Friday, March 27, 2015

Please sir, don't make me eat more

Let's face it...for most of us, vegetables aren't the first thing we grab for...

Sometimes they even seem like strange galactic life forms. Like these carrots! Did you know carrots came in different colors!?  If you love veggies, know what they are all called, and dream about eating them sometimes...then I think you have already learned your lesson, you can stop reading now. 

are those people gone?

Now we can get to business.  Eating vegetables for the rest of us, isn't always easy.  For me it was because I never learned to really cook with them.  They were usually the side dish, and if I had the choice I wouldn't take a lot.  Unless it was broccoli covered in cheese that is....

Well I thought I was just destined to not eat veggies or enjoy them until one day, a good friend of mine told me something I will never forget. 

I had tried acai juice for the first time, and thought it was disgusting.  I was telling this gentleman (a friend) about it, and he said "Well you know Camille, taste is something you acquire.  Perhaps you just haven't acquired the taste for it yet."  Was he an acai advocate?  Did he love all things healthy?  NO!  He just had wisdom.  His years had taught him something I didn't know yet, and probably wouldn't be able to articulate today if he hadn't said it to me.  I have found that statement to be true! 

So... to acquire the taste...we need to eat them.  We know that vegetables are so good for us, and necessary, but to re-learn 100 new veggie super recipes can be hard and costly.  Some end up being disgusting anyway and that never helps!  So here is my suggestion that has been working well for us.  Just make your favorite recipes with more veggies.  Here are some examples:

  • Scrambled eggs with yellow squash, onion, or even green bell peppers.  If you really want to use leftovers you can stick in broccoli or even cauliflower.  Trust me, eggs and veggies taste great.  plus if you really hate veggies, you can blend up eggs and cauliflower for example, and not even think twice about them being in there.
  • Breakfast burritos- same idea just add a tortilla and maybe left over rice or quinoa.
  •  Tuna Fish Sandwiches- You might have figured this out, but any type of green can go well on tuna fish.  Lettuce, or even collards (but I would suggest steaming them just a bit because they can be bitter.) try chopping up cucumber into little pieces, salting them lightly and them mixing them in.
  • Salads- these don't have to be made just with lettuce which can be boring to eat repeatedly.  Salads can be with harder veggies that are either cooked or raw, and you can still use your favorite salad dressing.

  • Lasagna- I love adding zucchini and yellow squash or even replacing the meat with those.  You just cook them up with salt and then add them to the red sauce.
  • Soups-my lifesaver, my leftover dream!  Let's say you are like me, and you bought a bunch of vegetables because you know you should be eating vegetables, but the end of the week comes and they are going to go bad soon if you don't use them.  Enter soup- the magical place where any veggie can be used up before expiration day.  Seriously.  I love soups.
  • Tacos- I know it is breaking some unwritten rule, but stick some more veggies in that taco shell!  You can even replace the meat with some black beans (Just moosh 'em up, and season with your favorite taco seasoning) for a vegetarian style taco.
  • Hamburgers- have you ever tried grilling up some veggies and putting them on your hamburger- okay!  Ultimate yum.  Just don't use stringy veggies or else you might have a serious eating mess on your hands.
  • Pizza- I know you are looking at the screen weird.  Just try it.  Throw some veggies on there.  You can do it.

Yes yes, of course I do not LOVE vegetables yet, but I am learning to.  I definitely LOVE these meals I mentioned above. With these tips you can be well on your way to acquiring the veggie taste- and who knows....maybe some time soon you will hear yourself say "Please sir, may I have some more?"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Courting: Solid Assurance

Welcome to adulthood.

Well, sort of.  We are all trying to become something, but sometimes, knowing what that something is, can get a little frustrating.  Whether it is deciding about dating, major, or even pursuing a masters degree sometimes life feels a little unsure.  I have had people that come out of high school, back from their mission, or even graduates from college, and they ask me "now what?"  or "I feel like I had such direction, now I feel lost in the crowd."

Well don't worry- we all feel that way.  I KNOW!  That is not comforting- but that is why I have a little reminder for you, a way for you to have a solid assurance in your not so sure life.  If you have read my other posts, you might know what is coming....drum roll............

Did it hit you?  This is the ONLY thing that will always be there.  HE is your Solid Assurance.  The closer you come to Him, the more confident you will be.  I will even dare to say, the closer you are to Him, the more productive you will be, and the more happiness you will obtain.  Really? 


"...If we will lift our hearts to the Lord during those (dark, bitter, or unsure) times, surely He will know and understand. He who suffered so selflessly for us in the garden and on the cross will not leave us comfortless now. He will strengthen, encourage, and bless us. He will encircle us in His gentle arms."
-Henry B. Eyring (March First Presidency message).

Here are some ways that I was able to come unto Him in an unsure time for me.

1. Read the Bible and Book of Mormon

2. Participate in the institute choir or other uplifting clubs (not only did I feel a profound love for the Savior through music and fun service,  I made some wonderful friends, and was easily able to invite people of other faiths to come and see.)

3. Help your Ward (Did you know that if you serve some of your fellow ward members, it is as if you are serving the Lord?  Don't know where to begin?  Just ask Leaders.  They don't have to give you details, but they can give you the people you will bless and be blessed by.  I can't tell you how many amazing friends I made this way.)

4. Thank the Lord for everything.  (I had this job that most people....when I tell them that I worked there, they apologize and feel pity for me.  I remember however that during the time I was employed there, I would just thank God everyday for that job.  It helped me earn money, come to know people, learn new things that I hadn't learned before...and every time I said a sincere prayer of gratitude for that job, the Lord filled my heart with the spirit and this amazing...just beautiful, simple, and pure joy.  Yes it didn't turn out to be the best job or even the most ethical place to work...but it was given to me! So whether it is for your working body, or even for the hilarious moment of wearing your slippers to work on accident, if you pray and thank Him for it, you will feel closer to Him.)

Do I always know what I am doing or where I am going?   No way Sally Mae. Bad joke.  I may not have heavenly direction in everything that I do, but I do have great landmarks to guide me.  That is the result of our Solid Assurance.  It is like going on a path that you are not sure of and seeing a little sign every so often that says, trail this way!  You can think "Phew!  I am going towards what I wanted.  Wasn't sure after that scary buffalo!" 

Keep on going!  Look for your landmarks.  You can have FULL confidence in God.  Even if the buffalo is chasing you....and your scared...and tired....and super frustrated.  End of extended metaphors.  

Now see if you can find all of my hidden links. The brethren always say it better.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Teen: What is Super Dating?

"Will you be my girlfriend?"  

I stopped dead in the middle of the note.  This wasn't some message from a crazy boy that I didn't know, this wasn't a scary man, this was a guy that I actually liked...a LOT!  I already knew my answer though because I had made the promise to myself that I would NEVER have a boyfriend in High School.

No I didn't say no because of my religion.  I didn't even realize that it was stated clearly in the text For the Strength of Youth that we shouldn't steady date during our High School days.  I had decided for one reason only...I had two people close to me that I had watched growing up.  One had not dated seriously in High School.  He seemed to have so much fun, going to parties, dances, and different events with lots of girls.  It seemed like a more social life.  The other person I knew had a girlfriend, and they were always so secluded.  There was more drama in their relationship, and it didn't seem that fun.  If I was going to have to go through High School, I wanted to have fun.  So I chose.

It was the best decision I ever made.

But how does one not have a boyfriend/girlfriend in High School?  I mean, with the example of the guy I kind of do have your favorites.  You know, people who really stand out from the others.  You might even see it really going somewhere with them.  Well, whether you are wanting to follow the prophet, or just because you want High School to be more fun and social- here is my solution for you.

Super Dating.

That's right.  Just imagine Dating with a red cape.  That's all it is.  It is everyone's favorite superhero.  It rescues even the most lonely person, and leaves them with a smile.  The idea is simple.  Just think of MICE.  I am not saying that you have to have a mouse on your date- but it does stand for what you need to do to have a super date.

Many or Few, more than just two

So the first requirement is pretty simple.  To have a Super Date, you need to grab either one buddy or many, and all get a date.  This makes it super because all the pressure is off of you.  If you all carry the weight, then it makes the date more fun FOR EVERYONE.  Really.  Promise.  Another part of this is to go with many different people.  If you ask someone on a date who is not in your friend group...or even someone who hasn't been asked on ANY dates EVER, you'd better let me know.  You will be advanced to the Super Duper Daters club.  This is only for the elite

The second is interaction.  Have you ever tried to talk to someone while they were playing a video game or watching a movie?  Either you feel like you are in zombie world or they ask "what?" a million times.  If you want a super date, it has to be one where people are interacting.  You know talking, playing games, poking at each other, saying cheesy puns.  You get the idea.  Why is this necessary?  Because it has been clinically proven to improve the experience of a date by *200/2%.  I am not saying that you can't watch a movie or go to a concert, or play video games,  but that should be only a small part of the date.  Otherwise it will lose it's SUPER status. don't get worked up by this one.  Some of you are thinking "It takes me forever to think of something cool," or "Where do you buy creativity?"  The truth is, that we live in a day where their are millions and millions of date ideas out there (meet my friend google), all you have to do, is make it fit to your liking.  So let's say you want to go get ice cream as a group, and you all really like superheros.  Well you could all go get ice cream dressed up as super heroes???  Now maybe that's not your style.  You are more athletic than dramatic.  Well for you super stars, you could go on a bike ride to the ice cream shop.  Same location, different dates.  Get creative- let your imagination go wild!  Think of new places to visit, or how to make the same places you always visit a little bit special.   

Before you think by writing "energizing" that I mean you have to sweat, and workout...let me clarify.  To energize means to give life and enthusiasm to.  To who???  YOUR DATE and YOUR GROUP.  If you leave a date feeling groggy and like it really wasn't that fun, usually it was because of what you did.  Either their was not enough interaction time, or what you were doing wasn't lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy (look that up in the dictionary!).  So when you are planning, try to make sure that there is some energy in there.  That it may leave people feeling good. you are still feeling lost?  Well, just for you, I will be doing a Super Date series where I post some fun ideas that others or myself have done- as well as some creative ways to ask for a date.  Oh, and you don't have to wait for a dance to ask people in a fun/special way because you are now officially a Super Dater.

*No animals were harmed in the process of this dating experiment.  Results may not be accurate, but mostly we felt it was a no-brainer.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Couples Foundation

And now my married couples, remember, 
remember it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ,
 the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation.
Helaman 5

     The most important foundation for a couple is Christ.  When Christ is in a marriage it has the power to dull negative things according to how much Christ is in that marriage For example, if I am doing the basics- reading the Bible and Book of Mormon, praying, serving- even if it isn't with my whole heart- I have found it dulls my fear and anxiety.  It can weaken my selfishness.

Recently, as Justin and I have started trying to do these things with real intent or with our whole heart, dulling of negative continues, but enhancing the positive is really starting to amaze me.  Christ is taking our family and not only changing us, but enabling us.  

This all began with a sincere examination of my own priorities.  I started to see that I spent hours on Facebook in a day, yet scripture study happened at the end of the day when I was too tired to think straight.  That affected me pondering the truths God has for me within his divine scriptures.  I also was in such a hurry each morning that we either skipped personal and family prayers, or said them really quickly.  We were doing them but what was our reward?  Not the same as those families who truly put the Lord first. (We found just waking up 15 min-30 min earlier has been a spiritual game changer.)

If you are having a hard time in your marriage, I would suggest first putting the Lord as your first priority.  Look at your day and see what fills your time.  If it is your job, kids, Facebook- then I can't help but think you are normal.  However the Lord wants a peculiar people.  Here are some ways that we, family, and friends have tried to make our lives and ourselves a bit more peculiar. 

1. When on lunch breaks- either read your scriptures or ponder some things that you have read during your own recent scripture study.  Discuss it with others.

2. Set rules on Facebook time for yourself as well as family members.  Come up with activities to fill that time.  Consider creating just one account for your spouse and you.  This can build trust and create a feeling of "no secrets."

3. Memorize short quotes from General Conferences. Teach them to your kids (yes it is possible!)

4. Don't be afraid to experiment.  If morning family scripture study isn't that uplifting (because no one is really awake) try it before or after dinner time.  Maybe you both just need a good shower to be more awake in the mornings before you begin.

5. Before family prayers take the time to ask if anyone needs a special blessing or help that they would like to have in the prayer.

6. Try other activities other than just watching movies.  Read books together, play games, sports, or other active things. (I am re-learning how to love playing card and board games...ha ha)

7. Read uplifting stories from family members who have passed on (ancestors).  Show pictures of them, and read their personal testimonies of Christ.

8. Be aware of  the blessings God gives to you in a day, EVERYDAY.  How you could miraculously get that parking spot, or pay that unexpected expense, or run into that person that you had been thinking of.  Thank Him, and you will feel Him more in your life.  This in turn blesses you and your marriage.

**Final personal observation
I have noticed in my own marriage that when Christ is not as much the center in my life, that I start seeing all of the differences that Justin and I have.  (I mean in a negative way.)  It is so easy for me to think- "Oh he doesn't understand," "Why does he do that," or even whip out the old evil "because he's a man" card.  When Christ is made The Master in my life then I start to love and admire Justin's differences, and see how truly similar we are.  Isn't that interesting?  Food for thought.

How have you made Christ THE foundation in your family?  What do you want to change?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

It's my birthday week!

In honor of my birthday week I have decided to write a post. 

Current price of Haagen-Dazs ice cream 4.99 (or 2 for 7 if your lucky :))
Gas prices: 2.07$/gallon
Other famous Pisces people: George Washington and Albert Einstein

Thank you for reading.

P.S.  I am starting a blog in Spanish.  Happy Week!


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Benefits of a Year Without Sugar

So many people have asked me about my year without sugar, and as I started writing a response to my grandma, I felt this would make a great blog post to answer questions people had in general.

Q: How in the world did you do it?

A: Well honestly I had a reward.  My husbands end of the deal was that he would pay me what I considered a worth while amount.  That money had to be earned outside of his regular job, so knowing that my husband was going to be paying me, and that he would be putting in extra time outside of his 40 hour work week really helped keep me going. 

The other part of it was...I didn't go completely without sugar.   I just didn't eat any cake, candy, ice cream etc.   If I wanted to make some pancakes and waffles, I had maple syrup.  I ate fruit, and on my birthday my husband and mom got me sugar free ice cream (which isn't worth it trust me.  blah.  gross- but really sweet of them both to get me something).  

Other than that it was just deciding to do it.  I was lucky because my husband really was SO supportive because he knew that I had wanted to do this for quite some time.

Q:  What differences have you noticed now that you have gone a whole year without sugar?

A:  Well I definitely have a lot more energy!!  My grandma asked about my skin, and yes it has been clearer.  Justin turned to me just the other day and said, your skin just looks better and better.  *blush* 

One of the biggest differences is that I can't handle crappy treats anymore.  They taste disgusting.  I am satisfied with only a little bit, but it has to taste really really good, or else I don't want it.  I know it is sad, but I don't think I will eat another oreo, reeses, or even utah truffles.  I like true dark chocolate, cheesecake, and rich ice cream.  But only a little- can't handle that much anymore.

That is another difference.  I don't feel guilty with what I do eat because I am in control.  Before I would just eat and eat and eat.  Now I eat slowly and I enjoy it.  When I am done there is no after thought like "you shouldn't have eaten that" or "well you better go on the biggest loser" or "that's it, now you've done it, you have to run an extra mile!"  Okay those may be exaggerations of what it was like for me before...but sometimes....that really was what I felt.  You get the idea.

Q: What did you learn about yourself?

A:  I was surprised to find that the hardest part in the first three months wasn't necessarily that I wanted what everyone else was having, but that I felt in a way I was withholding love by not eating what was made for me.  I quickly learned however that there are more meaningful ways to show my love than by what was at the end of my fork.

I also was amazed that I didn't need those things.  I really thought I needed them before.  I learned that I could go without it.  That is awesome.  Seriously. 

The last thing that has been so good is being willing to give those things I do receive to others.  I found that I am really if I got cookies from someone they were MY COOKIES!  I am not sharing MY cookies with ANYONE!  Now I don't feel that way.  I am happy to share and actually often times I am grateful to share because I can't eat it all by myself.

Q: Are you coming back to the sugar world?

A:  No.  I will be eating sugar, but I am changing what I eat for good.  If I am at a party where you are, don't feel bad if I don't reach for the store bought cookies or the box made cakes that you brought. My tastes have changed- but don't worry, I still love you! I am trying to only eat ingredients that I know what they are.  Perhaps there are a few things I will still enjoy dairy queen ice cream cake.  We will see.

Q:  What is your big goal next year?

A:  Well Justin and I are not going out to eat for the whole year.  I KNOW!  It's crazy, but I am excited for a new challenge.  (the only exception to this rule is if someone gives us a gift card or takes us out which does happen maybe once or twice a year.)  We also are going to both set two more goals since we want to up our game.  And the reward?????  There just might be a long anticipated trip is in store if we meet the goals.  *big smile*

I know that New Years Resolutions get a bad wrap which is why I try not to call them that.  I am calling them year changers.  It does change your year to make goals that cause you to stretch and look outside yourself. Year changers don't even have to last a year because you might get a hang of something sooner that a year.  If after three months you have mastered your goal, evaluate and set new goals or additional parts to a goal so you can keep challenging yourself.  I know that God is pleased with goal setting because it makes me grow.  So what are your year changers?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas as I know it

          Christmas has really changed over the years for me.  Events in my past have been December 18th--my ectopic pregnancy, December 20th was when my sister's baby was born that passed away a few months later, and as the year ends, it nears the time when my sister-in-law passed away from brain cancer.  Thinking about Christ has become more important to me because of the joy, and hope He gives me.

I feel Elder Holland said it beautifully

          Brothers and sisters, one of the great consolations of this season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path—the merciful care of our Father in Heaven, the unfailing companionship of this Beloved Son, the consummate gift of the Holy Ghost, angels in heaven, family members on both sides of the veil, prophets and apostles, teachers, leaders, friends. All of these and more have been given as companions for our mortal journey because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His gospel. Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are. Truly the Redeemer of us all said: “I will not leave you comfortless: [My Father and] I will come to you [and abide with you].” 20

 When people see Justin and I, I am sure they don't see us as parents...but we are.  We have children in heaven.  I have had times where I have felt alone, but my heart tells me that I am not.

 On Christmas morning, I plan to kneel in prayer, and thank my God for these trials I have had.  Because of Christ I can see those I love again.  I have angels around me in heaven and here with me in life that strengthen me and love me.   I hope among all the presents and lights and fun, that we all take the time to thank God for the blessings that we have.  Take a moment to feel something.  More Christ, less us.  Christ-más.

Feliz Navidad