You know that feeling you get when someone comes to visit
Someone important.
Someone who you would want to think you were a really good mother
and you had everything under control.
Someone like maybe a mother-in-law.
You know the feeling you get when that person comes
and your kids are full-on-not-in-a-cute-way
And you know how you feel when
you have 4 time-outs before 7 am
and you go to the store and your kids yell
and pull everything off the shelf
And you keep smiling at this person
like "they really don't always act this way"
and when she turns around you glare at your kids
with all sorts of threats in your eyes and they laugh.
You know the feeling you get when you spend all weekend
telling this person the good things
you've been teaching your kids
and meanwhile they are jumping on the couches
and standing on the table, slamming doors
and sticking out their toungues
Like this is normal.
And you know the feeling you get when this person
still sits on the floor and builds blocks
and reads endless stories
and tells your kids how delightfully wonderful
and good they are.
You know how you feel when someone loves your children
even when they are unlovable
and it makes you love this person more.
I know this feeling
Thank you Grandma Christy for coming to see us
Thank you for being so generous with your time, money
and most importantly with your love.