Friday, October 19, 2018

Sparkling Peacock Mandala

I  realised just now that I never  posted  the finished picture of Peacock mandala.  Here it is.  I really enjoyed stitching this mandala.

Monday, September 3, 2018

It has been more than a year since my last post.

  So far, 2018 has been a year in which I have lost some close family members.  I lost my sister in early January, a cousin in June and my brother-in- law in July.

This year I want to finish at least one Chatelaine Mandala.  I have been working on Sparkling Peacock Mandala whenever I could.  Initially I was hesitant to post a picture of it.  I am stitching this on 28 ct. Tantalizing Tangerine.  I am sure many would not have chosen this color but once I started it, I really like it.

This mandala has lots and lots beads, and, IRL, it really sparkles!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

There seems to be a misconception that I like to stitch ONLY samplers.  It is not true at all.  I like to stitch various kinds of charts...  In my stash, I have charts/kits from Mirabilia, Lavender and Lace, Dimension , to name a few along with several samplers.  I am attracted to a design by the beauty of it, not because it is charted or reproduced by a certain designer. 

Several are surprised that I do not frame all of my work.  I get pleasure from stitching.  So I stitch for my own satisfaction.

To prove that I do stitch other charts, here is my recent finish, Tiger Lily from Nora Corbett.  Since this is an OOP, I could not find the chart any where. I was thrilled when one of my friends offered to  send me her copy.  I finished this a few weeks ago but am posting it only now.

Monday, March 6, 2017

A ten year WIP bites the dust.  I attached the last bead on Chatelaine Mystery X  and am very happy that I have one less WIP = :)

Not a great picture but then  this is the best I can do.

Monday, February 6, 2017

For a change, instead of starting a new sampler, I decided to work on a 9-year old WIP....  a Chatelaine garden.  I had left it out in the open hoping that, one day,  I would be guilted into working on that.  Sure enough, last week I felt  the urge to load it into my scroll rod and work on it.  I  havemade some progress.  If I keep at it, I may be able to finish it in a month or so.

This is Victory Garden, formerly known as Mystery X.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ann Forfitt

A few days ago, I started  Ann Forfitt by Hands Across the Sea  Samplers.  I am stitching this on      52 ct Lakeside linen with NPI.  Not much progress and I may never finish this but I will work on this  (and a few others) whenever time permits.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

A New Start  - Polly Phillip

I have been fascinated by Polly Phillip from The Scarlet Letter and added the chart to my stash a while ago.  I decided to take the plunge  and started her  a couple of weeks ago.   I decided to go with 40 ct and am using AVAS.

I am enjoying this so far.  Since there is a lot of over one,  It is going to be very slow going.  After a comment on FB, I started doubting myself and was wondering if I was naive to think and I will be able to finish this.  But I decided to trust my gut feeling and stick with this.  I will work on this on and off and hope to finish in my lifetime. If I don't, well,  I wouldn' tbee here to see what happens so it really doesn't matter, does it?