Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter

Easter 2006Easter 2007
Easter 2008

Easter Activities

We had such a fun Easter this year. We had an Easter Egg Hunt with all of our friends at the park. Kenslee loved putting the eggs in her Easter basket and then finding the goodies that were inside.

Our friends had a Easter party, it was very fun. We played a game where everyone brought a decorated hard boiled egg and you would roll it at the same time, the egg that cracked was out.

We also went to see the Easter bunny, this bunny was kind of a doof but Kenslee liked him anyways. He just sat there, really boring. I snuck a picture before Billy put her on his lap. I probably shouldn't have taken this picture but I wanted it for the blog and I didn't feel that bad because he was so blahh! Anyways, enough about the Easter bunny, most bunnies are great!

Easter morning was very relaxing and fun. Kens found her hidden Easter basket and loved the treats that the Easter bunny left her. She got to be Snow White all morning and we played Candy land as a family. We also decorated our eggs. What a great day, Happy Easter!

Hunting for her Easter basket, she was being very sneaky. Not under the tableShe found it!!
Kenslee racing against her friend Stella
The Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Bunny
Playing with her new puppets...Thanks Nana and Poppa
My birthday gifts, Easter eggs! There were great gifts to choose from inside, Thanks babe!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Favorite songs, albums and artists

I have $60 dollars worth of music to purchase from itunes, so I thought I would get some ideas from my friends. I am looking for some new favorites to add to my ipod. I really am in need of some new music to workout to. I thought to my self that I have some pretty awesome, and hip friends, so please share your favorites with me....THANKS!

Kenslee in her Sunday dress, always so HAPPY!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fort Worth Stockyard

Billy had a week off of work, so we tried to do some fun things. It ended up being mostly yard and house work. We did go down to the stockyard, Billy has never been and it was a gorgeous day. Kenslee loves seeing the horses and cows, she even sat on a longhorn, his name was "Big Jake". She thought it was so cool, I thought she might be nervous but she got up there and had the biggest smile. It was a fun day and we loved having Billy home for the week!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Kenslee and I decided to take a quick trip to Utah while Billy had training in Miami. It was very fun, Kenslee couldn't wait to see everyone. While we were there we surprised everyone with our big news. Billy and I made a book that had pictures of our cruise and little captions under each. On the second to last page it says, "through all the towel animals, sick days, and fun times we had on the ship, there was one thing above all that we learned about our family...", then the last page is the picture of Kens in her Big Sister shirt and under the picture it says, "All it takes is a CRUISE". Most everyone got it right away, but there were a couple people that it took a few minutes...I won't mention any names!
It was a fun trip and good to see you all again.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Big Sister (That's me)

We are excited to say that cruise baby #2 is on the way!! There is something about cruisn' or Mexico that seems to work for us. With all of the sickness and stress of the cruise, I wouldn't consider it the most relaxing trip, but it still managed to work its magic.
Kenslee loves talking about being a big sister and having a baby brother/sister. We can't wait to bring another sweet baby into our lives and add to our family!