Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How i purchase stuff from US websites.

Well, since rmi le plak nanye kat fesbuk cmno I membeli belah dgn jayanya secara maya frm US, jd meh le I buat ala2 tutorial yg tak berapa tutorial ni.

Saya adalah pembeli tegar barangan secara maya. I think semua benda dalam dunia boleh dibeli secara online regardless where you are. Dan I ni plak jenis spesis, kalau dah nak tu, regardless kat mana pun bnde alah tu, I nak jugak beli. I bought stuff frm Hong kong, US and UK before. And use different2 way to purchase. Last time I used to rely on ebay seller yang boleh do worldwide shipment. Memang ada, tapi salunya barang lagi mahal even inclusive the shipment cost. Pastu dia ship using normal post so sometime takde tracking number and may take weeks nak sampai. some did offered ship to malaysia. macam gymboree. but unfortunately, the shipping cost agak mahal i rasa. sebab dia based on your purchase amount and not by qty/weight. and from, they only deliver certain item to malaysia. yang lain, nehiii...

Ini membuatkan si pembeli tegar tidak gembira. Ko Nampak perangai kurang molek ini? Kalau beli barang nak segera sampai. Sebab level kesabaran saya adalah senipis kulit bawang. pastu nak shipping cost semurah mungkin.

That’s when I found my true love. Which is comgateway. Ekceli ada byk je lagi sekufu dgn comgateway ni. But I dah baca byk review and rasanya comagetway ni menepati piawaian.

How to start?

Sonang je. Ko register je kat comgateway. And they will provide you your own US Address. 1 user 1 US address. Based on this US Address yg korng dpt, sila lah membeli belah secara maya secara gembira kat mana2 US websites. And upon checkout, korang masukkanlah US Address korng yg comgateway dah bagi. You can buy as many as you wish from different2 merchants. But only the first 3 shipments je free for consolidation. The additional shipment sampai ke comgateway and kne charge USD1.

I bought from several merchants before. F21, oldnavy & gap (both satu roof. So you can combine either gap or oldnavy in one purchase), zappos, Gymboree, amazon, ebay, etsy, jc penny, and etc (dah lupo!).

Some merchants does accept our local credit card, but some does not. Mcm spanx and kate spade, tak trime ye kad kredit kite. So if you still need to buy stuff from website yg rejek kredit kad mesia wlupun kredit kad ko limit level puluh ribu, you can opt for comgateway punya service which is BuyForMe. Ni dieorg tolong rakyat marhani sekalian yg nak gigih beli jugak but with 10% charge of rege barang.

So, once all your item reach your comgateway punya address, dieorg akan enter dlm system. So korng leh view your account and tau la which item dah sampai kan. Say you buy from 3 different merchants, Amazon, GAP and Sephora. You all can consolidate this 3 shipments which akan jadi lagi murah kalau do the consolidation instead of send ke mesia satu2. Comgateway takkan charge for the first 15days brng you all ada kat warehouse dieorg. After that baru kene charge per day. So better beli serentak all items so leh bajet sampai ke comgateway almost at the same time and leh terus ship to Malaysia.

And from US to Malaysia, dieorg pakai DHL. Sangat reliable. Within 3-4working days je dah sampai. Tu yang I soookak giler.


Ok, there is tax yg kite kne byr to local custom bile bwk brng dr luar mesia. Syarat dia adalah jumlah purchase+shipment not exceeding rm500. I ada baca kat belog somewhere yg she do the open order for Gymboree and share shipments among them. And sadly kena tax. Byk ok. Dlm 10% jugak dr total price.

In my case, I bought stuff exceed rm 1k per shipment, but so far tak pernah lagi kena tax. I tak tau la because I pakai jampi apa ke kan but I guess the trick is like this.

Even I beli item amounting usd400 from gap and oldnavy, I split it into 3 different purchase. 1 purchase not exceeding usd150 la konsepnya. Note: selalunya dieorg offer free shipments within US. Jadi tak kesah la ko split bpe package pun kan?. Then sampai kat comgateway, it will be three different package. And I opt for consolidation. Consolidation ni konsepnya adalah, 3 package ni dikira berat dia sekali. Bukan satu2. So jimat sket kat situ. Sebab insurance and dia terus count weight dia by every subsequent kg. sebab the first 1kg tu yg mahal tu. So when the item reach Malaysia custom,even ko ada 3 package, dieorg akan tengok by package punya declaration form. Since ko dh split tadi, per package just cost like usd150 opkos custom takkan kacau. Kalau satu package ko sampai usd400 mmg la dia akan charge tax, and ko kne gi kastam byr tax. Nampak tak bezenye kat situ? So thts y even I bought stuff exceeding rm1k pn tak kone tax. And another thing, kalau korang beli brng byk2. Misal la kata 30 helai baju dlm satu box, the package size akan jadi besar. And comgateway plak akan caj based on package size or package weight whichever higher. So kang kompom even berat 2kg, but packaging size beso, your shipment price lagi mahal. Thts why its best to split the purchase.

Macam I buat ni :

This is the most recent purchase from oldnavy & gap. Even dr same merchants, I split it into 3. Well, I guess enough for maternity and nursing tops at the moment. Nanti dah bersalin kita sambung balik. And, oh god! Baju baby sgt chomell. Cant wait for the Gymboree!

And look aunty anne! Mama bought me few shirts and jeans for your wedding too. Harap2 muat nak pakai.

Ni ha sape nk sgt tengok my baby bump. Hahahaha.. keji je kan? Tak Nampak sgt pun. Tapi at least korng tak la Nampak bahagian lomak2 kembang2 tu.

Plus! Who ever invented recipe for this durian pancake from Scrumptious Desserts ni memang truly genius. Ahhhh!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Christmas in March!

Semalam adalah hari yang sungguh produktif.
i took the earliest flight from Penang back to this la la land. i' ve spent the weekend at in laws till di hari semalam.
those might be the last flight before saya deliver. dh masuk 28weeks dah. lepas ni tak larat dah kot nak mengharung ke hulu ke hilir naik flight turun naik flight. dah la airport penang under constrcution. macam nak kena sukat satu padang je jaraknya dari departure hall ke gate or dari gate ke arrival hall. semput mak oi. time kasih la staff AA yg super nice membantu saya throught out my pregnancy menaiki katerbang. nak2 staff AA kat penang airport yg lemah gemalai itu. dah la tulisan cantek. cantek je rupa pregnancy declaration form i. nak frame la esok lusa.

right after touch down, i drove all the way to EPF Seremban. dah sampai EPF baru realize tak fotostat ic la, jenuh keluar balik gi fotostat, masuk balik EPF, then gi plak bank. ko tau je la seremban di tengahari sangat hazab. seremban centre ni plak masalah parking boleh buat blood pressure mencanak tinggi.
bukan salu dapat cuti weekdays. time ni la nak settle semua. kalau tangguh2 kang sekali terberanak awal nanti sape nak settle kan?
lepas settle semua, tengok jam dah 1.30pm.
singgah kedai grab roti and yogurt drinks lepas trus je gi KKIA (klinik kesihatan ibu dan anak).
lapar ok. sempat bekfes kat mekdi je sebelum depart pagi tu.
jantung berdebar mcm nak tercabut je bile tunggu result darah.
mati la kalau hb rendah lagi. dah la asyik terlupa je makan ubat for hb ni.
then risau2 gak kena marah berat naik. as of last checkup i gained quite a lot.
selawat banyak2. dalam hati dah kecut perut dah rasa nak pengsan. nak pengsan mak kat klinik tu ha.
alhamdulillah. hb ada sign of improving. weeee... yg recent checkup pun ada peningkatan.
dah la ahkak sebelum turn i tu darah dia tak kuar. sampai dua kali kena cucuk. omaiiii.. i tengok dah dupdapdupdap.. mati la kalau kena dua kali cucuk nak amik darah. ingat tak sakit?
berat jugak ok. hanya gained 1kg dlm masa 4mnggu. terharu mak dengar.
then anther rezeki adalah dpt consultation nurse yg baik.
i plak banyak tanya kat dia. ahahahahha...nurse baik je i banyak tanya. kalau nurse suke bebel2 tu i sengih je cepat2 nak blah. tak kose nyah ni ha kne sekolahkan.
gler gaban penat.

and tak lama lepas sampai rumah...
abang DHL sampai. Oh abang DHL. i lap u till death do us part!

tadaaaaa.. my christmas presents!

ok tipu. christmas present dapat free. ni kena bayar!
well, all four packages all the way from US just took 4 working days to reached me. one happy lady!
giler bukak packages sangat excited ok! padahal dah tau kot apa isi kandungan dia sebab sendiri yang beli.
no..not a Kate Spade Convertible handbag idaman. sebab kate spade punya web super sucks tak leh terime kad kredit selain kad kredit US. durhaka ko kate spade (at least anak i merasa naik stroller kelak. kalau dh beli kate spade, kompom kena postpone lagi tabungan stroller anak).

1) Shuz for both heroes. ok! laki i pun gedik nak kasut macam anak dia. selaku bini yang berhati mulia, belikan la laki jugak sempena eniberseri kiteorg. nasib baik dia tak mintak kasut mahal2. kalau tak mau mak ni tak bernapas nak bayo. apesal anak ada dua kotak kasut, ko jangan tanya. plan to let go the other one sebab time beli, mak rambang mata. ko jangan tanya converse mesia takde ke kasut budak. sebenonye ade, tapi takde size kecik. semua size dia start utk budak dah 4-5 tahun onwards tak silap. ekceli, mak nak belikan kasut ralph lauren. tapi harga agak terkedu. takpe nak, sok lusa bapak dapat bonus, kita mintak belanja ye.

2) yepppp! the baby bjorn carrier. lamo gilo ive been eyeing this carrier. sebelum ngandung lagi i dah tau nak beli carrier ni bile ada anak sok lusa. i memang ober! ekceli, kat mesia ada je jual carrier baby bjorn ni. kat mothercare ada jual Rm399 tak silap. tapi masalahnya, series retro design yg mcm i nak ni takde. cuma yg plain macam anak sheikh muzhaffar tu pakai. selaku seorang emak yg gedik, i nak jugak design retro ni. mmg santek la kaler orange plak tu. 7kilometre orang dah nampak dah.

retro line ni mcm limited edition kot. sebab tu tak sampai mesia. oh anak ku! berjaya gak omak ko membeli. jenuh dah bapak dan omak ko ni kuar masuk baby shop nak cari baby bjorn carrier retro design ni. pastu omak pun give up and beli je la dr US.

3) baby bottles and soothie! apesal gambar taknak betul pun i tak pasti. well, jumlah botol susu anak setakat ini adalah 6botol. harap ini mencukupi and should lasts him for another 6months perhaps before kita tukar ke botol yang lain. well, i wasnt a big fan of Avent. so i opted for Dr.Brown. Dr.Brown plak kat Mesia a bit pricey. you can get 3 bottles in US for the price of 2bottles kt mesia. ekceli kt US, Dr Brown ni amatlah fames ames berbanding Avent. Avent ni i rasa kt UK kot yg fames. Kalau korang tengok Discovery Home & Health (Channel 733), mostly pasal citer orang branak tu i could said, 90% semua pakai Dr.Brown. Dr.Brown ada built in vent to reduced colics. nak pilih susu anak pun kena study weh. bukan main rembat beli because tengok orang lain beli, ko beli. ekceli, botol susu pun ada premium punya level gak. tapi tang tu tak mampu beli la. just harap anak kurang colics la bile minum pakai botol ni. Sebenonye eyeing nak beli baby glass bottle by Dr.brown as well. tapi since not sure sapa nak jaga anakanda tercinta selepas dilahirkan esok lusa, kang makcik jaga ke, nursery tu ke tak nak handle glass bottle mcm mana? sebab dr.brown glass bottle ada protection sleeves yang kena bukak2 time nak strelize, nak panaskan susu etc. kang jatuh berderai plak botol anak omak ni. botol ni pun dah dapat kelulusan incik suami. incik suami jenuh study konsep air-vent ni then baru bagi approval. Kiki Pura bottle tu pun cute. note: cute sebab cantek, bukan ada air-vent controller whats not. tapi kalau yang itu, approval di tolak mentah2. siap bagitau pasal corrosion, bla bla bla..
this soothie (yg kaler ijo tu) pun i baca review sangat bagus. ni pun terpengaruh lepas tengok citer-citer kat discovery home & health. most hospitals kt US provide this kind of soothie for newborn. tapi hanya boleh pakai up to 3mnths. this soothis unlike normal pacifier. this helps in calming the newborn. so far kedai baby yang i jumpa hanya kat the first year, the curve. one pack rm27. tapi since i dah place order for bottle dr US, baik i terus je add in this soothie. baru bape dollar je kat sana.

4) Maternity & Nursing tops. phewww! ini barulah untuk mak. so happen old navy & gap ada sale time 29 feb aritu sebab leap year kejadahnya. so, price adalah sangat menawan. rembat 5helai terus. and sekarang tangan tengah gatal nak place order lagi. nak beli sket lagi baju maternity and baju utk anak jugak. i pening pala nak pakai baju gi opis sekarang ni. how la to kaya like this?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ini sudah kronik.

Saya mengidap penyakit pelik. Sangat pelik sampai bingung nak mengubatinya.

So sesapa yang tau apa ubatnya, tolong bgtau. Tp takat ceramah2 zuhud ni dah biasa sangat dengar. Dah jadi immune.

Penyakit kronik ni adalah dimana ai akan end up membeli baju/tudung/shawl or pape je yang ai berkenan, with same design tapi kaler lain-lain. Omaiiii! Ape ko ingat laki ko datuk K ke nak buat penyakit jadah ni?

Apeke dahsyat sangat pun tak taula. Contoh2 yg masih ingat :

I bought this shawl before and suke giler and bought all the 6 designs with different kaler. Gigih tak?

I bought this inner neck from AHC. Mmg best gilos ok. selese. I bought 5 helai tapi of course kaler lain2. And sure before ko beli ko akan kata, great! Boleh pakai time ko pakai baju sekian2 but brapa lame je before kejadah inner/tudung lain keluar? *but i kembang idung time i gi jog aritu akak tu puji and tanya cane nak beli inner neck cenggitu*

And I just bought 3pcs of tunic yg sama pesen tapi lain kaler. Yellow,orange and red. Fancy kan my wardrobe?

Oh myyyyy.. bile nak insap?

Baru je malam tadi membebel about the savings for coming raya. Errr… dah tu haruslah put aside nak bagi bebudak & orang2 tua duit raya kan. takkan la nak buat kering je. Gulp! And I was like what the h***. Byk giler nak pakai duit raya nanti. And was like ok, I insaf la cenggini. Tak mo belanja2 benda tak sepatutnya. Yeah rite! Mcm pg tadi bangun terus lupa cita2 itu. No wonder suami ai hanya gelak bila I cakap I insap lepas calculate bajet raya last night. Aiyooo..bile nak kaya?

p/s: just bought the paper bag version of the mini shopaholic. Dah ai ni cheapskate kan haruslah tunggu paper bag version. Serious, Minnie adalah comel! Ko reti nak pakai designer enbeg time ko umo 2 tahun? And Becky membuatkan ai kepingin anak fomfuan seramai mungkin.

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