mall here called the "Galleria" that has the best play area for kids. It is a very nice mall and has a lot of fancy stores that I have never heard of. You look at them and know there is a lot of $$$ in there. It is so fun because we will go there for lunch and let the kids play. Everything in the play area is soft--the animals and rocks to climb on, and even the floor. It is awesome! I think that every mall should have something like this. The kids love it and could stay there forever.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Antibiotic Over Dose

For the first few months of my pregnancy my luck has not been so great. I feel like I have been on more drugs these past few months than my whole 25 years of life. What's the deal!! When I am pregnant my immunity goes way, way, way down. With Kenslee I felt like it went down just one "way". I get the most random things, and so sick. My concern is for my little baby trying to grow in my belly. I think I could be doing some damage or we are both just getting nice and overdosed on some good meds. Within three months of my pregnancy I have been on antibiotics three different times. The doc says that the stuff that I am taking is safe, and I am sure that it is, I just hope that I am getting it all out of the way right now and will be free sailing for the rest of my pregnancy. Poor little one in my belly! Let's hope I am not the first to prove a certain antibiotic wrong and it causes some crazy side effect. I think I am being a little paranoid, Billy accuses me of this with certain things, I think it is just with my kiddos. Well, I hope this will be the last of my sickness. Besides that, I am loving the second trimester right now, I feel great!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Truck Rodeo

The library has a "truck rodeo" every year. They have all sorts of trucks and tractors that you can climb in and look at. The kids loved it, the fire truck and tractor were the favorites.
We got Kens a new bike, she thinks it is so neat! She hasn't figured out how to pedal yet, but we are working on it.We did some yard work on Saturday and Kenslee was so much help!
I took this picture, great smile...Then I got this, she didn't want any more pictures, what a look...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"Privacy Please"

We have decided it is time to make our blog private. Let me know if you want to be invited to view our blog. Leave a comment and you will be invited!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Birthday Party

Kenslee's friend Lincoln turned 3 years old! He threw a fun birthday party, the kids got to go to Build-A-Bear and make bears. Kenslee named her bear "care bear". After, they ate dinner, opened presents and had some delicious cake! She had so much fun.