Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!
We are here in Iowa with a fresh dusting of snow (if you call 6 inches a dusting!) Here in the Wicke house we have had a very productive year. Our youngest, Taite turned one this year and has really blossomed into a strong willed funny little girl. Campbell started Preschool. And loves it. Her imagination and ingenuity have no end. She is constantly making things and making things up. James started 2nd grade and is growing like a weed. She is clinging to her baby teeth and waits until they are almost falling out themselves before pulling them. Bill is still working for HUSCO and he is enjoying time with the family and doing things to improve our home. He is very content to be reconnected with the Suburban (his dad fixed it up to working order and his parents drove it up to us this October). I stay busy with all of the normal things and try to stay sane. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Peanut Butter Room.

Bill brought home a really big Christmas present. The problem was that the girls were home, so he told them to wait in their room while he brought it inside to hide it. After he hid it he told them they could come out of their room. Of course they were on the hunt to find what he brought home. They searched and searched. Then they came questioning me and Bill. We were stumbling through answers and finally we ended up saying that it was hidden in the "Peanut Butter Room". Then James and Campbell started looking for the Peanut Butter Room. They are still trying to find it. And have come up with many ingenious ideas about how to possibly get to the Peanut Butter Room. Like there might be a secret passage way through the hope chest. Or maybe you have to put the cat in the hope chest first and then climb inside with the cat (they have been completely unsuccessful at this one) and you will be transported to the Peanut Butter Room. They have also tried to figure out if it is a code for something else. They have come up with Passage (to the) Basement for Peanut Butter. Today they had early release from school because of the snow and the first thing James said was "I'm going to find the Peanut Butter Room!" Good Luck Girls!

Friday, December 3, 2010

She's crafty!

I found a cute little sewing project on The Purl Bee.

I decided to teach the girls to sew. Campbell picked it up so fast, she made three little felt pins before preschool. And James already knew how to sew. I guess that is something you learn before second grade.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It's about time I caught up a little. Here is what we have been up to.
Impromptu Family Picture

The girls being cute - Taite with a goatee.

Thanksgiving Dinner - James and Campbell wearing their pioneer dresses.

James doing her Native American presentation at school.

James' book parade. She picked the book Icarus at the Edge of Time.

My parents came down one weekend and the girls made caramel and chocolate covered pretzels with Grandma.

Taite figured out a new way to water the cats. (Totally gross and we keep the bathroom doors closed now!) Luckily she likes to clean up too!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Bean is 5!

Really, these kids growing up so fast is just kind of trippy. It seems like she was just a tiny little baby.

We had a great birthday party with "Pin the Face on the Pumpkin", make your own pizza, a pinata and cheesecake. I love that Campbell always wants cheesecake for her birthday. Happy Birthday Campbell!!!

Campbell is our little ham. She is so fun and smart! We love you Campbell! Quote of the day from Campbell: "Sorry guys, I won't see you at school tomorrow because I am in kindergarten" - I felt bad correcting her.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I know, it looks like a mouse or maybe a squirrel got into this candy. It was Taite. Bill took the girls out trick or treating and he said that he had to put Taite on his shoulders so she couldn't sneak any more candy. I think she "gets" what Halloween is all about!

Taite was a Lamb, Campbell a Vampire Bat and James was Bo Peep.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Recent Project

The front entrance way has been driving me crazy ever since I first laid eyes on it. Finally we were able to give it a much needed make over. Like all home improvement projects we ran into our fair share of road blocks. (Thank you Nancy for helping us out) But we are happy to say that it is finished!!!!
After pictures: (I loaded them in the wrong order Before/After)

This hallway area used to be carpet. I hated it! Now it is gone:)

View from the front door.

This transition turned out perfectly. Bill has a thing with thresholds.

Before pictures:
This was one of the original floor coverings. Gorgeous!

View from the front door:

The carpeted area:

Love linoleum!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Random Pictures

Taite loves playing the piano.

Since we live in a small town they have the Homecoming Parade during the day. The High School kids get out early and the parade starts at 2:30. All the elementary kids get to go to the parade and the local bank provides a snack bag for all of them. We have met James every year so far for the parade. I love that we live in a small town so we can do things like this. The girls have a blast and the football players and cheerleaders give all the kids high fives.

Are they going to be future glasses wearers? Campbell really wants to.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

School Playground

After Taite and I pick Campbell up from Preschool we head over to the playground at James' school while we wait for her to get out. Taite and Campbell both have become so good at climbing and going down slides. We are enjoying it while we can before the weather gets too cold!

"What other people think of you is none of your business."

"Big or small there is a difference only you can make."