Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation, Part 2 (Finally!)

We had fun at Maegan's for a week just us Wicke girls. Then Bill came and we were all so happy to have him with us again. Someone has to make the dough so we can play!

First stop In'N'Out!

Then I had to say goodbye to Maegan. I wish we lived closer so we could hang out all the time!

Per tradition of us visiting Arizona we had a party with all the Arizona Wicke's at Thomas and Laurel's house. As always it was great fun and so nice to spend time with family!
Campbell took a little while to warm up to their pool but once she did she loved it. As you can see she was the last one in!

We hit the road the next day to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house in New Mexico!

Thomas and Laurel made the trip with us and we were so glad to get to spend more time with them. We went to White Sands National Monument. Of course it was at least 100 degrees that day.
Dot was so great and was up the dunes helping the kids sled down. She even showed us that she's not too old to have fun and went down the dunes a couple times.

The little ones were getting so hot and it was nap time. Laurel and I were spectators from the air conditioned car with the babies.

The main reason for the whole trip was to revive the Suburban! Bill and Bob spent most of their time working on her. And I know they both loved every second of it, in the blistering heat. I think we have a future engineer on our hands too. Campbell was right in there with them.

Bill turned the big 33! His parents had his wrestling brackets from High School framed. I know that he is very proud of those!

The next big adventure was going to Carlsbad Caverns. It was nice and cool down there! Campbell loved being a bat flying around in the caves.

We stole Thomas and Laurel's backpack carrier and Taite conked out.

Bob and Bill caught a horny toad. I was surprised that James was even going to attempt to hold it. Campbell of course wanted to make it her pet and carry it around in her pocket.
Then it was my big day. The big 3-0! Let me tell you it is great to be 30! I really feel in my skin finally.
The girls loved going in the hot tub with Grandma.
We went to the Natural History Museum and they had real dinosaur bones that you could touch! It was very cool.
The Land of Enchantment. Our last night there Bob was telling the girls all about the land around them. It was a great moment and the girls loved it. The sunsets are something I would love to see everyday!
Grandma and Grandpa with the girls.
Classic family picture in front of the fireplace.
The Suburban wasn't quite ready to be driven yet so we rented a car and drove home. We can't wait to see her in September when Bob and Dot are going to bring her up. The girls are anxious to have the Suburban. We had a good drive home. The girls are really good travelers.

"What other people think of you is none of your business."

"Big or small there is a difference only you can make."