Donnerstag, 15. März 2012

Beautiful De Rosa Titanio E.O.S

De Rosa Titanio E.O.S

De Rosa Titanio E.O.S

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Dienstag, 13. März 2012

De Rosa Macro from Sweden

De Rosa Macro

Photos by: Jörgen

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Ryota's De Rosa from Japan

De Rosa Nuovo Classico 585mm – 47-16 Fixed
Photo by: Ryota
Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Montag, 12. März 2012

Pic of the Day – Merak and Titanio

Photo by: Marcello
Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

De Rosa King from USA

De Rosa King

Photos by: Jim / RBCPhotographs

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Mittwoch, 7. März 2012

Special: Marcello enjoy the bike!

Marcello enjoy the bike! – Part I from BIKEADELIC on Vimeo.

Marcello enjoy the bike! – Part II from BIKEADELIC on Vimeo.

Marcello enjoy the bike! – Part III from BIKEADELIC on Vimeo.

Ciao Doriano, many thanks for the videos! 

More photos of my De Rosa Titanio:
Special: Doriano is building up the frame for Marcello
Marcello's new love – De Rosa Titanio
Pic of the Day – Titanio
Golden Autumn Ride with Titanio

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

De Rosa UD with golden Campagnolo Shamal

De Rosa UD

Golden Campagnolo Shamal

Photos by: zin

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Montag, 5. März 2012

Lee's De Rosa King 3 RS custom in New Zealand

De Rosa King 3 RS custom

Photos by: Lee

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Sonntag, 4. März 2012

Yellow De Rosa from Italy

56x55 c-c, stand over 80,5 

Full Chorus group set

Photos by: caale

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Donnerstag, 1. März 2012

De Rosa Professional SL – from the 80s

Marcos Blog:

Photos by: Marco

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012

Team Nippo / De Rosa King RS Frames

Team Nippo / De Rosa King RS

Team Nippo Website

Photos by: Verena

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email:

De Rosa Randonneur from Great Britain

De Rosa Randonneur

De Rosa Randonneur

De Rosa Randonneur
Phil writes:
This is the first time I have tried a heavily loaded bicycle. After a little trepidation I didn't find it too bad.

I couldn't decide to build this De Rosa into a full on tourer or use an old KHS mountain bike I have instead. After riding the bike I'm sure I've made the right decision.

I even had to weld canti boses to the frame to improve the fully loaded braking and build a custom bracket for the bar bag. I wise choice I think.

Photos by: Phil / Seventy Eight Surfboards

Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email: