Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We sold our house! WAHOOOOOOOO!!

We were starting to get nervous that it wouldn't sell before the end of summer. It is such a relief! I am going to miss my house so much, it is sad to think that it is not going to be ours as of September 10th. It was such a great first home, I became very attached. Now it is just the stress of finding a new house that we love and in an area that we feel good about. We have started the search and haven't had much luck. I need to take a break from searching and make sure I am ready for this little baby that we could meet anytime soon. I haven't done much for this poor baby because we have been so busy and life has been crazy. I do have good news...we have made a decision on a name. That makes me feel good!

Cheers to selling our house!
(I can say that selling and buying houses is such a pain. Boo!)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So much Playing!

At Grandma's house the kids get spoiled with so many cupcakes. They love it!

A favorite toy at Grandma's.
I thought Cade's face in this was really funny, not sure what he is doing.
We have had the Tooth Fairy come to our house already. I thought it wouldn't be for another couple of years. With Kenslee's help her first tooth fell out. We were on our way home from swimming and Kens was very tired. She was determined to get this bracelet off that she had to wear at the pool. I was driving us home and I kept telling her I would cut it off once we got home, just wait a second. She kept trying then she decided it would be a good idea to try with her teeth. She did one good pull and then she was complaining about her tooth hurting. When we got home I looked at her tooth and it was so loose. I knew it was going to fall out. I thought what in the world was she thinking and how hard did she pull. She didn't just pull with her teeth once I think she kept trying a few times. She wouldn't eat for the rest of the day and most of the next day until her tooth finally fell out. We were driving in the car again and she just casually said to me, "here Mom, my tooth just fell out". We decided that we should take her to the dentist just to make sure that her other teeth were OK and that she didn't do any damage. They took an X-ray of her teeth and it showed her permanent tooth. The dentist said that is why her tooth came out easier than we would have expected. Kens will just have a missing tooth for a year or two. What a goof ball!

24th of July

35 weeks
Fun day with Cousins
Cade snuggling his favorite blankie and he loves his binkie.
Best Buds!

Cute little smile!
Kens loves her Nana
Cade loves his Poppa
Cade is so crazy about golf right now. He will usually have a golf club and ball in his hands. If he doesn't have those, he will be holding a car.

Kenslee loves making flower bouquets from Nana and Poppa's house. She gets to ride around in Poppa's tractor and they pick special flowers for her new bouquet. I need to get a picture of them on his tractor, it is so cute.