Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Glad Påsk (Happy Easter)

We had a great Easter. Kenslee could not wait for it to finally be Easter, she started asking me everyday for about 2 weeks if it was Easter yet. Here are some pictures!

These are a couple of funny candies that they have during Easter time. I thought the fried egg was really clever, but I don't really get the teeth. They are both pretty tasty. They had some pink pigs that we also tried and they were disgusting, Kenslee started to gag like crazy. There is also a drink that they have every Easter and Christmas. I asked a guy at the store what it was and he said "it is like coke, Swedish style". We bought some and tried it, to us it tasted like prune juice with carbonation. We are not big fans, but maybe it will grow on us. It was fun to do some of their traditions, and try the goodies.
We decorated eggs on Saturday, we did it a little different this year. We used a box of crayola crayons. It worked and was just as fun. They don't have the Easter decorating kits here, so this is what I came up with.

This was all Billy's doing...Cade loved sucking on the eggs
This is an Easter decoration that you see everywhere. They tie feathers on the end of twigs, these are to represent palm leaves for Palm Sunday. They also tie feathers on trees outside.

The Easter bunny came!!

They don't use Easter Baskets, instead they use cardboard Easter Eggs.

Easter Morning
Ready for church

Cute kids, I love them so much!

We hope y'all had a wonderful Easter!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More fun in Stockholm

The Royal Palace
We haven't been able to go inside and tour it, but we are hoping to do it one of these weekends.
Marten Trotzigs Grand, the narrowest street in the city. This isn't the best picture, we will have to get another one when it is sunny.
Peanut butter and honey sandwich with BBQ sauce...gross! Kens loves her BBQ sauce.
Dr. Kenslee McGuire
In deep thought.
Feeding the ducks

Kens has to wear her hat anytime that I have mine on, such stylish girls!
Picnic in Stortorget

Chasing the pigeons. She does this everywhere we go if she sees birds. She says she is going to scare them and makes the weirdest noise, it is pretty scary. It is so funny when she does it in front of people, me and Billy just sit and laugh.

Cade is 6 months old!! He is our happy go-lucky boy. It is so easy to make him smile and laugh. He is always growling and making noise. He is not too fond of laying down, he wants to sit or stand up all the time (I am really missing some of our baby toys that we had to leave behind). He absolutley loves his sister and gets so excited when he hears her. He does get bugged by his big sister also, since she is always wanting to kiss and hug him and he can only take so much. Our big boy got his first tooth and is starting to try out some new foods. We love him so much and are so blessed to have two amazing kids.


Summer cottages
People have little cottages that they use during the summer for gardens. Since they all live in apartments, this is their way of being able to do some gardening. The cottages are really cute and there are a ton of them.
Playing at the park

Plumbers bum, gotta love it!
Trying some pears...I don't think he likes them.
Oh bitter face
Stockholm Temple

This was Kenslee's wedding bouquet while we were there at the temple. She walked around like she was getting married and made me keep singing the wedding song. It was so cute!

Prince and Princess McGuire getting married. Billy was her Prince that she married.
This is their library downtown, it is a fun place. There are tons of books, too bad we can't read any of them (they do have a section of English books, so Kens loved reading those).