Friday, October 31, 2008

Spooked much?

Okay, it's Halloween. The pictures are too cute. I'm out of my funk, for the moment!
I bring you the ever-spooky kitty cat...
And yes, I've bought into the cuteness of fish-nets (however, when older than 14 you only wear them to skank up your costume). Carly wouldn't even look at another costume after finding this in our Halloween box. Ashlyn wore it when she was 18 months so my fabulous mom took it to the sewing machine to do it up right.
And introducing the latest and greatest in pop culture, Miss Hannah Montana...
After searching for a H.M. costume and finding only crap that cost $40, we again turned to Grandma's talents and Ashlyn couldn't have been happier. And I couldn't have been happier at the final cost. Dollars, I tell you. She made the jacket, all according to Miss Ashlyn's specifications, and the belt. You can't tell very well, but this girl was sparkling with sequins. So cute! We couldn't wipe the grin off of Ashlyn's face. There was a wig involved for the first few days, but today she decided that she had the right kind of "look" to pull it off herself.

Happy Haunting!

Thursday, October 16, 2008 myspace graphic comments
I have lots and lots to blog about.....but I'm totally, totally bored with it!
I'll see ya when I see ya!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Birthdays and Traitors

Happy Birthday to Shane! He turned 33 years old yesterday and we have been partying for several days!
We tried to surprise him with a couple of gifts, and even got him a birthday pie {apple is his favorite} because he's not a big fan of cake. The girls were very excited about the whole thing. Carly told me we had to have balloons so we did. And although he doesn't get overly excited about anything other than sports {yes, including birthdays--it's a different breed I tell ya} we did manage to get a smile for the picture.
So I considered the birthday to be a success. And then this happened...
My own mother, I'm ashamed to say, shows up at the door with this gift for Shane. I felt like throwing up a little bit. Because I expect more from my family members. Especially when they claim to be Ute fans. Because real Utes don't support or buy Team Down South merchandise. While I'm happy that my mom tried very hard to please her son-in-law and make him giggle on his birthday, I have to say that I'm very, very disappointed.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ties that Bind

Those who know me well are aware of my love for all things warm and fuzzy. Especially blankets. If I were being honest, I'd have to tell you that I have a slight obsession with them. You should also know that it's a rare, rare occassion that I feel like sharing my blankets. Because I like to cuddle them. And it's really hard to nestle your face next to a blanket that may have recently been cuddling somebody else's feet.

While I was browsing the aisle's at Wal-Mart a couple of months ago, something caught my eye. I thought to myself, "could that really be what I think it is". True story. So I made my way over to the fabric department, and it was for real. Honestly. Two of my favorite things combined into one. Flannel and my Utes. I couldn't resist so I bought enough to make a big, new fall cuddly. I even stepped up my game a notch by getting black flannel for the back. See, that would make a double-sided treasure to have and to hold 'til death do us part.

Now that the weather has gotten a bit cooler, I felt like it was time to break out the surprise. I spent last Saturday watching football, and working on my new comfort tool.
Shane tried really hard to act like he didn't like it. But he was totally jealous. I could tell. And by the end of the afternoon he was "trying" it out. Which is fine by me. I'll convert him to my team with subtle ways and baby steps.
So here's to spending future Saturdays wrapped up in comfort. I will love it. And if you want to cheer for my team, I might let you try it out. Actually, I probably won't. But I might make you one of your own. If you're a true fan. And if I like you. Alot.
Tomorrow night's game is HUGE! Oregon State is coming to town and it's going to be awesome. 6-0 here we come! Go....