30 July 2024

Your personal data has leaked due to suspected harmful activities.

> Hi,
> I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system.
> I also have full access to your account.
> I've been watching you for a few months now.
> The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
> If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
> Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
> This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
> I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
> Why did your antivirus not detect malware?
> Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence.
> I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watching at the time.
> With one mouse click, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on your social networks.
> I can also make public all your e-mail correspondence and chat history on the messengers that you use.
> If you don't want this to happen, transfer $1190 in Bitcoin equivalent to my Bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, just search "buy bitcoin" on Google).
> My Bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1B6Jd9XCedy4zE8PFZRfnpuK4yHYk5Xke1
> After confirming your payment, I will delete the video immediately, and that's it. You will never hear from me again.
> I will give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay. I will get a notice, when you open this email, and the timer will start.
> Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my Bitcoin address.
> I never make any mistakes.
> If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
> Best regards!

04 July 2024

I own very sensitive information about your web activities

First of all, let me tell you, you are one of a kind!<br>
It is hard to impress me because I have seen a lot in my career as a professional hacker but now I am really impressed. <br>
I will get straight to the point. Listen to me carefully. <br>
Several months ago, <br>
I was able to hack your operating system and gain full access to all your devices and accounts including messengers, social media profiles, etc. <br>
I hope, now you begin to get my message. <br>
It goes without saying that I gained access to what you type via keylogger, your internet activity and webcam streaming. <br>
All of this was possible due to your frequent visits to adult websites infected with harmful malware. <br>
In other words, you were under my microscope for many days like some kind of a little bug.<br>
The only difference is that unlike you there is no bug in the world who like to watch pervert porn. <br>
Yes, you understand it right: I was able to see everything on your screen and record video and audio streams of your camera and microphone. <br>
All of these records are currently securely saved on my storage as well as a backup copy. <br>
In addition, I also gained access to your confidential information contained in your emails and chat messages.<br>
Probably you are wondering why your antivirus and spyware defender software allowed me to do all of this? <br>
I am sorry but it's a very stupid question. All antivirus programs turned into useless shit quite a long time ago. <br>
Have you ever heard last years about any "advanced" new technologies in this industry? <br>
Exactly. Nowadays, developers do not give a flying fuck about your security. Therefore, hackers like me took advantage of it. <br>
The more you know my friend, no need to thank me. <br>
Maybe with this fresh knowledge, you will be more serious about your internet security and never take it for granted anymore. <br>
With that out of the way, let's cut to the chase. Using your recordings I made a video compilation, <br>
which shows on the left side the controversial porn scenes of you happily masturbating to, <br>
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment.. ^.^<br>
There are only 48 hours left since the moment you receive this email until I send this video to all your email and messenger contacts. <br>
But there is more, guess what? I can also make public all your emails and chat history.<br>
You are sick fuck in love with freaky adult content but you are not mentally retarted so I would like to believe, you do not want to let this happen. <br>
Right? Only the most stupid man in the world would be happy if his friends, loved ones and colleagues suddenly knew about something like this. <br>
In other words, there is no way back. It cannot be fixed. However, there is a way forward that both of us can benefit from. <br>
I am a reasonable guy and have no intention to ruin your life for nothing. I'd better like to gain something instead. <br>
Here is your salvation - transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 780 USD to my Bitcoin account<br>
(you can google the process in case you don't know how to do that).<br>
Here is my Bitcoin address: 1FMu71jtWw89URpwk7LCR3iJUrgfJKoAhL<br>
Once I am notified of receiving it, I will delete all those videos and disappear from your life for good.<br>
As I mentioned, you have only 48 hours to make a transaction after you open this email.<br>
Believe me, I am always one step ahead so no way in hell you could fool me. <br>
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will send and publish your videos in no time.<br>
P.S. It's in your power to make it nice for both of us.

02 July 2024

I own very sensitive information about your web activities

First of all, let me tell you, you are one of a kind!<br>
It is hard to impress me because I have seen a lot in my career as a professional hacker but now I am really impressed. <br>
I will get straight to the point. Listen to me carefully. <br>
Several months ago, <br>
I was able to hack your operating system and gain full access to all your devices and accounts including messengers, social media profiles, etc. <br>
I hope, now you begin to get my message. <br>
It goes without saying that I gained access to what you type via keylogger, your internet activity and webcam streaming. <br>
All of this was possible due to your frequent visits to adult websites infected with harmful malware. <br>
In other words, you were under my microscope for many days like some kind of a little bug.<br>
The only difference is that unlike you there is no bug in the world who like to watch pervert porn. <br>
Yes, you understand it right: I was able to see everything on your screen and record video and audio streams of your camera and microphone. <br>
All of these records are currently securely saved on my storage as well as a backup copy. <br>
In addition, I also gained access to your confidential information contained in your emails and chat messages.<br>
Probably you are wondering why your antivirus and spyware defender software allowed me to do all of this? <br>
I am sorry but it's a very stupid question. All antivirus programs turned into useless shit quite a long time ago. <br>
Have you ever heard last years about any "advanced" new technologies in this industry? <br>
Exactly. Nowadays, developers do not give a flying fuck about your security. Therefore, hackers like me took advantage of it. <br>
The more you know my friend, no need to thank me. <br>
Maybe with this fresh knowledge, you will be more serious about your internet security and never take it for granted anymore. <br>
With that out of the way, let's cut to the chase. Using your recordings I made a video compilation, <br>
which shows on the left side the controversial porn scenes of you happily masturbating to, <br>
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment.. ^.^<br>
There are only 48 hours left since the moment you receive this email until I send this video to all your email and messenger contacts. <br>
But there is more, guess what? I can also make public all your emails and chat history.<br>
You are sick fuck in love with freaky adult content but you are not mentally retarted so I would like to believe, you do not want to let this happen. <br>
Right? Only the most stupid man in the world would be happy if his friends, loved ones and colleagues suddenly knew about something like this. <br>
In other words, there is no way back. It cannot be fixed. However, there is a way forward that both of us can benefit from. <br>
I am a reasonable guy and have no intention to ruin your life for nothing. I'd better like to gain something instead. <br>
Here is your salvation - transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 780 USD to my Bitcoin account<br>
(you can google the process in case you don't know how to do that).<br>
Here is my Bitcoin address: 1FMu71jtWw89URpwk7LCR3iJUrgfJKoAhL<br>
Once I am notified of receiving it, I will delete all those videos and disappear from your life for good.<br>
As I mentioned, you have only 48 hours to make a transaction after you open this email.<br>
Believe me, I am always one step ahead so no way in hell you could fool me. <br>
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will send and publish your videos in no time.<br>
P.S. It's in your power to make it nice for both of us.

01 July 2024

Penjaminan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond Tanpa agunan

Kepada Yth,

Perusahaan Pemerintah BUMN & Swasta

Up                         :  Pimpinan / Finance Manager
From                    :  Beni Nurul Iqram
Contacts              :  0813 8244 0069

Perihal              : Penawaran Jasa Penerbitan Bank Garansi,SP2D & Surety Bond,CAR,CGL,PLI,PII,Dll Tanpa  Agunan ( Non Collateral )

Bersama ini Saya Mewakili PT.SINERGI MITRA GARANSINDO,
Bermaksud ingin mengajukan Penawaran Kerjasama untuk Layanan Jasa Penerbitan Jaminan Proyek / Pekerjaan berupa sertifikat Penjaminan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond Tanpa agunan dan General Insurance ( Asuransi Umum ).
*Berikut dibawah ini adalah Rate Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond :

Adapun RATE Per Tahun untuk penerbitan BANK GARANSI TANPA AGUNAN 100% sebagai berikut :


Jenis Jaminan Bank Garansi

RATE : Bank Garansi

Dokumen Khusus Yang Diperlukan


Jaminan Penawaran
Bid Bond )

3.00 %

Und.Lelang/BA Aanwijzing


Jaminan Pelaksanaan
Performance Bond )

4.00 %



Jaminan Uang Muka
Adv. Payment Bond )

4.50 %



Jaminan Pemeliharaan
Maintenance Bond )

4.50 %

Kontrak & BAST Pek I

*Rate di atas tidak berlaku untuk nilai minimum dan exclude administrasi serta biaya legalisasi notaris untuk SPKMGR

Adapun RATE Pertiga bulan untuk penerbitan SURETY BOND TANPA AGUNAN 100% sebagai berikut :


Jenis Jaminan Surety Bond

RATE : Surety Bond

Dokumen Khusus Yang Diperlukan


Jaminan Penawaran
Bid Bond )

0.30 %

Und.Lelang/BA Aanwijzing


Jaminan Pelaksanaan
Performance Bond )

0.40 %



Jaminan Uang Muka
Adv. Payment Bond )

0.45 %



Jaminan Pemeliharaan
Maintenance Bond )

0.45 %

Kontrak & BAST Pek I

*Rate di atas tidak berlaku untuk nilai minimum dan exclude administrasi serta biaya legalisasi notaris untuk SPKMGR

Referensi Bank Penerbit Bank Garansi / Garansi Bank : Bank MANDIRI, BNI, BTN, BRI, BPD Jatim, BPD Jabar Banten, BPD Kalsel, BPD Kalbar, BPD Sumsel Babel, Bank Syariah Bukopin, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank BCA, Bank Sinar Mas, EXIM Bank, Bank Permata, Bank BII/May Bank, J-Truss Bank & Bank Dinar.

Referensi Perusahaan Penjaminan/ Asuransi Penerbit Surety Bond : Perum JAMKRINDO, Asuransi JASINDO, ASKRINDO, Asuransi SINARMAS, Asuransi RECAPITAL, Asuransi MEGA PRATAMA, Asuransi PURNA ARTANUGRAHA, Asuransi MITRA MAPARYA Tbk, JAMKRINDO Syariah, Konsorsium Jaminan Surety Bond (KJSB), Konsorsium Penjaminan Proyek (KPP), (sesuai list OJK).

Referensi Perusahaan Asuransi Penerbit General Insurance : PT.Asuransi Sinar Mas, PT.Asuransi Central Asia (ACA), PT.Asuransi Mega Pratama, PT.Asuransi Tripakarta, PT.Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo), PT.Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (Askrindo), PT.Asuransi Recapital, PT.Asuransi Purna Artanugraha,Dll.

Demikianlah Penawaran ini kami sampaikan dengan harapan dapat diberikan kesempatan untuk bekerja sama. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan, TERIMA KASIH.

Hormat Saya,
Beni N I | Account Officer
Phone/WhatsApp : 0813 8244 0069

PT.SINERGI MITRA GARANSINDO ,Jl.Kramat Asem,Gg Janur No.7 RT/RW.12/12 Kel.Utan Kayu Selatan,Kec.Matraman
Jakarta Timur 13120