This week we stopped by the hospital and had lunch with Dad.
The kids loved getting to hang out with all the doctors. They took over the lounge and the doctors were taking them all over the floor to find treats. It was pretty cute. The highlight of this week was Rilyn's big trip to the dentist. For the record she has been to the dentist but this time she had a cleaning, got x-rays, and had an exam (every other time she has just had an exam) and she did so good. We went to a pediatric dentist so everything was her size. I was a little nervous because they just take the kids back and the parents have to sit in the waiting room until they're done and then the dentist lets you know what he found. Rilyn's check up went perfect and they said her teeth were awesome. Yea! We also made some cute mailboxes so the kids can get love notes everyday until valentines day.
They love getting their little treats and all I have to say is thank goodness for pinterest because I would have run out of ideas after the first day! Now we just have a week left before we can have some real fun! We're just a little excited for that!