Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Halloween. Mostrar tots els missatges
Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris Halloween. Mostrar tots els missatges


Halloween songs for kids: cançonetes d'Halloween en anglès

En Halloween... cantem en anglès -il·lustració de Kate Frolova-

Anem a cantar en anglès, doncs així aprofitem la festa de Halloween, per a practicar un altre idioma. Us proposem tres cançonetes. Apa, anem a cantar!

Halloween Night

So you feel so safe tonight,
I know something you don't know
Don't get distracted, keep your eyes on the show
We've taken over halloween, tonight belong to us
We bring you here, to sell you fear, and you give us all your trust

Tonight, is the night of your screams, tonight, it's halloween
Tonight, beware of your dreams, we see you, we scare you,
No one's safe tonight... it's halloween night!

Creeping down the alleys, into your darkest dreams
Nightmares fill your head, and nothing as it seems
You think you know wjat's going on, but now you'll know the truth
The star of this horror show... tonight is you!

Tonight, is the night of your screams, tonight, it's halloween
Tonight, beware of your dreams, we see you, we scare you,
No one's safe tonight... it's halloween night!

Screaming in fear, it's just your imagination
Holding you near, I'm your mind's creation
Listen my dear, I need you to love
It's all so clear, the message that we give
You if you listen...

Tonight, is the night of your screams, tonight, it's halloween
Tonight, beware of your dreams...
We see you... scare you... no one's safe tonight
We know you... we'll show you you... that all is not alright...
It's halloween night!

Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.

Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.

Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.

Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.

Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.

Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Who are you?
I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate.

Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.
Knock knock, trick or treat?
Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.

Baby shark halloween
Baby shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Baby shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Baby shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Baby shark.

Mummy shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Mummy shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Mummy shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Mummy shark.

Ghost shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Ghost shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Ghost shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Ghost shark.

Pirate shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Pirate shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Pirate shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Pirate shark.

Cowboy shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Cowboy shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Cowboy shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Cowboy Shark.

Princess shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Princess shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Princess shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Princess shark.

Halloween boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Halloween boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Halloween boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.

Trick or Treat boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Trick or Treat boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Trick or Treat boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Trick or Treat.

Getting dark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Getting dark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Getting dark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Getting dark.

What’s that? Boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
What’s that? Boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
What’s that? Boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
What’s that?

Swim away boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim away boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim away boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim away.

Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster.

Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster.

Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Swim faster.

Papa shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Papa shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Papa shark boo boo boo, boo boo boo boo boo.
Papa shark.


Dos fantasmes van poemant entre murs i castells

S'apropa el Dia dels Morts -per a altres halloween- i sembla que els fantasmes ja han planxat els seus llençols per sortir i atemorir-nos...  Però nosaltres, amb els conjurs dels versos, no els tenim gens de por.

Dos fantasmes

Aplega l'hora tardana
a les voltes del castell
ni poncella ni donzell
ni un senyor que tot ho mana.
Entre torre d'homenatge,
la muralla i l'aljub,
endevino, quant de gust,
em vindrien dos fantasmes.
Un de prim, amb mala traça,
amb més ossos que aixopluc,
l'altre gras, potser més ruc
per saber qui és qui empaita.
La foscúria com davalla
de la torre mai guanyada,
on la lluita, a tall d'espasa,
va fugir, ara com calla.
Els fantasmes ara surten,
van prenyats de poc encís,
acabat el paradís,
ara baixen, ara pugen.
El gras portant cadena,
l'esquifit només llençol,
van de plany, vénen del dol
sense ordre ni bandera.
Udolen a mitja nit,
després ve quan singlotegen,
ni treballen ni maregen,
només viatgen sense crit.
Abans, eren a les festes
més amables del castell,
ara, només veuen vells
qui ensarronen a les nétes.
Els parlen de mossegades:
cames, braços, mig matar;
vèieu, ni saben anar
a fer mal, aquests fantasmes.

La il·lustració és de Maria Surducan.


We write,we read and we sing poems Halloween / Escrivim, llegim i cantem poemes, preparant Halloween

Un any més anem aprofitem Halloween per a jugar amb la poesia en anglès. Podem llegir poemes, cantar-ne i també escriure'n -inventats o copiats-. Us proposem que que dibuixeu en un full o una cartolina una imatge que faci referència a Halloween -carabassa, fantasme, bruixa, mòmia i tota la resta d'imaginaria monstruosa- i dins escrivim el poema. Després fem una exposició amb tots ells. 

Al blog trobareu molt poemes i cançons de Halloween i, a més, ara en hem seleccionat uns quants més.
Could Be Halloween
Yowling, prowling, growling cat
Why do you switch your tail like that?
Why do your eyes flash gold and green?
Could be--must be--Halloween!
Slinky, inky, blinky cat,
Why do you arch your back like that?
What scary creatures have you seen?
Could be--must be- Halloween!

Magic Mommy Kisses
(or A Halloween Good Night)
Each night I tuck you into bed
I brush my hand across your head
and in each tiny little fist
I place a magic mommy kiss.
Full of love and hope so bright
To keep you safely through the night,
Mommy kisses in your hand
To guide you off to slumberland.
If you should dream of monsters mean
Or witches with faces masked in green,
Of snakes that squeeze you oh-so-tight
Or darkness with no sign of light..
When nightmares hold you stiff with fear
A part of mommy still is near.
Just open up your hand and blow
One mommy kiss and nightmares go.

B is for broomsticks witches to fly,
O is outrageous spooks that go by,
O is for orange pumpkins so bright,
These are the signs of a Halloween night.

This is Halloween
(Dorothy Brown Thompson)

Goblins on the doorstep,
Phantoms in the air,
Owls on witches' gate posts,
Giving stare for stare.
Cats on flying broomsticks,
Bats against the moon,
Stirring round of fate-cakes,
With a solemn spoon.
Whirling apple parings,
Figures draped in sheets,
Dodging, disappearing,
Up and down the streets.
Jack-o'-lanterns grinning,
Shadows on a screen,
Shrieks and starts and laughter--
This is Halloween!

No Tricks - Just Treats!
(Grace Mandry)

It's Halloween - and the sounds are frightening
With cats and bats - and thunder and lightening
With moans and groans and screeches and growls
Screams and shouts, and shrill shrieks and howls 
Yet children in costumes still playfully trot
From house to house and block to block
Not fearing the spirits, translucent in flight
Or the "ghoulies and ghosties," which glow in the night
The children don't run - They've no reason to hide
They anxiously knock and await what's inside
They know that their bounty will be a real treat
As they watch their bags fill up with candy and sweets

I finalitzem el post cantant Shake Dem Halloween Bones, de The Kiboomers:

Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Let's shake them skeleton bones!

The toe bone's connected to the foot bone,
The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone,
The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone,
Let's shake them skeleton bones!

The leg bone's connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone,
Let's shake them skeleton bones!

The hip bone's connected to the back bone
The back bone's connected to the neck bone,
The neck bone's connected to the head bone,
Now shake them skeleton bones!

Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Let's shake them skeleton bones!

Come on all you skeletons! Let's shake them skeleton bones!

The head bone's connected to the neck bone,
The neck bone's connected to the back bone,
The back bone's connected to the hip bone,
Let's rattle them skeleton bones!

The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone,
The thigh bone's connected to the knee bone,
The knee bone's connected to the leg bone,
Let's rattle them skeleton bones!

The leg bone's connected to the ankle bone
The ankle bone's connected to the foot bone,
The foot bone's connected to the toe bone,
Let's shake them skeleton bones!

Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Them bones, them skeleton dry bones,
Let's shake them skeleton bones!


Adivinanzas de Halloween / Halloween Ridles

Adivinanzas en la casa de los monstruos -il. Toru Fukuda-

Qualsevol moment és fantàstic per fer festa i jugar amb la poesia. Halloween és una festa que res té a veure amb les nostres tradicions, però sabem que cada vegada més ha anat colant-se per les aules, així que hem fet una tria d'endevinalles amb els personatges més populars i monstruosos de Halloween.

Voy de pasillo en pasillo,
atravesando paredes,
vestido únicamente
con sábanas o manteles.
Es una hortaliza naranja y sabrosa
que en Halloween viste tenebrosa.
Duermo del revés,
vuelo a raudales,
y en mi nombre
lees todas las vocales.
Nunca bebe limonada,
sino una bebida roja.
La luz no le gusta nada
y el ajo le da congoja.
Juegan los monstruos con las adivinanzas -il. Jan Dolby-
Entre pócimas y ungüentos,
y algún que otro maleficio,
ser la mala de los cuentos
ha sido siempre su oficio.
Voy atornillado
de la cabeza a los pies.
Me llaman Franky
y no soy punky.
Viven en el cementerio,
son flacos y patitiesos.
El perro del tío Quiterio
está loco por sus huesos.
Es un esqueleto,
aunque no loves,
porque va vendada
del derecho y del revés

Una calabaza llena de caramelos y adivinanzas -il.Silvia Cheung-
Mi avión es una escoba,
negra y fea me verán,
persigo siempre a la hadas
que al verme se espantaran.
En tu cama no me meto
a menos que me haya muerto,
que no podre dormir despierto
y me tendre que estar quieto.
En la noche ves mi vuelo
No tengo plumas sino pelo
En mi boca tengo colmillos
para morder a niños pillos
mi primo es el ratón
y en Halloween asusto un montón.

Halloween ridles -il. Chris Dickanson-

Com que, a més, Halloween és una festa molt anglosaxona podem aprofitar per a practicar el nostre anglès, amb humor, amb aquestes tontes endevinalles:

  • Why didn't the skeleton go to see a scary movie? He didn't have the guts.
  • Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch? At the casketeria.
  • Why was the mummy so tense? Because he was all wound up.
  • Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party? A. He had no body to dance with.
  • What's a Vampire's least favorite song? Another one bites the dust!
  • What do you call a witch who likes the beach but is scared of the water? A chicken sand witch.
  • What does a ghost call his mom and dad? His transparents.
  • What did the skeleton order with his drink? A mop.
  • Why didn't the skeleton marry his girlfriend? Because he didn't have the guts to.
  • Why did the mummy get a headache? Because he was GOBLIN his candy!
  • What did the witch say when she fell in the moat? My eels are killing me!
  • What do you call candy corn? Pumpkin poop!
  • What do you get when you cross a vampire with a mummy? Either a flying bandage or a gift wrapped bat!
  • What did one vampire say to the other? Fangs aren’t what they used to be!
  • What do you call a vampire that’s always feeling peckish? Snackula!
  • When do werewolves go trick or treating? Howl-oween!
  • What should a short-sighted ghost have? Spooktacles!
  • What did one ghost say to the other ghost? Do you believe in people?
  • What are ghosts' favorite kind of streets? Dead ends
  • What tops off a ghost’s ice cream sundae? Whipped scream.
  • What is a vampires favorite holiday? Fangsgiving
  • Knock, knock! Who's there? BooBoo who? Oh, I'm sorry....I didn't mean to make you cry!
  • Knock, knock! Who's there? Olive Olive who? Olive Halloween!
  • Knock, knock! Who's there? Witch. Witch who? Witch one of you can fix my broomstick?
  • Knock, Knock! Who's there? Ivana. Ivana Who? Ivana suck your blood!
Bienvenidos a la fiesta del terror! -il. Chris Dickanson-


Halloween amb poesia / Halloween con poesia / Halloween with poetry

Halloween amb poesia -il. Claudia Souza-

Cap festa millor que Halloween per jugar amb les cançons i poemes en anglès. Hi ha un grapat de cançonetes i poemes infantils originals al voltant d'esta celebració i hui volem compartir aquest poema popular, Cinco calabazas / Five little pumpkins:

Cinco calabazas
(poema popular anglès)

Cinco calabazas sentadas en un banco
La primera dijo,” se esta haciendo tarde.”
La segunda dijo, “Hay brujas en el aire.”
Dijo la tercera, “No nos importa.”
La cuarta dijo, “Echemos a correr.”
La quinta dijo, “ Yo quiero divertirme.”
“oo-oo,” dijo el viento y la luz se apago.
Y las cinco calabazas comenzaron a rodar.

Five little pumpkins
(popular English poem) 

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said, "oh my it's getting late."
The second one said, "there are witches in the air."
The third one said, "but we don't care!"
The fourth one said, "let's run and run and run."
The fifth one said, "I'm ready for some fun!"
OOOhh OOOhh went the wind
And out went the lights
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.


Passegen les bruixes entre la poesia: poema d'Isabel Barriel

 Ja s'apropa Halloween i les bruixes estan observant a quins xiquets/es espantar... Aneu amb compte!

Passegen les bruixes
i volen trobar
nens o nenes
que es deixin espantar.
(Isabel Barriel

La il·lustració és de Özlem Akin.


Halloween poetry and songs for kids

Cantant en Halloween (il. Aaron Jasinski)
Halloween té les seues pròpies cançons infantils i poemetes. Cantem? En Halloween Song podeu trobar les cançonetes i poemes que hem seleccionats i molts altres més. Al blog també hem anat pujant-ne: Halloween Poetry and Songs for Kids.

Podeu acompanyar aquests poemetes i cançons amb unes simpàtiques i terribles il·lustracions sobre tots els temes de Halloween -calaveres, carabasses, bruixes, vampirs, esquelets, xiquets disfressats, mòmies, etc)

Halloween Surprise
(es canta seguint la música de Sing a Song of Sixpence)

First you take a pumpkin

Big and fat and round
Then you cut the top off
That will make a hat
Then you hollow out the
Nose and mouth and eyes
Now you have a Jack-O-Lantern
Halloween Surprise!


Safe Treats

(es canta amb la música de Frere Jacques)

Never eat your treats
Never eat your treats
Till their checked
Till their checked
Show them to Mommy
Show them to Daddy
Make sure they're safe
Make sure they're safe

Three Little Ghosts

Three little ghosts on Halloween night; saw a witch and freaked in freight.
The witch just laughed and shouted BOO.
One ghost ran home and then there were two.
Two little ghost who shiver and shook, with every single step they took;
When the door opened wide "A scary goblin stood inside"
One ghost said to the other "I'm going home and stay with my mother."
One little ghost can't have much fun, so he ran home , then there were none.

A Pumpkin is a Pumpkin

A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a white ghost. Whooooooooo!

A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a scary monster. Roarrrrr!

A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a black cat. Meow!!!!!

A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin
A Pumpkin is a pumpkin and not a cackling witch. Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee. *
In the sky on Halloween,
Many funny things are seen.
Bats and ghosts and goblins too,
Hope they don't come after you.

"Halloween is Coming" 
Halloween is coming,
Halloween is coming
Skeletons will be watching you (make circles w/ thumb and index finger as in watching)
Big black bats and witches hats OOOOOOO,
Halloween is coming Halloween is coming
Skeletons will be watching you

"There was an old witch"

There was an old witch
Believe it if you can
She tapped on the windows and she ran, ran, ran.
She ran helter-skelter
With her toes in the air
Cornstalks flying
From the old witches hair.

"Swish" goes the broomstick
"Meow" goes the cat
"Plop" goes the hoptoad
Sitting on her hat
"Whee!" chuckled I,
"What fun, what fun"
Halloween night
When the witches run.

Una coral per a Halloween (il. David Roberts)

If You're A Ghost and You Know It
(es canta amb la música de If You're Happy and you know it)

If you're a ghost and you know it,
Just say Boo
If you're a ghost and you know it,
Just Say BOO
If you're a ghost and you know it and you really want to show it...
If you're a ghost and you know it just say BOO

If you're a black cat and you know it
Just say Meow
If you're a black cat and you know it
Just say Meow
If you're a black cat and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're a black cat and you know it Just say Meow

If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones (shake your body)
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
And you really want to show it
If you're a skeleton and you know it,
Wiggle your bones.

If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three (all 3 actions in order of appearance)
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three
If you love Halloween and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you love Halloween and you know it
Do all three

The gosth goes BOO

The ghost goes BOO
The ghost goes BOO
Heigh Ho it's Halloween
The ghost goes BOO
The witch goes HE HE
The witch goes HE HE
Heigh Ho it's Halloween
The witch goes He he
The cat goes MEOW
The cat goes MEOW
Heigh ho it's Halloween
The cat goes MEOW
The owl goes WHOO
The owl goes WHOO
Heigh Ho it's Halloween
The owl goes WHOO


Jugo de tomate draculino: canción para no asustar a los niños en Halloween

Hui volem compartir amb tots vosaltres un vampíric regalet que ens ha fet l'amic Carlos Blanco Sánchez. Una cançoneta per a ballar en Halloween, eixe dia especial en que els monstres, els difunts, els fantasmes i vampirs, les bruixes i les carabasses... prenen vida. Amb humor i xuclant tomaca... us presentem un poema terrorífic.

Jugo de tomate draculiano
-Preparando Halloween, porque en la escuela todo es posible-
(Canción para no asustar a los niños)



Con el jugo
de dos kilos
de tomates

Drácula está en la cocina
y allí cocina
a su antojo.

Hace un jugo
una pizca
de pimienta
y me mira
de reojo.

_¿Quieres un poco?
-me dice-
_¿Solo un poco?...
¡Pues qué poco!...
¡O lo tomo todo entero,
o le echo un mal de ojo!

Volen els vampirs per la nit -il. Alex Andreyev-
Se lo dejaré probar,
pues lo ha hecho con cariño
y prometa no asustar
ni a las niñas,
ni a los niños.

_¡Claro que lo probaré!...
Solo un sorbito,
ven aquí!...
Que tienes manchado el cuello.





Halloween Songs for Children and Teens: cançons infantils en anglès per a Halloween

Happy Halloween with rhymes and songs

Per tal de celebrar Halloween caldrà aprofitar la pràctica de l'anglès. Us recomanem que entreu a la pàgina de Halloween Songs for Children and Teens. Trobarem un grapat de cançonetes per a Halloween que, a més, podem escoltar. 

Halloween Day

Do you know about a day
That's not so very far away
Everywhere there's orange and black
And chills are running up your back.

Jack-o-lanterns and ghosts and bats,
Witches and goblins and big black cats
Spooky spooks come out to play
On the thirty-first, Halloween Day.

Let's pick a costume we can wear
And all the neighbors, we will scare
When at their door we trick or treat
And they will give us something sweet.

Jack-o-lanterns and ghosts and bats,
Witches and goblins and big black cats
Spooky spooks come out to play
On the thirty-first, Halloween Day.


Els vampirs xuclen... poesia! / Los vampiros chupan... poesía!

Vampirs, xucladors de versos -il. Lou Romano-

Els vampirs tenen, en general, molt mala fama (cal dir que guanyada a pols després de moltes novel·les i pel·lícules), pero no tots són iguals. Hi ha, inclús, vampirs vegetarians, amants del sol i la platja, sempre mirant-se en els espill i els encanta l'all-i-oli.

Ara coneixem, a més, vampirs poetes i trovador. Us presentem El Vampiro Negro, una cançó de Pescetti que segur us encantarà:

El vampiro negro

Yo soy el vam­piro negro, que nunca tuvo padres,
nací en una incu­ba­dora y solito me crié.

Escu­bidú, bidú, bidú bidú bidú…
escu­bidú, bidú, bidú bidú bidú…

Yo soy el vam­piro negro, que nunca tuvo novia
y cuando tuve una ¡la san­gre le chupé!

Yo soy el vam­piro negro, que nunca tuvo coche
y cuando tuve uno ¡las llan­tas le pon­ché! (/las rue­das le pinché)

Yo soy el vam­piro negro que nunca fue a la escuela
y cuando fui a una ¡a todos asusté!

Yo soy el vam­piro negro, que nunca tuvo profe
y cuando tuve uno ¡los pelos le paré!

Yo soy el vam­piro negro, que nunca tuvo casa
y cuando tuve una ¡de un por­tazo la tumbé!

Si quie­ren visi­tarme les doy mi direc­ción:
“Cemen­te­rio 13, tumba 22".

Però, tal vegada, amb els cabells eriçats, els ulls fora d'òrbita, la pell de gallina i tots asustats no voleu saber-se'n res de vampirs i bruixes, de tombes i esquelets, de por i terror. Aleshores...
La nueva canción del vampiro
(Luis Pescetti)

Un vam­piro de dien­tes muy podri­dos
negro, peludo, muy feo y cal­zo­nudo.
¡No existe!
Una bruja volando en una escoba
que carga una bolsa para lle­varte.
¡No existe!

¡No es cierto!, ¡no existe!,
me tapo los oídos,
no te escu­cho, es men­tira,
es pura por­que­ría,
lo que estás diciendo
no existe, estás min­tiendo.
No te hare­mos caso,
Lara lero, di lo que quieras.

Enton­ces, esque­le­tos que salen de su tumba
haciendo mucho ruido de pura bru­je­ría.
¡No existe!
Un dino­sau­rio grande y peli­groso
que está escon­dido y viene a ata­carte.
¡No existe!

Ja sabeu! estem començant a preparar el Dia de Difunts - Halloween, per als anglosaxons- i ens encanta ficar un poc de música i poesia per protegir-se de la por.


Children's Halloween Poetry and Songs: enllaços de poesia i cançons per a l'aula

 It's Halloween (Debbie Terry)

Cal aprofitar qualsevol esdeveniment i festa per a gaudir de la poesia i de les cançons i ara tenim ben prop la festa del Dia de Difunts, que en anglès és Halloween; així hem pensat que tal vegada seria interessant introduir la poesia en anglès en aquests dies. Si el que necessiteu són il·lustracions per acompanyar els poemes i cançons us recomanem que punxeu ací i en trobareu un bon grapat (del blog d'il·lustració que també editem, Pinzellades al Món)

Links of poems and children's Halloween music


-The Holiday Spot

-DLTK's Holiday Activities for Kids


-Halloween songs

-Halloween treats

-Scary Poems

-Spookified Songs

I us fiquem un poemeta per anar obrint bocs (acompanyat del trio d'esquelets cantors) 

Skeleton Xylophone
Ding, dang, dong!
Crackle a little song!
Use your bones
As xylophones
One went crack, what’s wrong?


I una proposta d'activitat: per què no fem un acròstic de Halloween?. Podem agafar qualsevol de les paraules que populars d'aquesta festa i intentar escriure algun poemeta en anglès, com per exemple sleeping, pumpkin, ghost, monster, bat, witche, black cat, eskeleton, vampire, trick or treat, etc... Us fiquem un exemple, basant-se en la pròpia paraule "Halloween":

Halloween is dark and gloomy,
And a scary trick or treat,
Lots of children scaring adults,
Lovely costumes to wear,
On the table a scary pumpkin,
White ghosts all round,
Eek a witch by a cauldron,
Enough of all the costumes, they are scary,
Night time is scary on Halloween.


Children's Halloween Poems / Poemas de Halloween para niños / Poemes de Halloween per a xiquets


Aprofitem també la festa de Halloween per aprendre poesia en anglès. Us recomanem unes quantes webs on trobareu moltes, moltes poesia i cançons populars per a xiquets i joves en anglès: disfresses, monstres, carabasses, fantasmes...

-Halloween poetry

-Children's Halloween Poems

-Halloween poems


Us desitgem un feliç Halloween poètic!

Happy Halloween
(Linda Aymond)
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In the sky the full moon shines bright.
Monsters creeping about through the night.
Ghosts and goblins, vampires and mummies
Searching for goodies to fill their tummies.
A knock on the door, "What's this I hear?"
Is this an evening to be filled with fear?
But, there is no reason to feel fright.
It's only a fairy ready to take flight.
"Trick or treat," is their song.
A few pieces of candy
and the gremlins are gone.
Feliç Halloween
Al cel la lluna plena brilla.
Monstres rondant a la nit.
Els fantasmes i follets, vampirs i mòmies
A la recerca de llaminadures per a omplir els seus estómacs.
Un cop a la porta, "¿Què és el que sento?"
És aquesta una nit per estar ple de por?
Tanmateix, no hi ha cap raó per sentir por.
És només un conte a punt per emprendre el vol.
"Trick or Treat", és la seva cançó.
Uns pocs trossos de caramel
i s'han anat els Gremlins.

A més, per a passar-ho bé us recomanem aquests enllaços on podeu jugar tirant carabasses als fantasmes o pegant-li granerades de bruixa als mateixos fantasmes. I si el que voleu és cantar, per què no fer-ho amb aquest karaoke de monstres i zombis:


Children's Halloween Poetry and Songs / Poesies i cançons infantils en anglès per a celebrar Halloween

En aquests moments de l'aldea global, la comunicació instantània, internet, la publicitat, el bombardeig comercial... conviuen una barreja de les nostres tradicions i de tradicions importades. Aquests dies sentim molt parlar de Halloween, una festa que ens ve de fora, però que poc a poc anem implantant. Nosaltres som de celebrar la Castanyada i el Dia de Difunts, però sabem que a moltes escoles es celebra Halloween. Podem aprofitar les disfresses i les rialles dels xiquets per aprendre en anglès poemes i cançonetes. Qualsevol festa és bona per a passar-ho bé i gaudir de la poesia, en aquest cas de la poesia infantil en anglès.

Us recomanem uns llocs on podeu trobar-hi poemes infantils i cançons sobre Halloween, alguns d'ells creats per xiquetes i xiquets:

-4 The teacher: ací podem trobar, a mes de cançons i poemes per a celebrar Halloween, endevinalles, dibuixos, trencaclosques (amb esquelets que ballen), jocs...

-Alphabet-soup: molts poemes, senzills

-Mamá Lisa's: cançons de tot el món, també per a Halloween (ja hem xerrat en altre post del blog d'aquest pàgina que ens pareix molt interessant).

-E-card: molts poemes escrits per xiquets i xiquetes. A més, podem enviar postals electròniques

-Haikus poemes: haikus infantils sobre el tema de Halloween

-Halloween: cançons infantils sobre el tema, amb lletra, i que podem escoltar

Us fiquem per anar obrint boca del que hi ha en aquestes webs, uns poemes infantils al voltant d'aquest Hallowen:

Halloween Night
(Caitlin, age 14, from Brandon, Manitoba)
Moonlight eyes,
And face of white,
Scared to death,
On Halloween Night.
Bloodshot eyes,
And face of blue,
This young man,
Is scared stiff too.
Vampires strike
And werewolves howl,
The air is haunted,
With hoots of an owl.
Only one hour left,
You think in fear,
In only one hour,
Morn will be here.

Trick or treat
(Victor Meldrew)
When the little boys and girls
Knock at my door for candy
I must give them what they want
“Or else” is their modus operandi
So with a false smile I comply
But under my breath I pray
That by the time Christmas comes
They’ll all have tooth decay

(Rachel Anne Lippard)
Bats fly into the sky.
Flip flying into the clouded black eye.
Cats tip toeing across my toes.
Into the witches hands they go.
Ghosts say boohaunting kids and scaring adults.
Vampires fangs suck bloodturns the victim into what it was.
Say goodbye to what you heard
Goodbye to cats, ghosts, bats, and witches.
Goodbye to you and good luck on halloween night.
Ha Ha Ha

Les il·lustracions són d' Heather Castler.