The State Fair rolled into town a couple of weeks ago, and I was fortunate enough to have been able to go and enjoy all of it's fried food-smelly animal-barking carnie goodness!! The little guy you see above was my prize for winning the squirt gun game, which I ROCKED;) Sadly, the Whack-a-Mole game was nowhere to be found...
Named "Green Monkey", because I'm original like that, he has given me more than a few smiles since I brought him home. As you can see, I've already trained him to bring me flowers. Of course, they came off of the rosebush in my yard and I had to clip them, but it's the thought that counts. Right? Don't judge.
I didn't go to the Fair last year because I was in a huge pity pile after Snow White left for college, and it wouldn't be the same without her, and it was too depressing, and wahh, wahh, wahh. Well, this year I decided to send her photos while I was there. Pig races, tractors, farm animals, OH, MY! To my delight, she and I carried on quite a conversation via text as I visited many of our fair faves:) Still wasn't the same as having her home, but that chapter is closed, and we are beginning to create new traditions. With the holidays tapping at the door, it's time to embrace our new reality, and look for ways to just make things work!!
The sun is shining here this morning, and the temps are predicted to reach into the eighties. I have a busy day ahead, and plan to enjoy every moment of it! Happy Monday, my friends! ((hugs))