Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Couple of my Favorite Books

I got some great books for Mother's Day. My Mom sent me this wonderful book, "Mothering with Spiritual Power", by Debra Sansing Woods. I have only read through half of it, but I feel like I have marked up all of the pages and by the time I am done everything will be underlined. I highly recommend this one to all of you Mothers out there. This will be a book that I will refer back to for many years. Thanks Mom!
My next favorite book was sent to me by Billy's Mom. The cover says it all...

That's right ladies, "Porn for New Moms"! When I got this in the mail I had to take 4 or 5 looks at it to make sure I was reading it right. I was very confused at first. I didn't know what my mother-in-law just sent me. My curiosity got the best of me and I had to glance through the pages. I have never seen a book that is SO TRUE! I will give you a taste of what is inside. The men are all fully dressed (I think there might be a couple topless, but for the most part shirts on), and they are usually holding a darling, little baby. With each picture the man has something to say...
"No, you relax for a while. I've figured out how to fold everything one-handed"

"Well, Inga, the 19-year-old Swedish au pair, is sweet and all, but I'd prefer on older nanny with more experience"

"I figure if I drop the sports channels, we'll max out the college fund in no time!"

"Ooh, volcanic eruption with major blowout. That's so cute, I'll change her."

"Yeah, it's a Maya Wrap. You guys have a problem with that??"

This was a real study that the Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative did to answer the question, "What really turns new mothers on?" It wasn't the shirtless fireman that turned most of us on, it is our husband holding our baby that ended up being the turn on. Very interesting and true!!

I still haven't had the chance to ask Billy's mom how she found this book, but I am glad that she had, it is pretty funny! Thanks!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nana and Poppa Visit - Part 2

On Wednesday we decided to take a trip down to San Antonio. On our way there we stopped in Austin to see the State Capitol. It was really pretty and nice to get out of the car. We stayed in a hotel near the River Walk in San Antonio. I loved the River walk, the atmosphere is so fun and there are so many restaurants to choose from. On Thursday we went to Sea World, it was a great time to go, it was not busy so we didn't have to fight any crowds. On Friday we stopped at the Alamo, it was very interesting and neat to actually see. This was such a great trip and we loved having my parents with us.

The State Capitol
Austin, Texas

Top of the dome
Relaxing inside the capitol
Kens thought it was fun to get on cannons for pictures, every time she would see one she would request a picture.

Chasing birds and squirrels
Kenslee was my entertainment in the car. We covered each others hands with stickers.
She was pulling funny faces

Boat ride around the River Walk

Sea World
Getting ready to play in the water and get soaked!
Topless girl
Loving the water
Watching the dolphin show

Cheering for Shamu

Eating Dinner on the River Walk

At the Alamo

The Alamo

Billy and Kenslee waiting at the doctor's office to find out if the baby is a boy or girl?! BOY!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nana and Poppa Visit - Part 1

My mom and dad came to visit for a week. Kenslee couldn't wait, I had to show her everyday on the calendar how many more days until Nana and Poppa come. We had such a great time, the week flew by. Billy didn't have to work for the week so we got to do lots of fun things. The first few days we hung around the house, we went to the lake and fed the ducks, we also went to the Fort Worth Zoo. This zoo is really neat and very big. I will post another blog soon with pictures from the rest of our fun filled week.

Lewisville Lake
Here's a picture for those of you who want to see my prego belly!
4 months pregnant