Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Fun

Halloween has been so much fun this year with Kenslee, she loves all of the pumpkins, ghosts, spiders and the scary witch. Every Sunday we go on a drive or walk around our neighborhood to look for all of these things, she gets so excited when she sees them.
We had Billy's Halloween work party "The Boo Bash" on Friday. It started out by going to his work to get our flu shots (fun party, right), Kens did so good. It was actually really funny because she had a delayed reaction and just looked at me and said "ouch". That was the last we heard about it. After that we headed out to Six Flags, it was SO much fun and very Halloweenie! They had dinner there for us and we got to ride the rides, it was a fun night.
We recently carved (Kens painted) pumpkins. Kens loved slabbing on all of that paint, she could have painted her pumpkin for hours, once she was done with hers, Billy and I carved ours while she helped paint the sides of them. Billy went for a scary ghost, I was going for a glamorous pumpkin (I think it turned out mighty fine, Billy laughed when he saw that I was painting hair on my pumpkin) and Kens had it all planned out to paint her pumpkin black(thats what it turned into once all of the colors mixed).

On Sunday we made pumpkin cookies. Kenslee was such a little helper, she really helped out with the flour.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fun Times with Nana and Poppa

My parents came to visit us for a week and we had so much fun! We kept very busy and Kenslee was loving life. They came down to go to the Utah vs. TCU football game, when it came down to it my mom wanted to stay with Kens and I to play so Billy went with my Dad to support the Utes! At first he was giving me a hard time telling me that it will be fun because it is a football game but he won't cheer for the Utes. The day of the game he was so excited and he even wore a red hat to the game and he told me that he has realized that he needs to give a little to make is wife and in-laws happy. I think that he is slowly turning into a Utah fan!! GO UTES!
We went to the Texas State Fair and this was an experience! I have never seen so many fried foods in my life, it was unbelievable and of course we had to test a few of them out. This fair is known for their corndogs and fried foods, they had fried oreos, snickers, coke, latte, cookie dough, PB&J(yummy), I can't even remember them all, it was crazy! We thought that we needed to try a few things just to say that we had tried it and by the end of the night we were all feeling so sick(thank goodness for pepcid). We started the night with the great, hearthealthy corndogs, then ventured on to the fried cookie dough and coke, then we couldn't pass up the fried snickers. I do have to say that we were so close to trying the fried PB&J, but as we were in line for it we all decided that no one could handle any more. I have to say I am a little dissappointed, it did look pretty good!
Delicious Fried Snickers


Kenslee's favorite part of the fair was the pig races and the petting zoo, she could not stop talking about it for the next few days.

Waiting for the Pig Race to start

Go Red Pig!!

We went to downtown Dallas and went to the Sixth Floor museum. It was SO interesting--it is kind of crazy to see the actual place where JFK got shot.

The Museum is in the red brick building and the window where the shooter was is the one right on the end on the sixth floor.

We went to the Fort Worth Stockyards, I loved it there, I felt like we were in total cowboy country back in the day. There were saloons everywhere and full-on Cowboys walking around and riding their horses. I almost purchased some cowboy boots, I am going to get myself some before too long... YEEHA!

Texas Longhorns

We made it back to the Pumpkin Patch and the weather was gorgeous!
(If you have noticed that my Mom and I are matching, sometimes we just can't help it that we have very similar taste!)

This was a spooky tree that they carved a witch face and a couple of owls into it. It is a real tree that died so I guess they decided to keep it there and turn it SPOOKY!

It was so much fun having Nana and Poppa here! Thanks for everything, we love and miss you! Can't wait to see you next month!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Go Red Sox!!

The Red Sox are in the World Series!! While we lived in Boston, Billy and I became fans of the Boston Red Sox. It's pretty hard to live in that city and not become a fan--the people there are absolute die-hards for their team. So, we followed them pretty closely while we were there and went to a couple of games at Fenway Park, which was an amazing experience. If you're ever in Boston during the fall, make sure you make it to a game! Unfortunately, they didn't do so hot while we lived there. I can only imagine the craziness that is going on there right now and wish that we were there to join in the madness.

For any Rockies fans out there, sorry to say but the Sox are going to cream the Rocks in the Series!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Kenslee videos!

So we've tried to take some video lately of Kenslee doing funny things, since no one is really around to see her do them. The problem with it is that whenever she hears the "ding" from turning on the video camera, she wants to come over and watch whatever we're taping instead of be taped. Nevertheless, after many failed attempts, we were able to capture a little bit of Kenslee on video and we thought we'd share it.

The first video is of Kenslee making orders for what she wants for dinner. We asked her what she wanted to eat, and this is the response we got (and the response we get nearly every day).

The second video is of her showing off her new trick of jumping--she can really catch some air! If things don't improve, her future basketball prospects are probably limited.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

I absolutely LOVE the holidays!! I get so anxious to decorate the house with all of the fun holiday decorations, it is hard for me to wait until it is appropriate to finally decorate. Billy has had to remind me a few times of when it is "normal" to decorate for certain holidays. So for example... October 1st I can decorate for Halloween, November 1st for Thanksgiving, and the day after Thanksgiving I can decorate for Christmas. Monday was October 1st so we decided to go to the Pumpkin Patch. It was really fun and Kens had a blast, but it did not feel right. When you are at a Pumpkin Patch shouldn't it have that crisp, cool Fall feeling? It was SO hot, we weren't able to stay there as long as we would have liked. Maybe by the end of the month it will feel more like fall and we will have to go back. We did buy some AWESOME pumpkins!!

We got our Halloween box out to decorate and the first thing that Kenslee saw was her Bunny hat from last years costume. We both had to be bunnies for awhile! She was my cute little bunny last year and still looked just as cute this year, she liked wearing the bunny hat a little more this year.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Friday Night Lights

I don't know how many people have seen the movie "Friday Night Lights," but it's basically about a high school football team in Texas and shows how seriously people in Texas take high school football. While we've seen a bit of the obsession around already (stickers on cars, high school T-shirts sold at the grocery store, etc.), we thought that we needed to witness it first hand. It was Flower Mound High School's Homecoming weekend, so Kenslee and I went to the parade on Thursday and then on Friday we all went to the big football game. It is true about Texas football, they take it very serious! We felt like we were at a college football game. The teams were all disciplined and structured, running their formations before the game started. There seemed to be dozens of coaches for each team. There were even box seats in the stadium where some of the coaches sat to give directions to their teams! It was such a fun game and we were winning when we left, so I am sure they took the whole game.

Kens watching the parade

Picking up a soccer ball that got tossed to her at the parade

Kens relaxing before the big game

Cheering at the game

Go Jaguars!