Thursday, May 16, 2013


Life has been good.  I got a 4.0 this semester!! WOOO!!!!  That is even with 15 credits, and I only have 9 more until I graduate!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!  Life is so great.  I am trying to get more into a habit of cleaning and being organized because, let's be honest, I am not the most tidy person.  I set up a schedule for cleaning my house, and for cleaning the bathrooms, and vacuuming.  It is lovely.  I just do it, and then check it off a list.  I don't know why that is so exciting for us women. 

I got to go see my good friends Rebecca and Michael.  IT WAS SO GREAT TO SEE THEM AND THEIR HOUSE!  I had to tell them, but as I was driving around with them in the car, my heart was so happy.  I just have these times where I feel so extremely happy, and it is when I am with the ones I really love a lot, when I feel the spirit, and after I exercise.  My heart does cartwheels and skydives, and jump rope, and flies.  It is the best feeling.

I have been meeting new friends, and trying to get some exercise groups going.  I can't tell you how many people I have talked to this last week about becoming a personal/group fitness trainer.  There are so many options!  Oh...maybe I did not mention that...I want to be a trainer!  It is quite a crazy story actually.  I was getting that disease where you worry about what comes after college, and looking all over the internet, when I happened upon an article about how to become a personal trainer.  Out of no-where, and I mean NO WHERE, I got that feeling.  You know, the one where you know that you are being guided.  I was so surprised that I had to say a quick prayer to make sure that I was feeling what I was feeling.  You see, I am not the fitness type.  Everyone who knows me, knows I loved soccer, but that is about it.  I never loved running, I never really liked exercise, and I have asthma, and a bad back and feet problems.  So you might be thinking what I am thinking, "um, that might not be the best career for you."  Well, it felt right, so I am going for it. 

I was kind of struggling with how this career path would tie in with my Spanish, and with a family life, but the more I talk to my professors, and the more I think about it, and make plans, I can see how it will work really well!!  I am so excited, as you can probably tell!!! 

I will finish by telling you the cool experience I had reading the scriptures this morning.  I was reading in the words of Mormon.  He was talking about how the Lamanites and Nephites were fighting, and in the end he says that king Benjamin was able to establish peace in the land.  Do you know what came to my mind?  I have always been a firm believer that an individual can change because anyone can change through the power of the Atonement.  Christ suffered so that we could overcome our sins, and be strengthened by our faith in Him and his Atonement.  I realized that my faith in the atonement had not extended to society, but only to the individual.  As an example, I always talk about our society now as a horrible world, and the future as dim.  I realized that the prophets talk about a positive future, because they have faith in the Atonement, that it can change not only one single person, but a whole society or nation.  King Benjamin, through his faith in the Savior, was able to establish peace in his society that was just traumatized by war.  That is so amazing to me.  Once again, Christ shows me that his Atonement really does touch so much more than just my sins and suffering.  It helps me to see the light and happiness of a future that can be bright!

P.S.  the post title:  No I do not believe that men came from apes or monkeys. 

12 days of Christmas for my husband

Don't even worry, I am completely aware that it is May, but you see, December was kind of a crazy month for me, so I will now post what kept my month moving.  I had planned this before I had all of the pregnancy stuff happen, so some of it didn't go through as planned, but it was still fun for me and him.

I had a brown paper bag for each day.

Day 1: On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me
unbreakable, unshredible, floss to make me happy, and smile with glee!
So you are thinking, why is that even cool...well it was driving my husband crazy that the cheap floss would just shred in his may have had this happen?  Well, I decided that was one thing he would definitely love.

Day 2: On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me....2 tickets to the Hobbit for whatever day in January :)
He really wanted to go see this movie, and so did I.

Day 3: On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me...three kisses cause I have to wake up so early...
And he really did have to wake up early for work.  I gave him chocolate kisses, and real kisses.

Day 4: Christmas flowers
 Day 5: Special nights coupons and some sparkling cider.  I made the coupons.  They were for back rubs, some fun dates, a coupon for me to make his favorite meal...etc.  He loved them.

 Day 6: Socks.  I didn't grow up in a family where you have a lot of socks, but my husband LOVES them.  So I got him some more.

Day 7:  Well this was suposed to be a fun little game with the family the theme was going to be 007, and Justin was going to have to guess who was the spy as we went out to a show and had treats together.  I was still recovering from surgery, so I couldn't make the trip.

Day 8:  8 love messages written on the mirror.  I couldn't walk very well, so I had my little sister in laws help me with this one.  We have a big mirror in our hallway, and I narrated to them from the other room what I wanted to write, and they wrote it.

Day 9: a 9 minute massage

Day 10: 10$ gift card to a restaurant

Day 11:  I gave him 11 chocolate truffles.  Yes, he did share :)

Day 12:  I got him the 12 datz of Christmas from the Dating Divas website, and then a 12 month subscription to the Ensign magazine.

It was so fun to see how excited Justin was every day to get his gift.  I have to thank my friend Rebecca for suggesting the idea.  It was all definitely worth it.