02 May, 2020

Hunting for Miggly-moos

 Mason and McCabe pointing out fresh Miggly-moo tracks and showing off their fighting sticks!

One of the boy's favorite things is when James puts them to bed with a made-up story. To be honest, I think I love them just as much, since his stories remind me of the Marshall Brown stories that my dad used to spin when my siblings and I were small. Without fail, the stories that James fabricates generally have a tense minute or two before resolving everything happily or comically at the end. Most always, the stories consist of three brave boys (with very similar names like Bason, Barlie, and BcCabie) who have some sort of adventure while they fight off the Miggly-moo. We haven't actually seen one yet, but we know from the stories that miggly-moos are generally very large and scary and LOVE to eat little boys. Even though the boys figured out that miggly-moos are actually just pretend (some later than others. Charlie was afraid to go hiking for a while before we realized our folly), we still like to go out hunting for them whenever we get the chance. There is a spot at Tuttle Creek that has been known to be a favorite of these beasts so we go there often.



Birds of a feather

Valentines 2013