Monday, January 14, 2008

Our "Baby Girl" is 2 years old!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Kenslee as she has grown...

I can't believe that it has been two years, it seriously goes by too fast. We have LOVED every minute of having sweet Kenslee in our lives. She has brought so much happiness to Billy and I, she is always making us laugh and has always been such a happy little girl. She still loves to snuggle and give lots of hugs and kisses, I hope this lasts forever. Being a mom has been so rewarding and I would not change it for anything. We love you "baby girl" (this is what she says when you ask her who she is)! HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

She has had some very exciting birthday parties. While we were in Utah we had a party with both families. When we got back to Texas we decided we needed to do something fun on her "actual" birthday, so we invited some friends to Chuck E Cheese. She had so much fun! Thanks to everyone who came to the parties and for the wonderful gifts. She has had a blast playing with all of her new toys.

1st Birthday Party
2nd Birthday PartyOpening her Birthday Presents from us (Mommy and Daddy)Giving her presents a "thumbs up"!Last but not least, her third Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese
Over the holidays a couple of other important and exciting things happened. It was my Popsie's Birthday on the 24th of December. Sorry this is late Pops, we love you SO much! You have always been such a great example to me and such a great friend. My Dad has so many qualities that I am always striving and working towards. I think he is the most optimistic person I know. He has always been such a hard worker, and an amazing example to all of us with his church callings and the gospel. My Dad and I have always been a great team with teasing and jokes. I know that he will feed off of my tease and I will do the same for him. We think we are pretty darn funny. Happy Birthday and WE LOVE YOU!It was mine and Billy's four year anniversary! It has been the best four years of my life. Billy is the love of my life and my best friend. I am so lucky to have him as my hubby, he is an amazing husband and father. We have had some amazing experiences and adventures together and I can't wait to have many, many more! I love you babe!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Christmas in Utah

We had such a wonderful holiday. It was so much fun spending time with family and friends; I love catching up with everyone. Kenslee loved her second Christmas and had such a great time playing in the snow. We found one thing out about Kens, she is a little party animal. She was having a blast at all of the parties. Here are a few pictures of Christmas and the parties.
First snow storm, Kenslee was loving it!

My mom and I created this amazing Gingerbread house (thanks to Costco).

Kenslee and her FAVORITE puppy dog, SASSY!
And the parties begin...
Ju, Brack, and Kens
Kens and Emma
She really has an arm, I think she might have a future in Baseball...she was actually giving it a little, sweet tap.

The "Ugly Sweater" Christmas Party!
Kenslee and Caroline having a blast together!

Kenslee in her Christmas dress...she is such a cheese ball, but so stinken cute!

Her second Christmas Dress

We went to Willard Bay to see the lights. They have horses that will pull you around to look at the lights, but when it is freezing (like it was) the car with heat was a better option.
Playing in the SNOW!!
Our first attempt to making a snowman
Our second and much bigger snowman!
As you can see in that picture, Kens was getting sprayed by the snow. At the time she was having fun until they veered off of the track. She ended up with a white mask that was an inch thick. She was not happy after this and was a little weary of going down another big hill. These are her rosy cheeks after we wiped off her snow mask and cheered her up.

I love the holidays and we had such a great time. I have mixed emotions about the weather. I am missing the snow, but WOW it sure is nice here in Texas. I am glad that I could go to Utah to get my snow fix, I can't wait until next year!