Friday, May 23, 2014

15 Months

I’m a little late, but I thought I’d do a quick post to celebrate Stella turning 15 months!


Stella is growing up so stinkin fast. She is walking all over and I can hardly keep up with her. She loves playing out side and stands at the door saying “out-zzzzzd”, her word for outside. She loves to blow bubbles, wave to people walking by, get the mail, swing, eat dirt and sticks, push her baby doll stroller, and point at birds while making her little bird sound.



She loves to play with head bands. In the next few pictures, just know that the head band styling is all her doing.


She has the roundest little belly. I know, this shirt is too small and the shorts are way to big. It happens sometimes when you really don’t want to do the laundry. Of course I wouldn’t take her to the store like this, but I’m glad I have some pictures. It really captures this stage of her life; teetering around with her belly sticking out with a headband messily shoved on top of the hair due I tried to make look nice, soaking up the sun and having the best time. IMG_9541



Being a total spaz and giggling into her hands.





Stella loves knocking on the door. I can always get her to come inside by telling her to knock on the door and then opening it. Don’t mind me.



Here is a quick list of all her words: mama, dadda, dog, puppy, baby, thank you, bird, apple, clean up, tick tock, dinner, snack, nap, more, book, ball, balloon, outside, upstairs, down stairs, shoe, cheese, walk, all- done, duck, nose, eyes, hair, hat, Jesus, temple, hi, no, yuck, wow, ta-da, ya, bubble, banana, up, uh-oh, poo poo, love ya, pop (when she pops bubbles), please, this, that, bump, and sometimes I swear she is trying to say Stella, but I’m not sure yet. She kind of says “bye”, but for some reason it comes out “da da da da” as she waves. She says it with the same inflection as when I say to her “say bye bye da da”. Every morning I pick her up out of her crib and tell her to say bye to her binky and she throws in down into the crib, waves to it, and says “da da da da”.  She has a funny little yodel inflection thing that she does that kind of sounds like the Mine Seagulls on Finding Nemo. She doesn’t know the word “mine” yet, and I hope she doesn’t for a very long time! IMG_9627She loves this little spot on the steps. She always takes toys and food over to that little step to play. Its her little happy place.


She can identify her nose, eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, toes, hair, teeth, belly, and fingers. She loves to sing Wheels on the Bus, 5 Little Monkeys, Patty Cake, Popcorn Popping, the Clean Up Song, and the Itsy Bitsy spider. She likes to make animal sounds and can do a dog, horse, snake, bee, owl, monkey, tiger (she makes this funny little gurgle in her throat and thinks she is growling), and bird.


Stella loves to eat. As you can probably tell by her pudginess. She off the charts, but she always has been and the doctors aren’t worried because her length for height percentile is normal. She is just really tall! She is 26 pounds 10.8 oz and she is almost 34 inches tall.  When she is eating she says “more” and “please” and has started to say “Thank You”, although she also says it when she hands something to Benjamin or me. She also says “mmmmm” when she really likes something.


Covered in beets!



Shove in those green beans!



I thought I had this great idea to let her splash in a little bit of water on our patio. I thought she would love it, but she spent the whole time trying to figure out how to get the water in her mouth. She dumped it all over her self multiple times, each time asking for more after dumping it out.


And I am pretty sure she is working on something else, too.





Stella has always been a little thrill seeker and very adventurous. She is also very mischievous. Put those two together and you have a baby who likes to climb on things just to see her parents reaction. She will start climbing up the stairs, stop, make sure one of us is looking, and giggle and act like we are chasing her. If we don’t acknowledge her, she just stops. But if we look over at her, she starts her little show. Its pretty funny. She also will walk up to me, show me something small that she shouldn’t eat, say “yuck yuck” and then shove it in her mouth and run away giggling with that little trickster look in her eye. One time she even walked over the Benjamin’s bass, smiled at me and sweetly said “no no” and started plucking on the string.

The other day we turned out heads for two seconds and she had climbed the folded up stroller.


She loves to climb onto the landing in front of our door and bounce. I have no idea why, but its pretty cute. In this video she bounces, blows spit bubbles, plays with her tongue, shows off to the people walking past our house, and knocks on the door.

And one of her very favorite things to do is roll and bounce on a freshly made bed. She get pretty silly. I have to apologize for the length of this movie and also the shaky filming. I was concentrating on making sure she didn’t roll off the bed. Watch for the part when she starts yelling out for Benjamin. Every morning she yells out “daddy!” to see if it’s a day that he is home in the morning. Its really quite sweet.

It has been the best 15 months ever. We are still completely smitten by her. Even after 15 months, everyday I am amazed by the little miracle she is in our lives.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Queen of the Dandelions

Stella is all about flowers. She likes to point them out, saying “wower.” For a few weeks we had lots of dandelions in our front yard. One Sunday afternoon I made dandelion crowns for Stella and a bunch of sweet little neighbor girls. They all looked like fairy princesses.





Her concentrating face: IMG_9581




A few weeks later we took a stroll through The Park of Roses. I know she is wearing the same dress. I just love it though. My friend Jess bought it for her. The roses weren’t in bloom yet, but there were plenty of fluffy dandelions for Stella to blow (and eat). Ready for a picture overload?















Stella and Dad. Best Friends Forever.





She also likes her mom quite a bit, humidity hair and all.









My little social butterfly is constantly stopping people in their tracks to say hi to them.



I hope her bright eyes brightened your day!