Monday, March 22, 2010

We've been enjoying the weather.

It has been nice and sunny. The snow had melted. And we were playing outside a lot. St. Patrick's Day was so warm and sunny. I tried to get some cute pictures of the girls, but they were not cooperating. We did the whole "Corned Beef and Cabbage" dinner. On Friday I was able to get a steal on plane tickets to Arizona (and then we will be traveling to New Mexico to visit Bill's parents). And then on Saturday it snowed!

Here are some recent pictures.

James had her school musical.

James with her best friend Faith.

Campbell's creation. She made a bracelet out of a pop tab and paper towel.

Silly pictures of Taite.

The unsuccessful St. Patty's Day pictures.

So tired!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What we have been up to.

Yesterday was warm enough to play outside a little. Bill and the girls had fun running around playing tag.

They also filled the bird feeder in hopes to see some cardinals.

Taite loves looking out the door outside. She will sit and bang on the glass in hopes of someone taking her out. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time outside this year!

Last Monday James didn't have school, so we took advantage of that and went up to my parents for the weekend. Bill took Monday off from work so we could go to Ikea. It is so hard when you have lived close to an Ikea to move away from it. I am realizing that I have not decorated at all because I haven't been around any inspiration. Let me tell you, the corn fields of Iowa do not have much variation! These pictures are all random. We were able to stop by our friends house in DeKalb and say HI!
Bree loves babies. She loves to hold them. Taite is getting pretty big now and it is harder for Bree to keep her in her lap.

Silly girls hopped up on lingonberry juice in Ikea.

Taite finally threw in the towel and fell asleep. I am enjoying the little time I have left of carrying her around like this!

The girls loved their rock band instruments.

James was able to see Jenna, if only for 5 minutes, they loved every second.

Campbell and James being silly at Ikea.

Taite tried to eat an Asian Beetle at my mom's house. When I fished it out of her mouth she cried, loudly. When I showed it to her she tried to get it back. Yuck!

The girls were very impressed with the seat in the bathroom for your baby. Wow, we haven't been in a big city for a while!
"What other people think of you is none of your business."

"Big or small there is a difference only you can make."