Sunday, February 5, 2012

This is Owen Chance Ellis!! He arrived on September 27, 2011 at 1:32 AM on the living room floor! Let's just say he was in a BIG hurry to get here! He was 8 lb 6 oz and 21 inches long. We love our little "chunky monkey" and are so glad that he is in our family!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Evan's a First Grader!!

Evan had his first day of first grade today! His teacher is Mrs. Chatterley and he was so excited!

We had gone to his open house so he knew where his desk was and where to hang his back pack. He walked right in and was right at home! I was probably more nervous than he was! I did fine until I left, then I started to tear up as I walked back home without my big helper...He did great, but I did miss him at home.

This will take some adjusting, but I think only for me! Evan said when I picked him up, "That didn't take long at all!!"

Evan, we are so proud of you and your love of learning! We hope you always enjoy school as much as you do right now and that you'll always try to learn as much as you can. We know you will do great things in your life! We love you!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Same Old Same Old...

Things here have gotten back into a grove...more or less! Ben is finally healthy! Yay! The kids are all doing well, and I am...well...pregnant. We'll just leave it at that! At this point in pregnancy I start to get really uncomfortable and ready to be done and it feels even more so this time around. The nursery is done and ready for baby...we just have to find out what it is so I can do his/her name in block letters on the empty wall! :) Just a little over a month left (and hopefully less than that!) I have a cleaning list a mile long of what needs to be done and I lack very much the energy to do anything on the list! So I am trying to do just a little bit every day. It doesn't help that, as I pick things up in one room, the kids are somewhere else making another mess! :) Such is the life of a young family I guess!
Ben's Wii modding business is going well. He actually has people that will ship him there Wii from where ever they live (like a guy that is sending his from NY) so that Ben can mod it and send it back. He enjoys doing this and it allows him to be home to help me with the kids and things around here. I must admit...I really LOVE having him here during the day!

**If you don't know what modding a Wii is, go here:**

So, though things may be a bit boring around here, I am glad that they are finally leveling out! We can't wait to meet the new little one that will be here in about a month!! Hope all of you are doing well!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Health Update...

Ben's incision site at his belly button is infected. He has been on antibiotics for about a week now, but is still in pain. The site is still puffy, tender to the touch and is oozing...he is going back to see the surgeon tomorrow. It seems like, where Ben's health is concerned, if something can go wrong, it will!! I just have to keep reminding myself that things really could be worse.

I went to the Dr. yesterday morning...they did a follow up ultrasound after they found I had placenta previa at my 20 week ultrasound. They said that everything looks good with the baby and it is measuring about 4 days ahead. Oh, and the placenta is no longer blocking my cervix! Hypnobirth, here we come! :)

I mowed the lawn this morning...probably not the best idea at 30 weeks pregnant! My back is really unhappy with me!! So, here'st hoping that Ben starts feeling better VERY soon...thanks for checking in on us!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

For Health and Strength...

Well, for those of you who don't know, it's been an eventful past few days! Sunday afternoon our family went for a lovely drive up Payson canyon to check out some camp sites and have a Sunday picnic. On the way home, Ben started saying that his stomach was bothering him. By the time we got home, the pain was pretty intense. I got the kids showered and in bed and by about 9:30, Ben was really struggling. He suggested that we go to the hospital. So, (being the totally awesome wife that I am) I kind of second guessed him. (I know, awful, right?) Ben has dealt with some pretty major stomach pain in the past and we have been to the hospital before, where they tell us it's just "some random virus" and that they can't do a lot to treat it, but that they would still like to admit him to observe him because he has no spleen and they don't want him to go septic. Then they put him in a room and keep him on fluids and sometimes antibiotics and then send him home and charge us a thousand or so for their "help". I just didn't want another huge bill to undertake if it was going to be another "random virus". But by 10:00 it was only getting worse. So we loaded up in the van, took the video baby monitor to the next door neighbor (Thank you SOOO much Cassie for staying up so late just to keep an ear out for our kids!!!) and headed down to the Hospital. They got us in really fast (which was a blessing) and started some tests. Ben had no accompanying symptoms this time (no diarrhea or vomiting which he had always had before) so the Dr. ordered a CT scan this time around. They found a pretty angry appendix there! They admitted Ben and told us they would most likely operate in the morning, after the surgeon came and looked at the scan and talked to Ben. So we got him all settled and I came home to be with the kids and try and get a little rest. My Mom came the next morning to watch the kids while I went back to the hospital.
Ben went in for surgery around 8:30 Monday morning. They were concerned that they might not be able to do the procedure laproscopically because of all the previous surgeries that Ben has had on his abdomen and the amount of scar tissue that would most likely be there, but in the end they didn't have to cut him open (another major blessing!) Ben's Mom and Dad came to wait with me while he was in surgery and stayed for quite a while after he was in his room, recovering. It was so nice to have them there! We are so lucky to have such a supportive group of family and friends!
We were hoping that Ben would be able to come home that evening, but it wasn't in the cards! He just wasn't able to meet any of the discharge requirements, so we felt that he should stay one more night just to make sure that everything was okay.

Finally, on Tuesday morning, Ben called and said that they felt like he was ready to come home. So the kids and I loaded up and headed out to "Go find Daddy!!" as Kaylie put it! The kids were so excited and happy to see Daddy again! We got his medications and headed home. He did pretty well through the day, but was still in quite a bit of discomfort. It was a slightly rough night. I could tell that Ben wasn't really comfortable and so it made it a little hard for me to sleep because I felt so helpless. I can only do so much for him. But we survived! I think he's feeling a little better today, but it will take a long time before he is really back to his old self. He isn't supposed to do any lifting (more than twenty pounds) or strenuous work or exercise for 6 weeks!
Throughout this whole thing, I have been trying to look for the blessings. I am so glad that this happened now and not this weekend when we were on the top of a mountain and quite far away from medical help. Or two months from now, when we will have a brand new baby at home! Can you imagine us both in the hospital at the same time?!?
I am so grateful for healthy strong bodies! I can't imagine what it would be like to care for someone long term with a major illness or disability. I have so much respect for the care givers and family members of people in that situation! My prayers for those people will increase from this point on! I am blessed to live in this day and age, when modern medicine makes such amazing treatments possible.
So, thank you for all of the loving thoughts and prayers that you have sent our way during this trial! We are so grateful to the friends and family who have offered to help and have given their time and service to us! I will let you know how things are progressing!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Look Mom, No Training Wheels!!

We talked to Evan earlier in the year about some goals that he could set to work on during the summer before 1st grade. Riding a bike with no training wheels was top on the list! So last week (on one of the few sunny afternoons we had) Ben took off Evan's training wheels and they got to work!! After trying a few times in the cul-de-sac (unsuccessfully), Ben took Evan to the school field behind our house where there is a small hill. They went to the top and Ben helped Evan get his balance then sent him down the hill! Between the "comfort" of knowing that the grass was there to cushion his fall and the added momentum from starting at the top of a slope, it took Evan about three tries and he was off and riding!! Within an hour he was starting by himself on flat ground. He is so excited to be a two wheel bike rider and we are SO proud of how brave and willing to keep trying he was!! We love you Evan!