Thursday, May 27, 2010

Christmas 2009

Lindz and Grandpa

Hayley and Benny

Sam with his Layla

Merry Christmas Ya'll!

Christmas Cereal

Growing up in the Gneiting Household, we never got "sugar" cereal during the year but we each got our favorite box of cereal for Christmas. I have passed that tradition right along with my own family. So....we did get more than just cereal for Christmas but these pics are my fav! Grandma Marilyn
Grandpa with his variety box


Sam and Beef

Me with my Fruit Loops and Ben with his Pop Tarts!

Christmas Eve and Morning

Ethan and Sam slept with Uncle Kip. The boys thought this was so cool AND....Kip helped keep them from sneakin out etc.
Goodies for Santa and his reindeer.

Santa Came!!!!

This is the moment we all wait for. Present Time!

Christmas Festivities

Here we have our Ginger Bread House. Its seems like no matter how much I prepare the house to be decorated, we always have some issue with the flippin roof! We just kinda expect it so its no big deal. The Skinner Fam has become expert Ginger Bread House Fixers!

Sams feet almost touch the floor! SAMMMM stop growing, please!

Melting Pot. This was another part of our 10 Year Celebration

Our 10 Year Anniversary

5 + 5 = 10 hahaha!

Here....we are just been dorks doing the hand poseing thing. For the record, this wasn't Bens idea. haha!

Big Smooch!

These are some roses that Ben suprised me with. The candles on the sides were centerpeices that Dixie made for our Open House in Boise.

Ethan with "The Ladies."
Sooooo Cute!

Sams Christmas Recital
Christmas Lights! Holy Smokes, it was SOOOOO cold!

Aspen, Trae, Ethan and Sawyer waiting for some lunch! hahahha! They are too funny!

Christmas Lights, Hot chocolate and cookies and Hide n Go Seek at the Botanical Gardens! We always have so much fun doin this. We look forward to it every year!