Now that I have lived outside the US, I understand that the States protect their domestic products by limiting imports that compete and that is how it should be. Of course, that makes it hard to find the equivalent of US things--like Muenster Cheese--because I could not compare NZ and US products side by side.
When I was growing up in Indiana, I think my most favorite fruit was Naval Oranges. I loved the taste and remember the juice running down my arms in the summertime. For special occasions, I loved it when Mom would make Ambrosia Salad with Mandarin oranges putting my favorite flavor in a sweet side dish from a can. To me, a girl who has always had trouble thinking outside to box, being from a can made them exotic and, by extension, special since they came all the way from China!
So, imagine my surprise when I found them at every grocery store in New Zealand, sold in bins just like any other fruit! That may not sound anything but ordinary to others, but I was absolutely shocked!
Imagine that.
I have since gotten used to buying them and they are a preferred fruit in our house since they peel so easily but, I really wish my mind would think more laterally.
Oh, well.