Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Kenslee is starting to really love the princess stuff, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Ariel, but most of all Cinderella. She will sing songs about all of them and I have to join in. The one we sing about the most is Cinderella. Kenslee has such a beautiful, little voice. I don't need to say much about mine other than...Kenslee is the only one lucky enough to hear my pretty voice. Last night Billy was putting Kens to bed and she was saying her prayers. She repeats what we say, so the last thing Billy said was, "please bless that I will have good dreams", and she opened her eyes and said "about Cinderella". We thought it was so funny and very cute!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's

Valentine's was such a great day! It was so cute hearing Kens say "Happy Valentine's". She loved seeing the hearts everywhere. She could not wait for Daddy to get home. He was out of town, so she was missing him and wanted to tell him "Happy Valentine's". Billy got home and we couldn't wait to give each other our gifts. Kens got princess books from us and Billy brought her home the cutest dragon stuffed animal. She calls the dragon a dinosaur, same thing! It sings and flaps its wings. He also gave her a tinker bell card that she carried around all night. First thing this morning she asked for her dinosaur and tinker bell.

I got Billy some workout shorts, nothing too special, but he liked them. Billy totally surprised me with perfume. I have been wanting some new perfume but I was just thinking I would mention it to him for my birthday. He picked out this amazing kind, it smells SO good. I absolutely love it. I would highly recommend it if anyone is wanting an awesome smelling perfume. It is called "Burberry Brit". Billy picked this out on his own, great job babe! I love it and I love you!

I found this perfect card for Billy..."The Love Remote". It was too funny, I had to get it!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Busy body

These are just a few silly things that Kenslee is doing these days...

Silly Face
This is what she thinks carrots are for
She did her makeup all by herself (she got pretty close to her eyes)
This is her new game "peek-a-boo" under the couch
She is starting to get really big and talk big. She will say "actually" and "though" in her sentences. She will say to me, "Actually mom thats daddy's" or "thats mine, though". She can count really well, it is funny because she counts to ten great, but no matter how hard I try she skips the number 6. What is funny is when you ask her how old she is she says "six".
I love my little girl, she is always keeping me very entertained.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Home Remedy for a Cough

I have had one of those nagging coughs for the past few days and I haven't gotten much sleep so I finally resorted to try anything. I found this little remedy online, but I just couldn't get myself to stomach this one just yet. It did show that it was the best one for the cough--maybe if I don't sleep tonight. These are the delicious ingredients for this remedy...

It soothes an irritated throat and relieves chest congestion and phlegm. The bad news: it tastes terrible -- it really does -- but if you have a persistent cough, it's worth a try.
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 Tablespoon honey
  • 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons water
    Mix and take by the teaspoon.
Very enticing, don't ya think?!

So last night I was drinking lemon juice with honey and it wasn't too bad. It would help for a little bit, but then it would come right back. It was very sour, Billy was laughing at the faces I pulled while drinking it.
We also read that some people drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, I wasn't too excited about this one either. As we were getting ready for bed and I was having another cough attack, Billy decided he was going to go to the store and buy some apple cider vinegar. I thought ok, it will probably taste like strong apple cider and I can drink a couple of Tablespoons of this. Oh my GOODNESS! It had no taste of apple in it, it was pure vinegar, so much for my hopes of the apple taste. It was so strong and disgusting, I think it ruined yummy vinegar on my salads for a while.
I did cough last night, but they were more coughs that seemed to finally be helping clear my throat out better. I have been much better today, so I think the vinegar thing might have worked its magic. Hopefully I don't ever have to do it again and NEVER have to do the first little remedy shown above...gross!
If you are wondering why I don't just do the cough/cold medicines, they make me crazy. I get jittery and then I won't be sleeping at all. It is really weird, even the PM stuff.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Memorable Trip - Cruise 2008

We went on the Mexican Riviera Cruise with the McGuire family. I thought the title "Memorable trip" was a good way of describing this trip. It wasn't memorable in many ways that I would have wished, we were kind of an unlucky bunch (Billy, Kenslee and I). Some dingbat decided to bring the Norwalk Virus (flu) onto the ship. It was going around the ship and about 200 guests and 30 crew members ended up getting this. We were included in the number of guests. The cruise started on Saturday, and we were at sea Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Kenslee woke up Monday morning vomiting and with diarrhea so when anyone was sick you would get quarantined to your room for 24 hours. We weren't planning on leaving since Kens was so sick, so we spent Monday in our little, tiny cabin (with no window).

Tuesday we got to Acapulco and lucky enough we were able to get off the ship. That evening we went to see the cliff divers, they were pretty amazing, and this is when it all began for me. I started feeling a little queasy, but when it hit oh man did I know it. We were on our way back to the ship and Billy and his brother decided they needed to stop and get Dr. Pepper at the store. While they were in the store, for what seemed like hours, I thought I was going to lose it, and not in the way that I could just open the window and be ok, but in a way that is much more difficult to take care of without a bathroom, if you know what I mean. I was trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do. I didn't know if I would make it to the restroom in the store (if they had one). Finally, Billy came back, and the rest was a blur--I ran up to our room and there we were for another 24 hours.

Billy woke up Wednesday morning with the sickness, so we weren't able to get off the ship to see our next stop, Ixtapa. Thursday we were in Puerto Vallarta, and we were able to get off and walk around town. Since Monday Kenslee was not herself--she wouldn't eat, she kept getting dehydrated and vomiting, it was so sad. Friday we were in Cabo San Lucas and we went to a beach. It was chilly that day, but the beach was pretty. Saturday Kenslee woke up with diarrhea again and vomiting so we got to stay in our room again that day. My poor little girl was just not getting better. We were SO ready to get off that ship. She is finally better and eating, but it took her a good week and a half. We went on this cruise expecting to gain a few pounds and I know that we all ended up losing pounds. We didn't leave the cruise with a sun tan or burn. I think it will be a long , long while until we do the cruise thing again. Don't get me wrong I have done a few before this one and had a ball, but this did us in. We are just very lucky that no one else in our group ended up getting sick. Thanks Bill and Diana, even though our trip ended up being "memorable" in a different way!!

Here are a few pictures of the happy, enjoyable days on the cruise.

Just got on the ship we decided to do a little relaxin'
Sunday: Dressed up for family pictures
Ready for dinner
Tuesday: Acapulco
Everyone but my hubby and the sleeping babies (Kenslee, Brody, and Peter)Cliff divers
Thursday: Puerto Vallarta
Friday: Cabo San Lucas