I heard that there's another SEO competition by the end of the year. It was held by somekind of hosting provider if I'm not mistaken. It's called BUSBY SEO COMPETITION and open for all Indonesia citizen.
But I'm less interested since I don't have a friend to compete. My motive is not to win it over some strangers ( I might not win it at all), but friends give you more pleasure. We communicate. 2 friens of mine where we used to run an SEO competition are no longer available. One has leaving Bali, one is in Sanur busy with his work.
Last week I bumped into the SERP of this Busby competition when I searched for the keywords of my IndoSEO.com (Indonesia Search Engine Optimization dotcom). The participants were quite many. I didn't know who the winner is.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Busby Competition
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Bye 2008, Hello 2009
In this upcoming year I will be officialy working as a Web Marketing for 2 years. Same old duties: checking web ranking and traffic at Search Engine, monitoring Google AdWord and analize Google Analytics and reporting to the bosses. Not much SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) work since the company owner is highlighting the marketing and online advertisement for the website.
In this upcoming year I will be already lived in Bali for 3 years. Island in Indonesia where I never think of staying and working before.
Last year I abandoned my IndoSEO project. This year I'm thinking to work on it again. I want to be an E-Commerce Manager after this. Haven't got the chance yet. Hopefully this year. Surely not in this company. I wish that everything is going better for everyone, well .. maybe just for some people, and thats including me.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Exotiq Villa Holidays LAUNCH
Being a website project manager for the first time giving me lots of new experience. How to become a leader, managing time-skill-resource and self learning. I never imagined how the journey would be, but i was ready. Took 3 months to re-designed the company website. Thousand additional functional, script and design changes, and seemed like a life-time web testing. Late hours, weekend overtime, pressure and stress.
Today, October 14, 2008 we all gathered in meeting room at 3rd floor to have the most anticipating moment of a project that spent thousand dollars in the creation process. 12 noon we counted down the time and BOOM! ....
Friday, May 23, 2008
Google Analytics How to: Step 1
Get to know how a website performs in search engine and understand visitor's behavior during visiting web pages. Google provides tools that generate reports on statistics and numbers on a website performance including e-commerce. They are Google AdWords and Analytics. In this topic, I will explain the Analytics first, since we don't need to spend any money to use this Google tool.
These are steps in using Google Analytics:
1. Do you have a website already? If not, make one. Or two.
2. Do you have a Google account? Get your G-Mail email address now.
3. Go to http://www.google.com/analytics/. Login using your G-Mail account.
4. Click the "Add website profile" at bottom left of the page; follow this configuration:
5. Next is to insert the code into the page of your website. If you can't, consult your web programmer.
6. When it' successful, Google Analytics will be able to gather the data within 24 hours. If you want to see it, re-login to the URL above.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
new concept
Monday, October 29, 2007
Necessity of Rich and Unique Content
Content and content
I kind of lazy in writing. but what would SEO be without text?
I hate plagiarism, but i found it easy and a bypass when i have no mood in composing article or no idea what to write.
Google algorithm keeps changing. meta tag then would be meaningless. but if we have a strong content and dozens of articles, our position would be secure. other benefit is that more articles will bring us wider area to expand keyword or target market.
You will be surprised of in what keyword your website is appeared. it might be a term that you never expect or optimize. just like my previous post of Google Top 10 Position
google robot,
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Google Gets Harder
Month ago i lost goddream.blogspot.com. It's totally a copy-cat from other websites to win a keyword competition. Then yesterday i realized that i lost some pages of Exo***holidays in google SERP . And today BENANGRUWET!!!
Good news is.. benangruwet has 95% unique contents, so i just lost the 5%. And luckily Exo*** is just a pilot site where i plan to use it as a media to draw the attention and interest of my colleagues to do a blogging.
Here is a word from google support:
"..in some cases, content is deliberately duplicated across domains in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings or win more traffic. Deceptive practices like this can result in a Poor user experience, when a visitor sees substantially the same content repeated within a set of search results.
Google tries hard to index and show pages with distinct information. This filtering means, for instance, that if your site has a "regular" and "printer" version of each article, and neither of these is blocked in robots.txt or with a noindex meta tag, we'll choose one of them to list. In the rare cases in which Google perceives that duplicate content may be shown with intent to manipulate our rankings and deceive our users, we'll also make appropriate adjustments in the indexing and ranking of the sites involved. As a result, the ranking of the site may suffer, or the site might be removed entirely from the Google index, in which case it will no longer appear in search results..."
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My September Villa
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Live Chat Software
Benefits for Online Sales
• Increase online revenues. Live chat and click-to-call helps you improve conversion rates and increase order size.
• Shorten the sales cycle. Connect with customers instantly with live chat or click-to-call to close on-the-spot sales.
• Increase customer loyalty. Build confidence and trust with your customers by showing them that a live representative is just a click away.
Benefits for Online Support
• Decrease personnel costs. One operator can easily handle multiple live chats at the same time.
• Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. Give your customers instant live help and provide immediate answers to their questions.
• Lower your phone bill. Save money be deflecting 1-800 calls to live chat and click-to-call while promoting traffic to your website.
Live chat software is quick to setup, easy to maintain and affordable.
source: http://www.humanclick.com/
Affiliate: How it works
In affiliate project we can determine which medium that will be considered success, whether Pay Per Click, Pay Per Lead or certain action such as booking. Then we make a payment to the affiliate partner. The percentage can be discussed later. While buying text link ads is starting from $19/month in high Page Rank websites, guarantee to boost our position in top 5, by building inbound links.
More clicks -> More traffics -> More money
Here is one of Affiliate Service in Indonesia i recently join with.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Google Top 10 for various keywords
Just wasting my time without nothing interesting to do, i tried to type in few words in google rankings to find the position of benangruwet.blogspot. Amazed to see the biggest search engine on the internet results, i documented them. Here are the keywords that bring my website blog to top 10: "kompetisi keyword, keyword kompetisi, bali kompetisi keyword, bali pengangguran, kompetisi keyword google".
For "bali google rankings" i'm in 12. "bali keyword" = 29 and "top bali web" = 30. Along with "bulan madu, bulan madu bali" and "hotel murah" in top 10 also. Then i tried to mix and match the words. Again "bulan competition" and "kompetisi bulan" place me in position 5. Its so much fun! I wonder how about the other combinations? hehe.. But some phrases are hard to catch. I've been struggling with "bali web design" for 3 weeks.
Search engine and website optimization are the only things that draw my biggest attention at this time. I find it very intriguing and challenging. I'm not only working here as an SEO, ...