First Day of Preschool

Aida started Preschool yesterday. It's a summer program that is 3 days a week for 2.5 hours and runs through the end of July. She has been talking about going to school for months now so I don't think she would be able to wait until the fall, luckily I found this summer program. She has been so excited and I'm happy that she will be able to play with other kids her age.
I dropped her off yesterday and then was like "Now what?" It was really weird driving around and being home without her. Since I stayed for orientation I didn't have long before I had to be back to pick her up but Zack and I were able to take a walk without pushing a stroller for the first time in a LONG time. Today I am babysitting my cousin's kids but tomorrow I think I might go get a pedicure after I drop her off, just because I can. :)