Holiday started from last Friday [18 September 09] well,im quite lazy to do anything..even update blog although im using the laptop..
kept on searching SUPER JUNIOR 's stuff since im falling in love with them that day when my friend mention everything about them to me...LOL...maybe she's quite bored that time..XDD
anyway,to being her listener then we chat a lot a lot thing of SUPER JUNIOR..-----
Talk about my holiday..
Nothing special..Saturday?
I was hanging out my brother and cousin sister..So,after we arrive Center Point then my cousin sister looking for her friends..
Me? I brought my brother to find DEAR XIAO WEI...
I met her at Palm Square..she was with her sister...XIAO YING.
We was thinking where to went after four of us meet up...LOL..[BORED WITH THE PLACE.NOWHERE TO GO =.=]
And then we thought of watching movie so we went to 8th floor to search for any nice movie to watch...
We pass by the pool and snooker place and we stuck there..LOL..thought of want to cancel for watching movie..haha..and then brother mention about to play pool..
3 of us agreed with him,boring anyway...what else? we pay for a pool table.. and then we started to play...
Oh My GOD!! How noob was me? aaargghhhhh!! It was really damn embarrassing..!!
XDDDD then ask my brother to take my place and play for me...
I just sitting there looking at both of them with XIAO YING..
Few minutes after that,DEAR XIAO WEI said that they got to go..went to DAMAI METRO play pool again....XDDD
and then me with my brother planned to met cousin sister just after accompany XIAO WEI and XIAO YING to the 1st floor waiting for their car..
We went HAWAII to met cousin sister..
O.o?? XIAO YANG GOR was there..eating with few of his buddies..
Then my brother went to join with them...
I ask my cousin sister to came out from the shop..
After that,3 of us went to MC DONALD to take lunch...
Then few hours after that,like about 4.30pm something..we went to 1st floor and looking for taxi...
We arrive home at 5pm..
Nothing special too...
Just went to church with brother and grandma...
After that mum brought us to take was still around 10am..=.=
11 something arrive home..take an easy shower and then sleep for a while..
Hot weather make me awake...LOL!!
On the laptop,search for SUPER JUNIOR 's picture in google..
They all really cute ....!!! OMG.....!!
Woke up early at 7 - 8 am something...
Getting mum send me with my brother to cousin sister's house..
That day we was going to KUNDASANG...just 2 days 1 night trip..=)
1 of cousin sister's friend joining us too...
Anyway,we arrived at TAMPARULI to take our breakfast...
And then 12.30pm something,we drove up to KUNDASANG..
We arrived there around 2 - 3 pm something...
OMG..!! The resort that we'll stay quite nice...
It was really CLEAN....know what i mean? NO SPIDER AND IT'S WEB...I HATE IT!!
Me,my cousin sister and her friend kept on taking picture...XDDD
O.o?? At 3++pm something,DEAR XIAO WEI arrived there with her family..^^
haha...she told me that she wont overnight,all resort was fully book...quite sad...cause of can't have fun with's okey anyway....=)
After took bath then eat our dinner...Steamboat and BBQ...=DD NICE...
Me,my brother,cousin sister and her friend went to took a walk after finish our dinner...hell was really damn cold out strong wind summore...
XDDDD but FUN.....^^
Before sleep, 4 of us talk about ghost's stuff,story and much more...LOL..
and then play card for awhile....went to sleep....
Next day,we woke up at 7.30am...took an easy shower and then went to take our breakfast...Check out at 11++am...
Drove to hot-spring..but it was damn full of visitors...omg!!!
How can we swim if like that??XDDDD....=.=
XDD.I woke up at 12.30++pm something...
lol...I slept at around 5 at the night before...hahaha..
WUUYYEAAHHHH!! I am SUPER JUNIOR 's fan now...SO......??haha....kept on watching their video in YOU TUBE...XDDD
they all 13 guys are really funny and cute....
I kept on laughing alone while watching their video at midnight....i felt myself like really crazy of SUPER JUNIOR now...bwahhaaahhahahahaha...!!!well,they really make me crazy of them....XDDD
Honestly,I was really really hate SUPER JUNIOR a lot last time...But i guess....since my friend brought me to talk about them...LOL?
IM FALLING IN LOVE WITH SUPER JUNIOR..XDDDDHere's picture of 13 members of SUPER JUNIOR..^^ love it so much ..=)

[I'll end this post here]
[Stay tune for next post]
Oh yea...for DEAR CORINNE birthday party's picture...
I guess i wont upload them here...haha....IM LAZY
anyway,all of it are already in my friendster, you guys can see it in there if interested....=)