Wednesday, May 18, 2011

St. George

We headed down to St. George for the weekend, April 6-10th. We had lots of fun even though the weather was awful. It was so freezing, it didn't even feel like we were in St. George. We were lucky to be able to go for a fun hike the first day. It was just really windy but pretty warm.

Kens LOVED hiking around. She was having so much fun and she was so into being the leader. She was a great leader, she was a really good hiker. It made me so excited for camping and being back around mountains this summer.
My mom and dad came down with us. We had a great time.

Dinasour museum
Because it was so rainy and cold we went swimming at this indoor pool.

We snuck in one last hike before we headed home. It was really nice Sunday.
Kens and I went up this little crack. Kens was not scared at all and she was so tiny that she could just walk straight up.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Birthday

Cute Tiger boy
Loves from Sister
Boys playing together
We had a good two weeks of the flu. Cade got it first and then Kens followed. There is NOTHING worse then kids with flu. I feel so bad for them, and it is such a mess. Kens is finally at an age where she can make it to the toilet or in the bucket. It was a long and awful sickness, they both got so skinny. It makes you appreciate healthy, happy kids.
This is Cade trying to sneak as much T.V. in while sister was sick. Kens got a good 3-4 days of T.V.
Nash bouncing in the pantry
Green pancakes on St. Patrick's Day.
I am 28!! I had a great birthday. We went to Boondocks with the kids and then I went with my mom and did some birthday shopping. When I got home I had my favorite chocolate cake and chocolate covered strawberries waiting for me. YUM! Thanks to my hubby and kids for making it such a special day!

We had a food fight with green beans.
We went to the pond to feed the ducks and throw rocks in the water. These geese were so gutsy and funny to watch.
I love clean kids!
Cade wore his McQueen helmet and glasses around all day. He thought they were SO cool. He is all about calling everything cool that he has on. He always wants to wear his cool shoes and his cool shirts.

I have a really funny story...
Cade has a really big belly, so he has started to show us his big belly. He will pull up his shirt and tell us to look at his big belly. Kens and Cade were in the bath tub and Cade stands up and says look at my big belly. Kens laughs and says, it looks like a balloon. Then she goes to add that it is a balloon and his hangy down thing is where you blow it up! I couldn't stop laughing. Wow, the things kids come up with. They will both love this story when they are older. :)
Nash loves his tongue, it is always out.
Kens got a new bike and Cade got a new helmet. They were both so excited.
It was freezing outside but they had to go and try out their new things.

My three little rascals...

These three little ones know how to make me laugh, and are always keeping me on my toes. They can make me smile and laugh so easily, but then they know how to push my buttons so easily too. Why are kids so good at both of those. It is so much fun watching each one of my kids and how different they are. The each have a special little personality that I just love to pieces.

Nash is getting super chubby and just loves his momma. I love kissing him. He is so ticklish and laughs and smiles all the time. He gets so excited over things and flaps his legs and arms so fast...I swear he gets going so fast he could fly away!
This girl is a pro at going cross-eyed, and silly faces! She is so sweet and such a helper. She is the best story teller. She could go on, and on about some story with princesses, dragons and unicorns. It is so funny to watch, she sits and walks around with her hand on her hip telling this story that is actually really good.
This is the REAL rascal. Look at those chompers...I love them! I am learning more and more that this little man is very bull headed. He is getting so independent and loves to play with his sister. He is such a boy, it is so fun to watch, especially after having a girl first to see how different boys are. He is all about super heros, dragons, super fast cars, rocket ships and pretty much anything boy. When he is a dragon he flies around and blows "fire works", and he flies his rocket ship and blows out "fire works".

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nash 6 month pictures

Our baby boy is such a good little baby. He is definitely ready to crawl, he gets so excited watching his brother and sister run around. He gets kind of frustrated and acts like he wants to just get somewhere. I love this little face. He pulls the cutest faces.


I had to scan these, so the quality isn't the best...

More fun and V-day!

Reading a bedtime story with Dady

I love our backyard, it will be so nice when it warms up.
Baby Nash loves baby food. He eats and eats and eats!

I love this little smile
Decorating Valentine's cup cakes
Happy Valentine's Day

While watching a show, Nash got really comfy in the bean bag and decided to take a nap.

This is what Cade that this sticker book was for. The coach was covered with stickers by the time he was done. It took forever to clean up.
This baby is getting so big...he loves to sit up! 6 months old