Sunday, November 30, 2008


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were lucky enough to have my mom here again for Thanksgiving. My dad surprised her for her birthday with a ticket to come down to visit us. It was so much fun having her here. It was such a fun day having my mom help me with Thanksgiving dinner and then having her and some friends to share it with. I am so thankful for such amazing parents and for my own little family.
Our Oreo Turkeys Nana and the kidsThanks again mom for all of your help in the kitchen! Popsie, you were missed very much!

Friday, November 21, 2008

"Go Team Edward"

Ra ra ra...Go Edward!!

Some of my girlfriends and I are very dedicated Edward fans and we sacrificed a good nights sleep for him! No, we didn't go as far as a lot of girls, like wearing the Edward shirts and getting there at 6, but we did go to the first showing at 12:00 am. It was SO much fun! If you haven't seen it yet, all you Twilight fans, it was great and you will definitely be an Edward fan after.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Little Ones

These two little ones make my day (and my hubby of course)!

Kenslee is such a sweet girl and loves her baby brother very much. We have had a few intense tantrums since baby brother has arrived but she seems to be getting better. I guess the last one was only last week! She loves looking at him (an inch from his face), and she gets so happy when he smiles at her. She is very good at entertaining him and telling him stories. She does not like to hear him cry. If he is crying she will cover her ears and run over and pop his binkie in, she will usually get to him before I can. It has been nice because now we have a prince for both of us, the princesses, we switch from daddy being her prince and baby brother is mine or the other way around. She has a very fun imagination, I love it.

Doing her make-up while mommy was getting ready. She looks gorgeous!
Silly faces
She loves her new monkey slippers and hat
Baby Cade is such a good baby. He is an amazing sleeper (can I hear it for 9 pm to 5 am!) and LOVES to eat! He is very smiley and has his daddy's cute dimple. He is our "Mini Billy"...LUCKY BOY! It is so fun to see him smile at us, and especially when he smiles at Kenslee, to see her excitement when he does. I love to see his little personality start to shine.
Trying to eat his lion
His famous crooked smile
Funny faces...we call this one "bird lips"
We can't wait to come home for the holidays! Baby Cade is excited to meet all of his family and friends!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We went to the Pumpkin Patch again with Billy, it is such a fun place.

Kens was entertaining her baby brother while I was making dinner. She kept bringing him toys and would show them to him and then put them by him. He was surrounded by some fun toys! She is a great big sister.

We had so much fun this Halloween! We had a Halloween dinner for family night. We made yummy pumpkin pizza's and for dessert...spooky Black Cat Cupcakes. It was a lot of fun to make this together.

Kenslee made 3 cupcakes and she would have kept going if we would have let her, she loved making the black cats. I thought that 3 was enough for her to eat.

Kenslee helped me design her pumpkin face and carve it and then she was on her own with painting, she made her pumpkin beautiful! It actually looks pretty creepy, but her intention was to make it very pretty and she did great!

Billy didn't want to paint his pumpkin, but Kens didn't let that happen. She helped him out and made it look so much better.

This is our sweet "Princess Witch". You couldn't just call her a witch because normal witches are too scary, so she was a "princess witch".
Billy loves that I always make him wear some costume for Halloween. When I told him I made him a shirt, his reply was "Can't you just let me be". No way... what fun is that! handsome ghosts!

I love this one, I think they have had enough with the pictures!
Cute little "Cade the Ghost"...I love squeezing this little guy.
For Halloween we got together with some of our friends and had a blast! We took the kids Trick-or-Treating together, then we had some Chili and cornbread for dinner. It was great watching the kids together and trying to keep up with them as they ran from house to house.
Kenslee had a pretty tramatic fall at one of the houses. She was the first one running up to the house and there was a skeleton that started dancing when she ran buy. It scared her and some how she face planted and lost both of her shoes, her hat and her pumpkin bucket, candy was everywhere. Being the mean mom I am, I was trying not to laugh because there were people around that were really concerned for my daughter. She was fine and just a little startled from the dancing skeleton. Once we got her shoes back on and picked up all of her candy she was off to the next house. It was very funny and I am still not sure how everything went flying!