De Rosa Randonneur |
De Rosa Randonneur |
De Rosa Randonneur |
Phil writes:
This is the first time I have tried a heavily loaded bicycle. After a little trepidation I didn't find it too bad.
I couldn't decide to build this De Rosa into a full on tourer or use an old KHS mountain bike I have instead. After riding the bike I'm sure I've made the right decision.
I even had to weld canti boses to the frame to improve the fully loaded braking and build a custom bracket for the bar bag. I wise choice I think.
Photos by: Phil / Seventy Eight Surfboards
Dear De Rosa fans, in case you want to contribute to my blog feel free to send in your photos, stories, articles, illustrations etc. related to De Rosa. Looking forward to your mails, Marcello – email: bikeadelic@gmx.de