Thursday, 28 October 2010

Geocaching NEWS

This morning we (I and 2 of my students of 3SDiver: Diego y Leyva) were visiting our geocaches MALEDI and MAPASHE and we have discovered that they had been already found by 3 geocachers!!!

We went out to bring a barrel for an experiment.
What are we going to do with it? You'll see later. Be patient.To be continued...

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Spanish + English = Spanglish!!!!!

¿Somos los españoles tan malos en idiomas como dicen?
Aquí os dejo un enlace a un artículo sobre el inglés y los españoles de un magnífico catedrático en Filología Inglesa.
It's quite interesting! Enjoy it!


Monday, 18 October 2010

Am I the only one bilinguist in this Blog?

Hi fellows!! I encourage you to write something. I feel bad, lonely, sad, snif snif. All of you have left me alone and I really need you. I need your help I need your support I need your smile. Why are you so bad with me? Why don't you pay atention to me? ("Master cast me accounts" as say the students)

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Pero que es esto del Geocaching?

Un geocache no es otra cosa que un contenedor a prueba de agua, que puede ser un caño o frasco sellados herméticamente (muy común en cachés chicos), un tupperware o similar (más empleados en cachés medianos) y otros recipientes más grandes que sean apropiados para enterrar o esconder. Se han utilizado desde diminutas cajas metálicas de pastillas de menta hasta enormes cajas ignífugas para municiones.

Dentro del recipiente, el dueño del cache dispone, como mínimo, de un cuaderno, denominado en la jerga de los geocachers como “logbook” (libro de visitas) y los elementos indispensables para escribir en él, como un bolígrafo o un lápiz. Además del logbook, en casi todas las oportunidades, el dueño del cache deja varios “regalos” para los visitantes, los cuales pueden ser todo tipo de objetos divertidos o curiosos, como juguetes, golosinas, postales, fotografías, CD/DVD, pen drives o memorias flash con contenidos multimedia, útiles de escuela u oficina, prendedores, billetes, monedas, estampillas… en fin, casi cualquier cosa que al creador del cache le venga en gana. La cuestión es que cada uno de los que hallen el cache deben firmar el logbook, informando la fecha, su nombre o apodo, lugar de origen, y dejar un mensaje amistoso para el dueño. También pueden tomar algunos de estos objetos y llevarlos consigo, a cambio de dejar en el cache otros de similar valor. El valor económico de estos objetos, como notarán, suele ser bajo. Sin embargo, para los participantes de esta actividad, algunos de ellos pueden llegar a tener un precio mucho más importante que el monetario. Las cosas que se toman de un cache pueden pasar a ser de la propiedad de quien los encuentra, aunque la práctica más habitual es que sean dejadas en otro cache, a cambio de los objetos que se tomen de este último.

Una vez que se tiene preparado el cache con su contenido, se lo entierra u oculta en un lugar al aire libre, que sea agradable de visitar. Es común, en muchos casos, que se elijan zonas de interés geográfico, como montañas, lagos, bosques u otros parajes que el creador del cache considere imprescindible conocer y visitar. Luego de ocultado el cache, se procede a la publicación de la ubicación geográfica del mismo (o de pistas para dar con su paradero) en alguno de los foros y sitios web en los que se nuclea la comunidad de geocachers.

Es costumbre que, además de registrar la visita en el logbook, se reflejen en los foros y webs especializadas las visitas de cada geocacher a los caches que haya encontrado, la fecha y los “intercambios” de objetos realizados.

New Geocaché

Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online

This morning María, Paloma and Sheila, students of 3S Div, have hidden a new Geocaché for your fellows called "MAPASHE" . This activity suposse a knowledge about geographical coordinates, orientation, maps interpretation and environment respect.

Tomorrow Manuel, Leyva, Diego and Dimitri must demonstrate their skills as hunters.

Good luck.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Geocaching Rules

Rule nº 1 : If you takes something leave something
Rule nº 2 : Leave the treasure where it was
Rule nº 3 : Log your visit.
Rule nº 4 : Enjoy the search

Friday, 8 October 2010

Treasure hunt

With the new tecnologies the pirates do not need a detailed map to get the hidden treasure. They only need the precise coordinates of the location. This can be made by a modern GPS. The coordinates mark a point called "WAYPOINT" (or GEOCACHE point) ; for example the waypoint of the IESDRE has the next coordinates: 37º 18.944' N , 6º 50.707' W (Latitud, Longitud).

If your GPS know your current position and the treasury position it can trace a line between those two points so that you only must follow the track to get the final point (yes, the desired treasure !!!!!)
With such information a GPS is able to go to the location with error less than 5m.

This morning the girls students of 3S Diversification found the treasure hidden yesterday by the boys. Ohhhhh. Ahhhh. Is the war " We are the best, shouted they"

To be continued....

Thursday, 7 October 2010

The teacher becomes student

I finally got to enroll in the course "that's english". Has been an obstacle race to obtain all documents. I'm almost going crazy. But at last I have submit the damn papers. Now I am very happy. Mua mua. The material consist of 4 books and 16 CD-DVDs.

!!! Ufff ¡¡¡ too much for the body

I'm going to need big help from ERIN

By the way, this morning we have been practicing GEOCACHING with a Garmin Colorado GPS. Tomorrow the girls of DIVERSIFICATION and DIMA (the ukranian boy) must find the hide treasure. Good luck to them.

Where is English Spoken? U.K.? U.S.A.?

I come from only one of many countries in the world that speaks English as a primary language. There are many other countries all over the world, on all five continents that speak English. Below, is a map of countries where the population speaks English. Those that are in dark blue speak English as the primary language and those in light blue have English as the official language, but not as the primary language. For example, in countries such as South Africa, the population speaks English along with Afrikaans, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. Are there any countries on this map that you have visited or would like to visit?

Hello, my name is Erin...

Hello everyone at I.E.S. Diego Rodríguez Estrada. My name is Erin Martin and I will be the new Conversation Assistant, or "Auxiliar de Conversación" for this year. I am very happy to be able to share this year with all of the professors and students at I.E.S. D.R.E. and would like to thank everyone for their very warm welcome.

Me in Mendoza, Argentina

I am from Denver, Colorado in the United States, but I have also lived in St. Louis, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois. See if you can find all three on this map:

Map of the U.S.

In the U.S., I studied Anthropology and Spanish, but I did many other things outside of school. I am an Irish Dancer and I play the folk harp. I also like to hike and camp in the mountains as well as practice yoga and travel. In my free time here and at home, I like to cook, eat, garden, and take pictures. I am a vegetarian, so my favorite foods may be different from yours. Some of my favorites plates are vegetable soup, lentils with curry, and fresh bread. I hope to share some typical food from my house and country with all of you. If you would like to see photos of Colorado or St. Louis, you can see my photo page:

Irish Dancers

I am very excited to be here in San Juan to share my language and culture with I.E.S. D.R.E. in order to carry out the biligual project. However, I am equally as excited to learn about San Juan, Huelva, and Spain from all of you.

Thank you again for the very warm welcome to San Juan and I.E.S. D.R.E. The professors' energy and enthusiasm are very inspiring and I hope for the very best this year!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Reportajes GEOCACHING en TV

Reportaje de la 6 sobre los GEOCACHERS Reportaje de Veo7 sobre el GEOCACHING

Enlace a Blog Geocaching


Hello world. This year the magic word will be "GEOCACHING". The activity consist in to hide a "treasure" and then seek it with a GPS.

I am going to make it with my students of DIVERSIFICACION.


Ya llegó nuestra auxiliar de conversación. Se llama Erin Martin y viene nada más y nada menos que ... de Colorado!!!???

Es una joven estupenda que ha llegado con mucha energía y nuevas ideas. Esperamos ir descubriendo más cosas sobre tu vida tan interesante.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

I would like to become the number 1 fan

Hi Silvia, Erin and Diana. It's a great pleasure to work with three so beautiful girls. I think I'll learn a ton with you.

Friday, 1 October 2010


Bienvenidos a nuestro blog bilingüe.

Con este blog pretendemos hacer realidad nuestro proyecto bilingüe. Este curso 2010/2011, empezamos nuestra andadura como centro bilingüe con mucha ilusión, motivación, esfuerzo y dedicación. Por ello, queremos implicar a toda la comunidad educativa y haceros partícipe de todo lo que vaya aconteciendo en relación al bilingüismo.

Espero que disfrutemos y aprendamos tod@s lo máximo posible.