Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here are more pictures of us and what we have been up to! I am running out of titles and exciting intro's. This is just another update on us...Lightning McG and her gang! (that is my running name, my clever hubby came up with it. I kind of like it :))

Cade got his first wound right below his nose. It was a pretty good cut, I hope it heels ok. You can kind of see his two teeth in this picture.
He loves sucking on his bottom lip. So stinken cute!!
My two best buds playing in their fort.
Cades face looks a little orange, I need to lay off the carrots. I can't help it when that is the only vegetable that comes in baby food. I have to make my own, and who has the time for that!!
Changing of the guards.

Walking up to the top of the tower in the Stadshuset.
Gorgeous view. We chose a bad day to go, it was so windy and cold.
This is where we live. You can see the building right in the middle of the picture with the teal roof (the tallest one), we live right across from that.
Gamla Stan (old town)
Chocolate covered bananas, mmm...
They actually weren't that good, the chocolate was, but the combo wasn't my favorite. We ended up finger painting the chocolate on. Kens had lots of fun with that. I think I will stick with chocolate covered strawberries.
(kens is wearing her nice necklace made out of shoelaces)
eating blueberries
UN Family Day.

Me and Kens (and Billy) taking a picture.
The boys
BYU Young Ambassadors
Kens holding up the line for the slide
I jumped in and helped her up. I watched other kids get handed back to there parents if they couldn't make it up. I wasn't about to pay that money and have Kens not experience the joy of the slide. So up she went, with a glare from the slide man.
Once I got her to the top she decided she had a fear of slides.
So up I went again, and down we went....
Ready to ride, Yeehaa
Riding her pony "Rocky"
Every Saturday they put up all of these tents with different treats. Here is one, your pick of sausage, what flavor do you like best.
How aged do you like it?? Do you like it cremier?? The list of questions seems endless.
Kens was a CRAZY driver, she said so herself.
We were so happy we got the zebra car. It was this one or the pink.
I was talking to Kens about Father's Day today. We were talking about how we need to do something special for daddy, just like they made Mother's day special for me. She was excited about it, then she looked at me and said, "when is it going to be kids day?" She just wants a special day for her and all the other kids out there.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tricky Kenslee

The last couple of days Kens has said a couple of funny things, I thought I would share.

Everything right now from Kens is "look at me", because she is always doing tricky things. She is mostly proud of her "tricky legs". The other day she was dancing and doing her "tricky leg" dance, and I asked her, "how did you get so tricky". She came up to me and said, "well...(this is how she starts many of her sentences), Jesus made me this way". It was so cute and she was so serious about it. She has been blessed with the gift of "trickiness".

Today we went out to walk around Gamla Stan. Kens wasn't too excited to go home. We walked through the door and Kens looked very disappointed and said, "I don't like this stupid little apartment". I was in shock and was trying not to laugh. I have no idea where she learned the word "stupid". We don't say it, and there aren't many kids out here that speak English. After we were able to control our laughter, Billy asked her "who taught you that word"? She said that Jesus did. I don't know, but I think this is a fib. So we had to talk to her and let her know that Jesus didn't teach her that word and that it isn't a nice word to say. Then we told her we know this is a small aprtment but Nana will be coming soon, and that will be so exciting. Then after Nana leaves we will only have a couple more months in this little apartment.
Poor little girl misses her purple room and all of her friends in Texas.

One last thing:
If you have ever wondered, I know I have, what kind of superhero Billy would be and what his theme song would be...I got my answer the other day.

"300 Violin Orchestra" by Jorge Quintero (look it up on iTunes to hear a preview).

He gave me the play by play on how he would enter a room, it was pretty entertaining. It was like he had thought it all out before, I loved it! He is going to love that I let ya'll know this. This is a great song, it is a good one to run to.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

It was such a wonderful Mother's Day! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing little family that I love so much. I am so grateful that I get to be a mom, I love being able to teach and watch my little ones grow every day. They made this Mother's day very special, thanks Babe and my two little kiddos, I love you!
(Mother's day in Sweden is in 3 weeks, so I am expecting another day of pampering! This is just a little side note for Billy.)

To my Mama...
I love you so much!! You amaze me everyday. I look up to you as a mother, friend and daughter of God. Thanks for everything that you do for us. You are the best Mom and Nana, we love you! We miss you so stinken' much!! xoxoxox

Thanks for being such a great Mom, Mom-in-law, and Grandma. You raised such an amazing son, and I am so grateful for that. You don't get to see it very often, but he is a wonderful husband and father, I feel so lucky to have him. We love and miss you!
Hope everyone had a MAGNIFICENT Mother's day!

This is Kenslee showing off her new swimsuit. She loves it because it is like a dress. I did not tell her to pose like this, this was all her. She is such a girl!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Walpurgis Night and Uppsala

Sorry for so many pictures on all of my posts, we just keep very busy!

Doing some artwork at the Kulturhuset Pippi Longstocking
We have a season pass to Junibacken so we have been there a few times.
Billy took Kens to see Monsters vs. Aliens. The only English one they had was at 9 pm so they didn't get home until 11 pm. Kens had so much fun, she was a little loony when she got home, it was a late night for her. These are their 3D glasses. Kens says they make her look "stylish". I don't know how she could see out of hers.
Where's Cade?!
We love ICE CREAM!! If I had a picture for every time we got ice cream out here, you would be amazed. They have ice cream stands everywhere and we sure do love it.
First day of shorts, Wahoo!
Feeding the ducks, we do that a lot here. Kens wants all the ducks to get food so that they aren't hungry.
Miss-matched gloves. Both of the kids are missing one glove now, it is a good thing that it is warming up.
Taking a break from walking. Kens has her walking stick(that has to go everywhere with us) and her handful of flowers. She picks flowers any time we are out.
She fell down and hurt her knee. She wanted to show the birds her knee but got very sad because they kept running away.
Kens gave us a good laugh, as she was falling before she even hit the ground and started crying, she said "oh no, not again". She is getting use to falling and I think she gets sick of it. We could not stop laughing.
We toured the Royal Palace. You can't take picutres inside, but it was really neat.
I took the kids to the Aquirum, if you can call it that. I think that going to the Rainforest cafe is just about as exciting as this was. Kenslee was so excited and did have fun. We were only there for an hour and that was with a lot of looking at the toys and counting the fish. We will have to do a trip to Sea World when we get back home.

Kenslee has wanted to have a picnic. So we decided to do one inside because it isn't warm enough
outside yet.
Nordiska Museet
Skansen, the world's first open-air museum. This is such a fun place, we got season passes and we will make good use out of them.
You can't see it but there is a reindeer behind Kens eating.

Chasing a rooster and chickens

I think he needs a haircut soon!
So excited about her new goggles and floaty .
In his new swim hat

Just a cute picture
Thursday night we kept the kids up late so that we could go and celebrate with the Swedes. April 30th is Walpurgis Night, it is a celebration of springtime. They have a choir sing for a while and then they listen to some author give a speech. Then it is time to light the huge bonfire. The next day everything is dead, everything is closed and nobody is out. This weekend is known as the biggest weekend for drinking...bottoms up!

This is the huge pile of wood for the bonfire.
The choir singing behind us.
Sleeping through the celebration
It was huge!!
Yeah for springtime! It is still only in the 50's. I am starting to miss the warm weather in Texas right about now. It will be nice in a couple of months, maybe 65 degrees.

Since Billy didn't have to work on Friday we decided to head north to see a different city. We went up to Uppsala, it was a pretty little town. We went swimming the first day and then did some sight seeing the next. Fun times!!

Cade's first time swimming. He seemed to like it, he was mostly watching Kens go crazy.

You always need a big scoop of ice cream after a long day of swimming!
Worn out!! She fell asleep on our way to dinner and slept through most of it. We tried to wake her up so that she could eat, but she wasn't very interested. She just wanted sleep.
Uppsala had the first University in Scandinavia, 1477.
This is the largest cathedral in the Nordic region.
390 ft high twin spires
Vasa castle
Royal burial mounds in Gamla (old) Uppsala. These have been here for 1,500 years